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Hui Zhang zhanghuidinah
CNCF Ambassador, @NetEase OSPO, @opencurve Maintainer, @chaos-mesh ambassador, Previously @caicloud

@vesoft-inc Hangzhou


Beijing, China

A turtle trying to move forward

qifu.tec shenzheng

梦境迷离 jxnu-liguobin
Scala hacker, working on AI algorithm.


漓江丽火 djx314

HeShan, China

bigcat bigcatpan
The Cat Ate My Source Code.
Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

xiaolang yyh0808
Graph Database Graph Designer

Moewolf China

诺墨 normal-coder
技术布道/独立开发者 / 产品经理 Technical evangelism / Independent developers / Product Director of

OSHCINA · ShenZhen, China

六月暴雪飞梨花 liuyuchuan
My wife & child both healthy & happy & lucky.

GuangZhou Xin'An Data Room 0906, Chinese Academy of Sciences building, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou

Saber tabatabaee yazdi saber13812002
born 1982 MCDBA MCSE MCITP MCSD.Net (2002) Sharepoint & MSPS & CRM Experts im laravel, vuejs, ts & ionic Developer. i love stackoverflow,github,laravel

@bazarshahr Iran Tehran

Mr.AI aqzwy
妈妈 这道题好难


ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


TorinJie ToJ112
coding top 1

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing

Cheng Xuntao xtcyclist
some coding monkey in Hangzhou

Hangzhou, China

panda-sheep panda-sheep
Trying to find my way!

Database Developer Beijing China

大叶 CorvusYe
Now is history !

Xiamen, China

Wey Gu wey-gu
GenAI Lead & Chief Evangelist @vesoft-inc

vesoft, Inc. Shanghai

jingchun.xia xiajingchun

vesoft inc. Shanghai, China

Current Student of Master of Computing in NUS

National University of Singapore Beijing