After much annoyance at seeing how society is still insisting that STEM is not girly and consequences that has on Brownie aged girls I’ve decided to do something about it. In order to get the time I need I’m leaving Scouting (after almost 20 years so whilst this is a positive decision for me it is still big enough that I’ve not taken it lightly). Since that means I will no longer be routinely using OSM or legitimately having access to any live sections in OSM I feel that future development/maintenance of OSM Extender is not something that I can in good conscious continue to commit to.
In the absence of anyone coming forward to pick up the baton, in which case I'll update you again by updating this file and requiring you to change the value of the :i_know argument passed when configuring the API class.
OSM gem will be available but unsupported after the 4th of November 2019.
You will be required to acknowledge this message by adding i_know: :unsupported to either:
- the arguments passed to Osm::Api.configure
- the hash passed as the :api argument to Osm.configure
If a security issue arises before then it will be fixed and a new version pushed as normal. However only important bugs will be fixed.