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A GitHub Action for letting CODEOWNERS merge PRs via green PR reviews


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A GitHub action that lets code-owners merge PRs via a comment.

This action uses the standardized structure of a CODEOWNERS file to handle the access controls.

A simple example

So, with this file at: .github/CODEOWNERS: @orta

If a PR contained only a change to the - this action would say that "@orta has the ability to merge by commenting 'LGTM'".

Then, when/if this happens the GitHub Action will merge for you.

A real-world example


# Collaborators for Japanese Translation of the Website
packages/playground-examples/copy/ja/**/*.md @sasurau4 @Quramy @Naturalclar @Takepepe @orta
packages/tsconfig-reference/copy/ja/**/*.md @sasurau4 @Quramy @Naturalclar @Takepepe @orta
packages/typescriptlang-org/src/copy/ja/**/*.md @sasurau4 @Quramy @Naturalclar @Takepepe @orta
packages/documentation/copy/ja/**/*.ts @sasurau4 @Quramy @Naturalclar @Takepepe @orta

This allows any of @sasurau4, @Quramy, @Naturalclar, @Takepepe or @orta to merge PRs which affect their areas of the translation process in the TypeScript Website repo. Code owners can use a review, or a comment to merge.

Setting It Up

You want a unique workflow file, e.g. .github/workflows/codeowners-merge.yml

name: Codeowners merging
  pull_request_target: { types: [opened] }
  issue_comment: { types: [created] }
  pull_request_review: { types: [submitted] }

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v1
      - name: Run Codeowners merge check
        uses: OSS-Docs-Tools/code-owner-self-merge@1.6.7
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Then you should be good to go. Note that I might not have bumped the version in ^, so double check the releases.


We force the use of pull_request_target as a workflow event to ensure that someone cannot change the CODEOWNER files at the same time as having that change be used to validate if they can merge.

Issue / PR manipulation

Merging a PR has strict security requirements, but closing a PR or Issue can have a weaker one. Anyone with a GitHub login in the CODEOWNER has the ability to close any PR / Issue via a comment/review which includes:

@github-actions close

A closed PR can be re-opened with:

@github-actions reopen


You can use this label to set labels for specific sections of the codebase, by having square brackets to indicate labels to make: [label]

# Collaborators for Spanish Translation of the Website
packages/playground-examples/copy/es/**/*.md @KingDarBoja [translate] [es]
packages/playground-examples/copy/es/**/*.ts @KingDarBoja [translate] [es]
packages/tsconfig-reference/copy/es/**/*.md @KingDarBoja [translate] [es]
packages/typescriptlang-org/src/copy/es/**/*.ts @KingDarBoja [translate] [es]
packages/documentation/copy/es/**/*.ts @KingDarBoja [translate] [es]


There are six options available at the moment:

  • cwd, which can be used to determine the root folder to look for CODEOWNER files in.
  • merge_method, which can be merge (default), squash or rebase, depending on what you want the action to do.
  • quiet - does not output a message saying who can merge PRs
  • ownerNoPings - list of usernames to wrap mention in an inline code block to prevent pinging
- name: Run Codeowners merge check
  uses: OSS-Docs-Tools/code-owner-self-merge@v1
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    cwd: './docs'
    merge_method: 'squash'

Then 2 for handling fallbacks on PRs which aren't able to be maintained by anyone in the CODEOWNERs:

  • if_no_maintainers_add_label - A label to add which denotes it is a maintainers PR to handle
  • if_no_maintainers_assign - A string of @ prefixed GitHub usernames, separated by spaces which denotes who should be assigned to PRs which don't get a CODEOWNER.
- name: Run Codeowners merge check
  uses: OSS-Docs-Tools/code-owner-self-merge@v1
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    merge_method: 'squash'
    if_no_maintainers_add_label: 'maintainers'
    if_no_maintainers_assign: '@orta @sandersn'


Use npx jest --watch to run tests.


Use the GH UI to make a tag and release.