For v5.x version Click here
This package requires PHP>=7.1
and is available on Packagist:
composer require form-manager/form-manager
FormManager is namespaced, but you only need to import a single class into your context:
use FormManager\Factory as F;
Use the imported factory to create all form elements:
//Create an input type="text" element
$name = F::text();
//Create the input with a label
$name = F::text('Please, introduce your name');
//Or with extra attributes
$name = F::text('Please, introduce your name', ['class' => 'name-field']);
//Add or remove attributes
$name->setAttribute('title', 'This is the name input');
'tabindex' => 2,
'maxlength' => 50
//Set the value
//Use magic properties to get/set/remove attributes
$name->class = 'name-field';
$name->required = false;
All HTML5 field types are supported:
F::checkbox($label, $attributes)
F::color($label, $attributes)
F::date($label, $attributes)
F::datetimeLocal($label, $attributes)
F::email($label, $attributes)
F::file($label, $attributes)
F::hidden($value, $attributes)
F::month($label, $attributes)
F::number($label, $attributes)
F::password($label, $attributes)
F::radio($label, $attributes)
F::range($label, $attributes)
F::search($label, $attributes)
F::select($label, $options, $attributes)
F::submit($label, $attributes)
F::tel($label, $attributes)
F::text($label, $attributes)
F::textarea($label, $attributes)
F::time($label, $attributes)
F::url($label, $attributes)
F::week($label, $attributes)
Note that all inputs accepts the same arguments except
This library uses internally symfony/validation to perform basic html5 validations and error reporting. HTML5 validation attributes like required
, maxlength
, minlength
, pattern
, etc are supported, in addition to intrinsic validations assigned to each input like email, url, date, etc.
$email = F::email();
//Validate the value
if ($email->isValid()) {
return true;
//Get errors
$error = $email->getError();
//Print the first error message
echo $error;
//Iterate through all messages
foreach ($error as $err) {
echo $err->getMessage();
//You can also customize/translate the error messages
'email' => 'The email is not valid',
'required' => 'The email is required',
'maxlength' => 'The email is too long, it must have {{ limit }} characters or less',
//And add more symfony validators
$ip = F::text();
$ip->addConstraint(new Constraints\Ip());
See all constraints supported by symfony
$name = F::text('What is your name?', ['name' => 'name']);
echo $name;
<label for="id-input-1">What is your name?</label> <input id="id-input-1" type="text" name="name">
Set a custom template using {{ label }}
and {{ input }}
$name->setTemplate('{{ label }} <div class="input-content">{{ input }}</div>');
echo $name;
<label for="id-input-1">What is your name?</label> <div class="input-content"><input id="id-input-1" type="text" name="name"></div>
If you want to wrap the previous template in a custom html, use the {{ template }}
$name->setTemplate('<fieldset>{{ template }}</fieldset>');
echo $name;
<fieldset><label for="id-input-1">What is your name?</label> <div class="input-content"><input id="id-input-1" type="text" name="name"></div></fieldset>
Group the fields to follow a specific data structure:
Groups allow to place a set of inputs under an specific name:
$group = F::group([
'name' => F::text('Username'),
'email' => F::email('Email'),
'password' => F::password('Password'),
'name' => 'oscar',
'email' => '',
'password' => 'supersecret',
Special case for radios where all inputs share the same name with different values:
$radios = F::radioGroup([
'red' => 'Red',
'blue' => 'Blue',
'green' => 'Green',
Special case to group several submit buttons under the same name but different values:
$buttons = F::submitGroup([
'save' => 'Save the row',
'duplicate' => 'Save as new row',
Is a collection of values using the same group:
$groupCollection = F::groupCollection(
'name' => F::text('Name'),
'genre' => F::radioGroup([
'm' => 'Male',
'f' => 'Female',
'o' => 'Other',
'name' => 'Oscar',
'genre' => 'm'
'name' => 'Laura',
'genre' => 'f'
Is a collection of values using various groups, using the field type
to identify which group is used by each row:
$multipleGroupCollection = F::multipleGroupCollection(
'text' => f::group([
'type' => F::hidden(),
'title' => F::text('Title'),
'text' => F::textarea('Body'),
'image' => f::group([
'type' => F::hidden(),
'file' => F::file('Image file'),
'alt' => F::text('Alt text'),
'text' => F::textarea('Caption'),
'link' => f::group([
'type' => F::hidden(),
'text' => F::text('Link text'),
'href' => F::url('Url'),
'target' => F::select([
'_blank' => 'New window',
'_self' => 'The same window',
'type' => 'text',
'title' => 'Welcome to my page',
'text' => 'I hope you like it',
'type' => 'image',
'file' => 'avatar.jpg',
'alt' => 'Image of mine',
'text' => 'This is my photo',
'type' => 'link',
'text' => 'Go to my webpage',
'href' => '',
'target' => '_self',
Datalist are also allowed, just use the createDatalist()
$input = F::search();
$datalist = $input->createDatalist([
'female' => 'Female',
'male' => 'Male'
echo $input;
echo $datalist;
We need a form to put all this things together.
$loginForm = F::form([
'username' => F::text('User name'),
'password' => F::password('Password'),
'' => F::submit('Login'),
'action' => 'login.php',
'method' => 'post',
//Load data from globals $_GET, $_POST, $_FILES
//Load data passing the arrays
$loginForm->loadFromArrays($_GET, $_POST, $_FILES);
//Or load from PSR-7 server request
//Get loaded data
$data = $loginForm->getValue();
//Print the form
echo $loginForm;
//Access to specific inputs:
echo $loginForm->getOpeningTag();
echo '<h2>Login:</h2>';
echo $loginForm['username'];
echo '<hr>';
echo $loginForm['password'];
echo '<hr>';
echo $loginForm[''];
echo $loginForm->getClosingTag();
//Iterate with all inputs
echo $loginForm->getOpeningTag();
echo '<h2>Login:</h2>';
foreach ($loginForm as $input) {
echo "<div>{$input}</div>";
echo $loginForm->getClosingTag();