Releases: orlikoski/Skadi
Releases · orlikoski/Skadi
CCF-VM 3.0
What's New
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Support!!!!
- CyLR 1.4.0
- CDQR 4.1.1
- Plaso 20171231
- OS Updates
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Information
- Install Google Cloud SDK on host used to control GCP (laptop/desktop with Windows, MacOS or Linux that supports the GCP SDK)
- Download the CCF-VM Cloud image CCF-VM_3.0.tar.gz
- Run the following commands to install and log into CCF-VM Cloud
gsutil mb gs://<GCP Storage Bucket Name>/ gsutil cp CCF-VM_3.0.tar.gz gs://<GCP Storage Bucket Name>/CCF-VM_3.0.tar.gz gcloud compute images create ccf-vm-image --source-uri gs://<GCP Storage Bucket Name>/CCF-VM_3.0.tar.gz gcloud compute instances create ccf-vm --image ccf-vm-image --machine-type n1-standard-4 --zone <GCP zone> gcloud compute ssh ccf-vm --zone <GCP zone>
CCF-VM v2.2
What's New
- Updated CDQR to 4.0.1
- Updated CyLR to 1.3.3
- Created System Services and logging for:
- Cerebro
- TimeSketch
- Celery
- Updated "" script that updates the OS, CDQR, CyLR with one command
- Uploading portion of TimeSketch web UI now works! (NOTE: Must change .db to .plaso for the database file to be recognized by TimeSketch)
CCF-VM v2.1
What's New
- Updated and many bug fixes
CCF-VM v2.0
What's New
- Added TimeSketch!!!!
- Includes Redis & MySQL as well
- Updated CDQR 4.0.0
- Replaced kopf with Cerebro for ElasticSearch DB
- Updated ElasticSearch
- Updated Kibana
- Changed to .zip archive format for the OVF for maximum compatibility
- Updated "" script that updates the OS, CDQR, CyLR in one click
- Added Default Dashboards, Searches, and Visualizations for importing / recovery purposes