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Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Finhawk F1NH4WK
Programming everything for everyone!


Personal Tech Genasci
Sou especializado em manutenção de computadores, sistemas operacionais, com mais de 16 anos de experiência, perito e investigador forense digital.

Personal Tech Brasil - Bahia - Lauro de Freitas

Francielly Lima franciellyl
Developer | Big Data | Java | Software Engineer

Santander São Paulo, Brazil

Florian Rakete f-rakete

Rakete Mentoring Vienna

Dietmar Fackelmann fackelm2
Computer scientist, working in the field of Android smartphone forensics

Network Management IT (NMIT) Stuttgart, Germany

Gonçalo Sousa Goncalo-sousa
Digital Forensic Examiner | Master Student in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics

Leiria, Portugal

Roberto de Lima Alcaras robertoalcaras
Roberto de Lima Alcaras - Desenvolvedor RPA

Grow tecnology

GoisNeto goisneto

São Luis, MA, Brasil

Rogério Freire tgyuy

Security Safe Brasil

Andre Mury andremury
Work account. Portfolio account: @Mury12


Sou curiosa, estou sempre procurando algo para aprender e entender.
Christian Santos ChrisFrontDev
Front-end developer

MOSS.Earth Brazil

Pablo Noches pnoches
Cybercrime Investigator | Digital Forensics Analyst | Threat Hunter
Bruno Moreira martechbm
In construction...

Niterói - RJ - Brasil

Prof. JVidal profjvidal
Professor | Instrutor | Orientador de Estágio | Profissional de TI


Andre Pretto prettoandre
Data Engineer ( Clickhouse | kafka | Airflow ) & Software engineer

Porto Alegre - RS , Brasil

Pedro Henrique oqapzin
Web Developer

Brasília, Brasil

Izaías Araújo diaraujo13
I'm a passionate software developer willing to have a positive impact. #TypeScript, React/React Native, Node, PHP/Laravel, Python, PostgreSQL

UNIVASF Petrolina, Pernambuco

Valter Zanetti Junior VZNettiJ

Tribunais de Justiça no Brasil -Auxiliar da Justiça - Perito - Investigação Pericia Forense Digital Campinas - São Paulo - Brasil

DawnMV DaWnReBoRn

privat Tribsees