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Name Type Description Notes
name string Name of the plan
description string Description of the plan [optional]
vat float Optional vat for this plan. Account default is used if none given. [optional]
amount int Amount for the plan in the smallest unit for the account currency
quantity int Optional default quantity of the subscription plan product for new subscriptions. Default is 1. [optional]
prepaid bool Subscriptions can either be prepaid where an amount is paid in advance, or the opposite. This setting only relates to handling of pause scenarios. [optional]
handle string Per account unique handle for the subscription plan. Max length 255 with allowable characters [a-zA-Z0-9_.-@].
dunning_plan string Dunning plan handle [optional]
renewal_reminder_email_days int Optional renewal reminder email settings. Number of days before next billing to send a reminder email. [optional]
trial_reminder_email_days int Optional end of trial reminder email settings. Number of days before end of trial to send a reminder email. [optional]
partial_period_handling string How to handle a potential initial partial billing period for fixed day scheduling. The options are to bill for a full period, bill prorated for the partial period, bill a zero amoumt, or not to consider the period before first fixed day a billing period. The default is to bill prorated. Options: bill_full, bill_prorated, bill_zero_amount, no_bill. [optional]
include_zero_amount bool Whether to add a zero amount order line to subscription invoices if plan amount is zero or the subscription overrides to zero amount. The default is to not include the line. If no other order lines are present the plan order line will be added. [optional]
setup_fee int Optional one-time setup fee billed with the first invoice or as a separate invoice depending on the setting setup_fee_invoice. [optional]
setup_fee_text string Optional invoice order text for the setup fee that [optional]
setup_fee_handling string How the billing of the setup fee should be done. The options are: first - include setup fee as order line on the first scheduled invoice. separate - create a separate invoice for the setup fee, is appropriate if first invoice is not in conjunction with creation. separate_conditional - create a separate invoice for setup fee if the first invoice is not created in conjunction with the creation. Default is first. [optional]
amount_incl_vat bool Whether the amount is including VAT. Default true. [optional]
fixed_count int Fixed number of renewals for subscriptions using this plan. Equals the number of scheduled invoices. [optional]
fixed_life_time_unit string Time unit use for fixed life time [optional]
fixed_life_time_length int Fixed life time length for subscriptions using this plan. E.g. 12 months. Subscriptions will cancel after the fixed life time and expire when the active billing cycle ends. [optional]
trial_interval_unit string Time unit for free trial period [optional]
trial_interval_length int Free trial interval length. E.g. 1 month. [optional]
interval_length int The length of intervals. E.g. every second month or every 14 days.
schedule_type string Scheduling type, one of the following: manual, daily, weekly_fixedday, month_startdate, month_fixedday, month_lastday. See documentation for descriptions of the different types.
schedule_fixed_day int If a fixed day scheduling type is used a fixed day must be provided. For months the allowed value is 1-28 for weeks it is 1-7 [optional]
base_month int For fixed month schedule types the base month can be used to control which months are eligible for start of first billing period. The eligible months are calculated as base_month + k * interval_length up to 12. E.g. to use quaterly billing in the months jan-apr-jul-oct, base_month 1 and interval_length 3 can be used. If not defined the first fixed day will be used as start of first billing period. [optional]
notice_periods int Optional number of notice periods for a cancel. The subscription will be cancelled for this number of full periods before expiring. Either from the cancellation date, or from the end of the the current period. See notice_periods_after_current. The default is to expire at the end of current period (0). A value of 1 (and notice_periods_after_current set to true) will for example result in a scenario where the subscription is cancelled until the end of current period, and then for the full subsequent period before expiring. [optional]
notice_periods_after_current bool If notice periods is set, this option controls whether the number of full notice periods should start at the end of the current period, or run from cancellation date and result in a partial period with partial amount for the last period. The default is true. E.g. if set to false and notice_periods = 1 then the subscription will be cancelled for exactly for one period from the cancellation time and a partial amount will be billed at the start of the next billing period. [optional]
fixation_periods int Optional number of fixation periods. Fixation periods will guarantee that a subscription will have this number of paid full periods before expiring after a cancel. Default is to have no requirement (0). [optional]
fixation_periods_full bool If fixation periods are defined, and the subscription can have a partial prorated first period, this parameter controls if the the last period should be full, or partial to give exactly fixation_periods paid periods. Default is false. [optional]

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