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Fabricio Jardin dos Santos FabricioJardin
I'm Fabricio, 25 years old, Software Engineer since 2017, working mainly with NodeJs, ReactJs and Typescript. AI & Web3 enthusiast.

@stone-payments Rio Grande do Sul

Jeziel Lopes jeziellopes
⌨ Software Engineer | 🎓 BSc CIS | 🐧 Bash enthusiast | Passionate about turning business rules into digital solutions.


Alexsandro Silva Alves AlexsandroSA
Malu and Maya's father.

Thoughtworks São Paulo - Brazil

Jonathan Lima jlimadev
Software Engineer passionate about well-designed software and good practices.

@JohnDeere Johnston, IA. USA

Victor Katsuo Yamashiro vyamashiro
Software Engineer | Next.js | React | Typescript | Node | Javascript

Dublin, Ireland

Diego Medeiros dfmedeiros

@powerhome São Paulo, Brazil

Kevin Ferreira ksilvafe
CTO & Founder @co-finampy

Finampy João Pessoa

Marco Aurélio marcoreliodev
Analista de Sistemas focado nas melhores tecnologias de desenvolvimento web.

Paraíba, Brasil

Diogo Braz diogo-braz

GBM Tech São Paulo

Christopher Pottes christopherpottesc
Software developer

Mconf Pelotas - RS

Rodrigo Klaes klaesrodrigo
Technical Lead

Adiante Recebiveis Pelotas, RS - Brazil

Caio Campos CamposCaio
Desenvolvedor Full Stack e aspirante a DevOps.
Rangel Varnier rangelvarnier
Software engineer

@Hotmart-Org Brasil

Jackson Augusto jacksonjr11
Entusiasta pelo ecossistema Javascript . Constância é o segredo para o sucesso.

SOTECH Fortaleza,CE

Cirilo Lourenço Xavier Junior cirilojunior
I love software development. I have been working with this for about 20 years and in this period I have already used various technologies and languages.

Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Alvin Scheibe alvinscheibe
Web developer. Laravel and TypeScript.


Don't worry, be happy!
Fábio Lopes fabioxd20
Software Developer !! ⚔️

@abletech Brasil

Antonio Spinelli tonicospinelli
A pragmatic developer

São Paulo/Brazil

David Azeredo Davispc10
Engenheiro de Software Backend, focado nas tecnologias NodeJs, JavaScript e TypeScript.


Paolo Prodossimo Lopes PaoloProdossimoLopes
iOS Engineer from sunny São Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 | Crafting intuitive user experiences using Swift with UIKit and SwiftUI. 📱✨

@itau Brasil

Gustavo Borges gugahb
Product Manager

Cachoeira Paulista

Gabriel Almeida Gabrielgqa
💻⛰️ Software Engineer ⛰️💻 Javascript | Typescript | PHP | Ruby | Go

Efí Bank Camaçari - BA

Marcos Junior marcosgugs
Engineering Manager at Dental Office

Dental Office São José dos Campos, Brasil

Matheus Antonino matheusTA
Olá, sou engenheiro de software com mais de 6 anos de experiência no mundo Javascript. E um entusiasta das melhores tecnologias de desenvolvimento web & mobile

@abletechteam Recife - PE, Brazil

Elton Gonçalves EltoonGoncalves
Building great products.

3MS2 Montes Claros - MG, Brasil

Alison Pinheiro AlisonPinheiro
Tech Lead / Senior Front End Developer on Cielo

Cielo Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Matheus Bosa matheusfbosa
Software Engineer


Pedro Vasconcelos pedronvasconcelos
Software Engineer - Java/Kotlin and .NET Core =)

Belo Horizonte

Matheus Henrique matheus002
Desenvolvedor na Invillia

Invillia Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brasil

Andre Scherrer andrescherrer

São Bernardo do Campo - SP