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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Dallas, TX

TheKangarooFactory thekangaroofactory
Mostly trying to solve problems, one jump at a time :)


Brice Boulesteix bboulesteix
Freelance copywriter and web editor. @lewagon alumni. Previously @memobank, @etalab and @trainline-eu.


Giorgio Antonelli GiorgioAntonelli94
Junior HR Recruiter @inRebusrecruiting2023

inRebus Technologies s.r.l. Turin, Italy

Alessio Felicioni afelicioni
Linux + PHP + JavaScript + DNS + VoIP + cURL + cron = FUN 🌐 @studiofelicioni where the magic happens ⚡️riding @barroccio Lombardia + Toscana, Italia / Italy

Camille Barneaud gadcam
Checkout @wappalyzer ! That's an amazing tool detecting technologies on websites that I contributed to build

@xatellite Europe

Max Babych mabab
Full stack javascript Developer Ukrainian

Ana Maria Suciu anaalta

Paris, France

Pere Montpeó pmontp19

@decathlon Catalunya

Felix Gündling felixguendling
Co-Founder & CEO triptix GmbH. C++ enthusiast. Swimmer.

@motis-project Darmstadt, Germany