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Adam Bosnjakovic abosnjakovic
things that go beep in the night.

@8seats Sydney, Australia

Grzegorz Wierzowiecki gwpl
just few of my alter-egos: @gww-fuel, @gww-certik, @gww-parity, @gwchsec

Europe - usually: Zürich, Warsaw or Berlin

Helgi hgylfason

RSF Kópavogur

Dorien Grönwald doriengr

visuellverstehen Flensburg

bragamat bragamat
Open source enthusiast!
Daniel Markow danielmarkow
full stack developer, analytics and data engineer

Volkswagen AG Braunschweig

TKnott Tknott95
mostly private repos that will slowly be open-sourced but possibly can be half-baked at times (made some public repos private again. Some may go priv some pub)

Freelance Software Engineer Denver, CO

Paulo R. A. Sales salespaulo
Desenvolvedor desde 2002, amante de desenvolvimento, matemática, física, filosofia, antropologia e espiritualidade! Tudo de bom neste mundão!! :)

Freunde Von Ideen São Paulo

Artem Napolskih Napolskih
Milord Software Engineer

@abak-press @wallarm @tarantool Ekaterinburg, Russia

Kevin Avignon Kavignon
I am fond of making others around me more productive, myself included. Nowadays, I focus on system design, backend, and tooling with Phoenix + LiveView. 🐦‍🔥


Muiz Zatam MuizZatam
Compiling Experiences 🧑‍💻


jongmyeong YuJM
software engineer

Seoul , Korea

Sebastian Zelonka sebazelonka
UI Engineer - Design Systems

Making Sense Argentina

Julius Rickert juliusrickert
SRE at @hetznercloud. RWTH Aachen University alumni.

@hetznercloud Germany

Gabriele Mastrapasqua gabriele-mastrapasqua
Indipendent Software developer and open source lover.

Indipendent Consultant Milan - Italy

daniyal abbaszadeh dnyall
Front-End developer


David Parry suranyami
Polyglot developer, geometric tessellation fan, ambient DJ.

Suranyami Sydney, Australia

Magnus Remøe cestbalez
Materials engineer and full stack web developer. Interested in web-development, encryption and blockchain technology.


XbandoleroX XbandoleroX
Ruby, Ruby On Rails, Rspec, Maths, Science, Chess, Python, ASM, *nix, GNU, GNU/Linux, Archlinux, shellcodes, exploits, bug hunter, 0days
Jaehoon Lee dev-jaehoonlee

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Vishnu Sharma vishnusharma10
Immersed in building potential products over the weekends. @ BuiltByTheWeekends

IDfy India

Nate natebass

Lincoln, California, USA

Billy Laing billylaing
Keeping it simple since 2000.

Atlanta, GA, USA

Jose Maranan jmmaranan

Greater Atlanta Area

David davro
Computers, Climbing, Cars


Martin Karrer bmalum

bMalum Austria

Tony sjBao
🏀 🐕 💻 🏐 🥾


Yavor Dashev y-dashev

@weareevermore Sofia, Bulgaria

Fabricio Magalhães Sena fabriciomsdev
💻 Full Stack Developer 🤖 Python - JS - C#

Stone Co Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Bishal Neupane BishalN
Full Stack Developer
Joël Cartier GorillaCoffee
Elixir, Ruby & App developer @ Rum&Code 🍺 When I'm not coding, I compete under the alias 'root' in Smash Ultimate.


Iván Hernández Cazorla ivanhercaz
Macaronesian alchemist! Digital humanist, cultural heritage manager, Wikimedian and advocate for the open knowledge

@Coruja-Digital Las Palmas de Gran Canaria