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Andrew Jones aljones15
Full Stack Web Developer with a love of test driven development, statistics & functional programming.

Arlington, VA

JC Castro JC-Castro
Software Architect

Mexico City

Corbett Carrel ccarrel8 Washington DC

Emil Bellmann emilrb

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Glenn Frye GlennFrye

Raleigh-Durham, NC

Salim Addi Salimovsky
Android Native App Architect/Developer


Dave Thomas davecthomas
Software Product and Engineering Leadership

@upside-services San Diego, CA

Benjamin Perrault 918benjamin
Full-stack Software Engineer at Robbie Ai. Recently co-created @nexus-graphql - a tool to quickly generate and deploy a GraphQL API.

Tulsa, OK

Lizzy Mair Neferbeth

Upside Arlington, VA

Nick Kasten kastentx
Software Developer in Austin, TX

Austin, Texas

Marcus De La Garza MarcusDLG
QA Engineer at Upside Inc. Certificated commercial drone pilot. Lover of ramen, wings, and enchiladas!

Upside, Inc. Gibsonton, FL

Joseph E. Jemsley0

Upside Washington DC

Lucas Vieira vlucas-caylent
Sr Cloud Engineer

Caylent Brazil

Illia Mondok imondok
Android Developer

@upside-services Uzhhorod

Boris brssgn
iOS Engineer


Swezey, Matt mswezey23
Full Stack, DevOps, Jack of All Trades SWE

@upside-services ATX

Hyewon Kim hyewonkim024
Senior Data Scientist at GetUpside