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Brian Wilcox briwilcox
Always learning. Professional interests include machine learning, security, anti-fraud, and investing.

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Soe San Win anocendi
Engineering-focused Cybersecurity Professional

San Francisco Bay Area, USA

Brendan Chamberlain infosecB
Blue Team cybersecurity professional specializing in threat detection. Python and PowerShell developer.
Britton Hayes brittonhayes
security engineer @makenotion and audio engineer for fun.

@makenotion Seattle, WA

Mohit Batra mohitbatra

National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) New Delhi

Jihed Mastouri jihedmastouri
Born to Backend, Forced to Tailwind.


Oussama EL GHANNAMI iamoeg
Just a nerd doing nerdy things 🤖


David J. Bourke dbourkey
Data plumber.


Salvatore D'Agostino iToto
Engineering leader & entrepreneur. Currently EM @github Previously: co-founder & CTO @wingocard, EM @InVisionApp, Engineer @cloudflare

@GitHub YUL / SRQ / SFO

Ram rams3sh
Security Enthusiast !! Saddle Addict !!
Yota Hamada yohamta
A software developer in Tokyo. Building Dagu.

Tokyo, Japan

Leonidas Vrachnis lvrach

@rudderlabs Athens, Greece

Michael Harpe harpesichord

@runreveal Virginia, USA

Wooyoung Chung intoxicated
Never give up

San Francisco

Matt Miller MillerMedia
Connecting the world

@Miller-Media Oakland, CA

Evan J Johnson ejcx
There's always more to learn
Alan Braithwaite abraithwaite
Currently building @runreveal
