Server-lifecycle is controlled via default Docker Engine or Docker Compose commands. Every time the server is restarted manually it performs an update-task to check if the game or installed mods provide updates and will download and install them. Thus it can take some minutes before the server shows up on the server-list.
Basic commands to maintain the DST:A Dedicated Server.
Start the Server
Starts the server. On boot the game-server checks for updates and performs them.
Docker Engine:
docker run -itd -p 10999:10999/udp -e TOKEN="server-token" dstacademy/dontstarvetogether
Docker Compose:
docker-compose up -d
Stop the Server
Stops the server.
Docker Engine:
docker stop <container>
Docker Compose:
docker-compose stop
Restart the Server
Restarts the server. On boot the game-server checks for updates and performs them.
Docker Engine:
docker restart <container>
Docker Compose:
docker-compose restart
Remove the Server
Deletes the server.
Docker Engine:
docker rm -f <container>
Docker Compose:
docker-compose rm -f
Execute console command
Runs commands on the game's console.
Docker Engine:
docker exec <container> dst-server console "c_announce('Having fun?')"
Print default log
Prints the server's default log.
Docker Engine:
docker exec <container> dst-server log
Print chat log
Prints the server's chat log.
Docker Engine:
docker exec <container> dst-server log --chat
More advanced commands to maintain the server-image and other stuff.
Update the Server-Image
Updates the dstacademy/dontstarvetogether
image from the Docker Hub if updates are available.
Docker Engine:
docker pull dstacademy/dontstarvetogether
Docker Compose:
docker-compose pull
List all created servers/containers
Prints an overview of all available servers.
Docker Engine:
docker ps -a
Docker Compose:
docker-compose ps
Attach to the Server
Attaches the terminal to a running server which enables input of server commands
and to observe the server output. To detach without stopping the server press ctrl+p
followed by ctrl+q
Docker Engine:
docker attach <container>
Execute custom command
Runs a custom command in the container.
Docker Engine:
docker exec <container> echo "Running my custom command."