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Cameron anonymous44401
Hi, Nice to see you. There's not much going on here, apart from some Go and Python. Maybe some Rust. Bye

@realtime-trains-lang United Kingdom

Alvaro Sierra Castro AlvaroSierra
Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineer doing software for @ivaoes and the community.


Vikram Pawar vikrampawar

Rumq London

Kyler Chin kylerchin
Director of @catenarytransit , In my free time: Singer, Songwriter, Producer, former-kpop trainee

@catenarytransit Los Angeles

Noah Evans ThisIsNoahEvans
Developer, working on too many things with not enough time.

@MagickaInteractive Plymouth, England

Luke Deaves LukeDeaves
Automation Developer and Data Engineer

United Kingdom

Leo. leoriviera
heya! I'm Leo, the Innovation Lead @voxa, responsible for building stuff and breaking stuff.

@voxa United Kingdom

Dom Rodriguez shymega
Open-source software developer. Amateur photographer. Opinions are my own, and not of my employer.

@CodethinkLabs Hants, UK

Willow (GHOST) ghostdevv
Well when life gives you lemons


cvang shivangrk
Dreamer, Enthusiast, passionate


Andre Wang UXandre
location-driven software lover

London, UK


Manchester, UK

Sam Allwood SamAllwood
Professional engineer turned urban data scientist, focussing on harnessing the data from our urban transport infrastructure
Chris Wood wood-chris
Project Manager / Data Engineering type guy @EPCCed

@epcced Edinburgh, UK

Chris Khaled chrismalki73

Melbourne, Australia

Sajanraj sajanraj
Titles don't define you; your actions do!

Loughborough University United Kingdom

Dexter Lakin dexterlakin
Software Development,DevOps, Infrastructure as Code, CI/CD, Release Engineering, Security, Compliance, Monitoring and Logging.

Fleet, UK

Alex Kimoto saarcoder
JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, PostgreSQL


Lawrence Job lawrencejob

INTO University Partnerships United Kingdom

Talv talvbansal
Full Stack Developer, Part Time Photographer


Jacob Campbell jacobwcampbell
Computer Science Student