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Acerola O'Ryan TeukuRyanIskandar
Pierce the Heavens, dive into the Abyss
Salocin.TEN SalocinDotTEN Hacktivist. Coding for Jesus Christ. Items posted here may not represent the views of connected entities.

@FaithTechKL Asgardia.

Ilyas Shaikenov ilyas-mf
iOS Developer


Omar Boshra OmarBoshra
Finding time is one thing , but creating time is another .

sclierbacher landstraße 9

巴魯爾·羅扎克 Bahrul-Rozak
💊 Ex Pharmacist | 👨‍💻 Now Software Engineer | 💼 Then Enterpreneur

Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia

Meher Ullah Khan Raj raj-khan
Software Engineer at @snappymob (

@Snappymob Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Vibek Dutta VibekSM
I code, therefore I am

Snappymob Kuala Lampur, Malaysia

cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

Md. Meher Ullah meher-ullah

Snappymob Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia