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Generalized Solidly Stableswap

Stableswaps are pools that offer low slippage for two assets that are intended to be tightly correlated. There is a price ratio they are expected to be at, and the AMM offers low slippage around this price. There is still price impact for each trade, and as the liquidity becomes more lop-sided, the slippage drastically increases.

This package implements the Solidly stableswap curve, namely a CFMM with invariant: $f(x, y) = xy(x^2 + y^2) = k$

It is generalized to the multi-asset setting as $f(a_1, ..., a_n) = a_1 * ... * a_n (a_1^2 + ... + a_n^2)$

Pool configuration

One key concept, is that the pool has a native concept of

Scaling factor handling

Scaling factors are the stableswap analogue of asset weights in the pool, meaning that changing them affects the way that assets are valued in the pool. We added the ability for a governor to change these values in the rare case where the assets are not pegged to a specific ratio of each other but are instead varying in some predictable way (e.g. non-rebasing LSTs, which get more valuable relative to their base asset, meaning that having fixed scaling factors eventually keeps the pool "stable" around the wrong price)

It should be relatively infrequent in practice, scaling factors can be changed on demand by the scaling factor governor. (by default, pools should not have a governor set, as for most use cases like stablecoin to stablecoin pools, a single fixed ratio of assets (e.g. 1:1) is sufficient)

For stablecoin pools, they should be even amounts. For other ratios, TODO: add more details here

In terms of impermanent loss, it changes the price of the assets, so it depends on when the LP joined. It does not necessarily increase IL, which would depend entirely on the direction of the price change relative to the LP's original entry.

Technically you can change scaling factors in both directions but the use cases for needing this are sparse.

We don't currently have rate limits for scaling factor changes. Again, majority of pools should not have a governor, and for pools that do, LPs should be informed of the risks.

Scaling factors help to set the expected price ratio.

In the choice of curve section, we see that its the case that when x_reserves ~= y_reserves, that spot price is very close to 1. However, there are a couple issues with just this in practice:

  1. Precision of pegged coins may differ. Suppose 1 Foo = 10^12 base units, whereas 1 WrappedFoo = 10^6 base units, but 1 Foo is expected to trade near the price of 1 Wrapped Foo.
  2. Relatedly, suppose there's a token called TwoFoo which should trade around 1 TwoFoo = 2 Foo
  3. For staking derivatives, where value accrues within the token, the expected price to concentrate around dynamically changes (very slowly).

To handle these cases, we introduce scaling factors. A scaling factor maps from "raw coin units" to "amm math units", by dividing. To handle the first case, we would make Foo have a scaling factor of 10^6, and WrappedFoo have a scaling factor of 1. This mapping is done via raw coin units / scaling factor. We use a decimal object for amm math units, however we still have to be precise about how we round. We introduce an enum rounding mode for this, with three modes: RoundUp, RoundDown, RoundBankers.

The reserve units we pass into all AMM equations would then be computed based off the following reserves:

scaled_Foo_reserves = decimal_round(pool.Foo_liquidity / 10^6, RoundingMode)
descaled_Foo_reserves = scaled_Foo_reserves * 10^6

Similarly all token inputs would be scaled as such. The AMM equations need to each ensure that rounding happens correctly, for cases where the scaling factor doesn't perfectly divide into the liquidity. We detail rounding modes and scaling details as pseudocode in the relevant sections of the spec. (And rounding modes for 'descaling' from AMM eq output to real liquidity amounts, via multiplying by the respective scaling factor)

Algorithm details

The AMM pool interfaces requires implementing the following stateful methods:

	SwapOutAmtGivenIn(tokenIn sdk.Coins, tokenOutDenom string, spreadFactor osmomath.Dec) (tokenOut sdk.Coin, err error)
	SwapInAmtGivenOut(tokenOut sdk.Coins, tokenInDenom string, spreadFactor osmomath.Dec) (tokenIn sdk.Coin, err error)

	SpotPrice(baseAssetDenom string, quoteAssetDenom string) (osmomath.Dec, error)

	JoinPool(tokensIn sdk.Coins, spreadFactor osmomath.Dec) (numShares osmomath.Int, err error)
	JoinPoolNoSwap(tokensIn sdk.Coins, spreadFactor osmomath.Dec) (numShares osmomath.Int, err error)
	ExitPool(numShares osmomath.Int, exitFee osmomath.Dec) (exitedCoins sdk.Coins, err error)

The "constant" part of CFMM's imply that we can reason about all their necessary algorithms from just the CFMM equation. There are still multiple ways to solve each method. We detail below the ways in which we do so. This is organized by first discussing variable substitutions we do, to be in a more amenable form, and then the details of how we implement each method.

CFMM function

Most operations we do only need to reason about two of the assets in a pool, and sometimes only one. We wish to have a simpler CFMM function to work within these cases. Due to the CFMM equation $f$ being a symmetric function, we can without loss of generality reorder the arguments to the function. Thus we put the assets of relevance at the beginning of the function. So if two assets $x, y$, we write: $f(x,y, a_3, ... a_n) = xy * a_3 * ... a_n (x^2 + y^2 + a_3^2 + ... + a_n^2)$.

We then take a more convenient expression to work with, via variable substitution.

$$ \begin{equation} v = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if } n=2 \\ \prod\negthinspace \negthinspace \thinspace^{n}_{i=3} \space a_i, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{equation} $$

$$ \begin{equation} w = \begin{cases} 0, & \text{if}\ n=2 \\ \sum\negthinspace \negthinspace \thinspace^{n}_{i=3} \space {a_i^2}, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{equation} $$

$$\text{then } g(x,y,v,w) = xyv(x^2 + y^2 + w) = f(x,y, a_3, ... a_n)$$

As a corollary, notice that $g(x,y,v,w) = v * g(x,y,1,w)$, which will be useful when we have to compare before and after quantities. We will use $h(x,y,w) := g(x,y,1,w)$ as short-hand for this.


The question we need to answer for a swap is "suppose I want to swap $a$ units of $x$, how many units $b$ of $y$ would I get out".

Since we only deal with two assets at a time, we can then work with our prior definition of $g$. Let the input asset's reserves be $x$, the output asset's reserves be $y$, and we compute $v$ and $w$ given the other asset reserves, whose reserves are untouched throughout the swap.

First we note the direct way of solving this, its limitation, and then an iterative approximation approach that we implement.

Direct swap solution

The method to compute this under 0 spread factor is implied by the CFMM equation itself, since the constant refers to: $g(x_0, y_0, v, w) = k = g(x_0 + a, y_0 - b, v, w)$. As $k$ is linearly related to $v$, and $v$ is unchanged throughout the swap, we can simplify the equation to be reasoning about $k' = \frac{k}{v}$ as the constant, and $h$ instead of $g$

We then model the solution by finding a function $\text{solve cfmm}(x, w, k') = y\text{ s.t. }h(x, y, w) = k'$. Then we can solve the swap amount out by first computing $k'$ as $k' = h(x_0, y_0, w)$, and computing $y_f := \text{solve cfmm}(x_0 + a, w, k')$. We then get that $b = y_0 - y_f$.

So all we need is an equation for $\text{solve cfmm}$! Its essentially inverting a multi-variate polynomial, and in this case is solvable: wolfram alpha link

Or if were clever with simplification in the two asset case, we can reduce it to: desmos link.

These functions are a bit complex, which is fine as they are easy to prove correct. However, they are relatively expensive to compute, the latter needs precision on the order of x^4, and requires computing multiple cubic roots.

Instead there is a more generic way to compute these, which we detail in the next subsection.

Iterative search solution

Instead of using the direct solution for $\text{solve cfmm}(x, w, k')$, instead notice that $h(x, y, w)$ is an increasing function in $y$. So we can simply binary search for $y$ such that $h(x, y, w) = k'$, and we are guaranteed convergence within some error bound.

In order to do a binary search, we need bounds on $y$. The lowest lowerbound is $0$, and the largest upperbound is $\infty$. The maximal upperbound is obviously unworkable, and in general binary searching around wide ranges is unfortunate, as we expect most trades to be centered around $y_0$. This would suggest that we should do something smarter to iteratively approach the right value for the upperbound at least. Notice that $h$ is super-linearly related in $y$, and at most cubically related to $y$. This means that $\forall c \in \mathbb{R}^+, c * h(x,y,w) < h(x,c*y,w) < c^3 * h(x,y,w)$. We can use this fact to get a pretty-good initial upperbound guess for $y$ using the linear estimate. In the lowerbound case, we leave it as lower-bounded by $0$, otherwise we would need to take a cubed root to get a better estimate.

Altering binary search equations due to error tolerance

Great, we have a binary search to finding an input new_y_reserve, such that we get a value k within some error bound close to the true desired k! We can prove that an error by a factor of e in k, implies an error of a factor less than e in new_y_reserve. So we could set e to be close to some correctness bound we want. Except... new_y_reserve >> y_in, so we'd need an extremely high error tolerance for this to work. So we actually want to adapt the equations, to reduce the "common terms" in k that we need to binary search over, to help us search. To do this, we open up what are we doing again, and re-expose y_out as a variable we explicitly search over (and therefore get error terms in k implying error in y_out)

What we are doing above in the binary search is setting k_target and searching over y_f until we get k_iter {within tolerance} to k_target. Sine we want to change to iterating over $y_{out}$, we unroll that $y_f = y_0 - y_{out}$ where they are defined as: $$k_{target} = x_0 y_0 (x_0^2 + y_0^2 + w)$$ $$k_{iter}(y_0 - y_{out}) = h(x_f, y_0 - y_{out}, w) = x_f (y_0 - y_{out}) (x_f^2 + (y_0 - y_{out})^2 + w)$$

But we can remove many of these terms! First notice that x_f is a constant factor in k_iter, so we can just divide k_target by x_f to remove that. Then we switch what we search over, from y_f to y_out, by fixing y_0, so were at:

$$k_{target} = x_0 y_0 (x_0^2 + y_0^2 + w) / x_f$$

$$k_{iter}(y_{out}) = (y_0 - y_{out}) (x_f^2 + (y_0 - y_{out})^2 + w) = (y_0 - y_{out}) (x_f^2 + w) + (y_0 - y_{out})^3$$

So $k_{iter}(y_{out})$ is a cubic polynomial in $y_{out}$. Next we remove the terms that have no dependence on y_{delta} (the constant term in the polynomial). To do this first we rewrite this to make the polynomial clearer:

$$k_{iter}(y_{out}) = (y_0 - y_{out}) (x_f^2 + w) + y_0^3 - 3y_0^2 y_{out} + 3 y_0 y_{out}^2 - y_{out}^3$$

$$k_{iter}(y_{out}) = y_0 (x_f^2 + w) - y_{out}(x_f^2 + w) + y_0^3 - 3y_0^2 y_{out} + 3 y_0 y_{out}^2 - y_{out}^3$$

$$k_{iter}(y_{out}) = -y_{out}^3 + 3 y_0 y_{out}^2 - (x_f^2 + w + 3y_0^2)y_{out} + (y_0 (x_f^2 + w) + y_0^3)$$

So we can subtract this constant term y_0 (x_f^2 + w) + y_0^3, which for y_out < y_0 is the dominant term in the expression!

So lets define this as:

$$k_{target} = \frac{x_0 y_0 (x_0^2 + y_0^2 + w)}{x_f} - (y_0 (x_f^2 + w) + y_0^3)$$

$$k_{iter}(y_{out}) = -y_{out}^3 + 3 y_0 y_{out}^2 - (x_f^2 + w + 3y_0^2)y_{out}$$

We prove here that an error of a multiplicative e between target_k and iter_k, implies an error of less than a factor of 10e in y_{out}, as long as |y_{out}| < y_0. (The proven bounds are actually better)

We target an error of less than 10^{-8} in y_{out}, so we conservatively set a bound of 10^{-12} for e_k.

Combined pseudocode

Now we want to wrap this binary search into solve_cfmm. We changed the API slightly, from what was previously denoted, to have this "y_0" term, in order to derive initial bounds.

One complexity is that in the iterative search, we iterate over $y_f$, but then translate to $y_0$ in the internal equations. So we also use the

# solve_y returns y_out s.t. CFMM_eq(x_f, y_f, w) = k = CFMM_eq(x_0, y_0, w)
# for x_f = x_0 + x_in.
def solve_y(x_0, y_0, w, x_in):
  x_f = x_0 + x_in
  err_tolerance = {"within factor of 10^-12", RoundUp}
  y_f = iterative_search(x_0, x_f, y_0, w, err_tolerance)
  y_out = y_0 - y_f
  return y_out

def iter_k_fn(x_f, y_0, w):
  def f(y_f):
    y_out = y_0 - y_f
    return -(y_out)**3 + 3 y_0 * y_out^2 - (x_f**2 + w + 3*y_0**2) * y_out

def iterative_search(x_0, x_f, y_0, w, err_tolerance):
  target_k = target_k_fn(x_0, y_0, w, x_f)
  iter_k_calculator = iter_k_fn(x_f, y_0, w)

  # use original CFMM to get y_f reserve bounds
  bound_estimation_target_k = cfmm(x_0, y_0, w)
  bound_estimation_k0 = cfmm(x_f, y_0, w)
  lowerbound, upperbound = y_0, y_0
  k_ratio = bound_estimation_k0 / bound_estimation_target_k
  if k_ratio < 1:
    # k_0 < k. Need to find an upperbound. Worst case assume a linear relationship, gives an upperbound
    # We could derive better bounds via reasoning about coefficients in the cubic,
    # however this is deemed as not worth it, since the solution is quite close
    # when we are in the "stable" part of the curve.
    upperbound = ceil(y_0 / k_ratio)
  elif k_ratio > 1:
    # need to find a lowerbound. We could use a cubic relation, but for now we just set it to 0.
    lowerbound = 0
    return y_0 # means x_f = x_0
  max_iteration_count = 100
  return binary_search(lowerbound, upperbound, k_calculator, target_k, err_tolerance)

def binary_search(lowerbound, upperbound, approximation_fn, target, max_iteration_count, err_tolerance):
  iter_count = 0
  cur_k_guess = 0
  while (not satisfies_bounds(cur_k_guess, target, err_tolerance)) and iter_count < max_iteration_count:
    iter_count += 1
    cur_y_guess = (lowerbound + upperbound) / 2
    cur_k_guess = approximation_fn(cur_y_guess)

    if cur_k_guess > target:
      upperbound = cur_y_guess
    else if cur_k_guess < target:
      lowerbound = cur_y_guess

  if iter_count == max_iteration_count:
    return Error("max iteration count reached")

  return cur_y_guess
Setting the error tolerance

What remains is setting the error tolerance. We need two properties:

  • The returned value to be within some correctness threshold of the true value
  • The returned value to be rounded correctly (always ending with the user having fewer funds to avoid pool drain attacks). Mitigated by spread factors for normal swaps, but needed for 0-fee to be safe.

The error tolerance we set is defined in terms of error in k, which itself implies some error in y. An error of e_k in k, implies an error e_y in y that is less than e_k. We prove this here (and show that e_y is actually much less than the error in e_k, but for simplicity ignore this fact). We want y to be within a factor of 10^(-12) of its true value. To ensure the returned value is always rounded correctly, we define the rounding behavior expected.

  • If x_in is positive, then we take y_out units of y out of the pool. y_out should be rounded down. Note that y_f < y_0 here. Therefore to round y_out = y_0 - y_f down, given fixed y_0, we want to round y_f up.
  • If x_in is negative, then y_out is also negative. The reason is that this is called in CalcInAmtGivenOut, so confusingly x_in is the known amount out, as a negative quantity. y_out is negative as well, to express that we get that many tokens out. (Since negative, -y_out is how many we add into the pool). We want y_out to be a larger negative, which means we want to round it down. Note that y_f > y_0 here. Therefore y_out = y_0 - y_f is more negative, the higher y_f is. Thus we want to round y_f up.

And therefore we round up in both cases.

Further optimization
  • The astute observer may notice that the equation we are solving in $\text{solve cfmm}$ is actually a cubic polynomial in $y$, with an always-positive derivative. We should then be able to use newton's root finding algorithm to solve for the solution with quadratic convergence. We do not pursue this today, due to other engineering tradeoffs, and insufficient analysis being done.

Using this in swap methods

So now we put together the components discussed in prior sections to achieve pseudocode for the SwapExactAmountIn and SwapExactAmountOut functions.

We assume existence of a function pool.ScaledLiquidity(input, output, rounding_mode) that returns in_reserve, out_reserve, rem_reserves, where each are scaled by their respective scaling factor using the provided rounding mode.


So now we need to put together the prior components. When we scale liquidity, we round down, as lower reserves -> higher slippage. Similarly when we scale the token in, we round down as well. These both ensure no risk of over payment.

The amount of tokens that we treat as going into the "0-spread factor" pool we defined equations off of is: amm_in = in_amt_scaled * (1 - spread factor). (With spread factor * in_amt_scaled just being added to pool liquidity)

Then we simply call solve_y with the input reserves, and amm_in.

def CalcOutAmountGivenExactAmountIn(pool, in_coin, out_denom, spread_factor):
  in_reserve, out_reserve, rem_reserves = pool.ScaledLiquidity(in_coin, out_denom, RoundingMode.RoundDown)
  in_amt_scaled = pool.ScaleToken(in_coin, RoundingMode.RoundDown)
  amm_in = in_amt_scaled * (1 - spread_factor)
  out_amt_scaled = solve_y(in_reserve, out_reserve, remReserves, amm_in)
  out_amt = pool.DescaleToken(out_amt_scaled, out_denom)
  return out_amt

When we scale liquidity, we round down, as lower reserves -> higher slippage. Similarly when we scale the exact token out, we round up to increase required token in.

We model the solve_y call as we are doing a known change to the out_reserve, and solving for the implied unknown change to in_reserve. To handle the spread factor, we apply the spread factor on the resultant needed input amount. We do this by having token_in = amm_in / (1 - spread factor).

def CalcInAmountGivenExactAmountOut(pool, out_coin, in_denom, spread_factor):
  in_reserve, out_reserve, rem_reserves = pool.ScaledLiquidity(in_denom, out_coin, RoundingMode.RoundDown)
  out_amt_scaled = pool.ScaleToken(out_coin, RoundingMode.RoundUp)

  amm_in_scaled = solve_y(out_reserve, in_reserve, remReserves, -out_amt_scaled)
  swap_in_scaled = ceil(amm_in_scaled / (1 - spread factor))
  in_amt = pool.DescaleToken(swap_in_scaled, in_denom)
  return in_amt

We see correctness of the spread factor, by imagining what happens if we took this resultant input amount, and ran SwapExactAmountIn (seai). Namely, that seai_amm_in = amm_in * (1 - spread factor) = amm_in, as desired!

Precision handling

{Something we have to be careful of is precision handling, notes on why and how we deal with it.}

The function $f(y_{out}) = -y_{out}^3 + 3 y_0 y_{out}^2 - (x_f^2 + w + 3y_0^2)y_{out}$ is monotonically increasing over the reals. You can prove this, by seeing that its derivative's 0 values are both imaginary, and therefore has no local minima or maxima in the reals. Therefore, there exists exactly one real $y_{out}$ s.t. $f(y_{out}) = k$. Via binary search, we solve for a value $y_{out}^{*}$ such that $\left|\frac{ k - k^{*} }{k}\right| &lt; e_k$, where $k^{*} = f(y_{out}^{*})$. We seek to then derive bounds on $e_y = \left|\frac{ y_{out} - y_{out}^{*} }{y_{out}}\right|$ in relation to $e_k$.

Theorem: $e_y &lt; 100 e_k$ as long as $|y_{out}| &lt;= .9y_0$. Informal, we claim that for $.9y_0 &lt; |y_{out}| &lt; y_0$, e_y is "close" to e_k under expected parameterizations. And for $y_{out}$ significantly less than $.9y_0$, the error bounds are much better. (Often better than $e_k$)

Let $y_{out} - y_{out}^* = a_y$, we are going to assume that $a_y &lt;&lt; y_{out}$, and will justify this later. But due to this, we treat $a_y^c = 0$ for $c &gt; 1$. This then implies that $y_{out}^2 - y_{out}^{*2} = y_{out}^2 - (y_{out} - a_y)^2 \approx 2y_{out}a_y$, and similarly $y_{out}^3 - y_{out}^{*3} \approx 3y_{out}^2 a_y$

Now we are prepared to start bounding this. $$k - k^{*} = -(y_{out}^3 - y_{out}^{3*}) + 3y_0(y_{out}^2 - y_{out}^{2*}) - (x_f^2 + w + 3y_0^2)(y_{out} - y_{out}^{*})$$

$$k - k^{*} \approx -(3y_{out}^2 a_y) + 3y_0 (2y_{out}a_y) - (x_f^2 + w + 3y_0^2)a_y$$

$$k - k^{*} \approx a_y(-3y_{out}^2 + 6y_0y_{out} - (x_f^2 + w + 3y_0^2))$$

Rewrite $k = y_{out}(-y_{out}^2 + 3y_0y_{out} - (x_f^2 + w + 3y_0^2))$

$$e_k > \left|\frac{ k - k^{*} }{k}\right| = \left|\frac{a_y}{y_{out}} \frac{(-3y_{out}^2 + 6y_0y_{out} - (x_f^2 + w + 3y_0^2))}{(-y_{out}^2 + 3y_0y_{out} - (x_f^2 + w + 3y_0^2))}\right|$$

Notice that $\left|\frac{a_y}{y_{out}}\right| = e_y$! Therefore

$$e_k > e_y\left|\frac{(-3y_{out}^2 + 6y_0y_{out} - (x_f^2 + w + 3y_0^2))}{(-y_{out}^2 + 3y_0y_{out} - (x_f^2 + w + 3y_0^2))}\right|$$

We bound the right hand side, with the assistance of wolfram alpha. Let $a = y_{out}, b = y_0, c = x_f^2 + w$. Then we see from wolfram alpha here, that this right hand expression is provably greater than .01 if some set of decisions hold. We describe the solution set that satisfies our use case here:

  • When $y_{out} &gt; 0$
    • Use solution set: $a &gt; 0, b &gt; \frac{2}{3} a, c &gt; \frac{1}{99} (-299a^2 + 597ab - 297b^2)$
      • $a &gt; 0$ by definition.
      • $b &gt; \frac{2}{3} a$, as that's equivalent to $y_0 &gt; \frac{2}{3} y_{out}$. We already assume that $y_0 &gt;= y_{out}$.
      • Set $y_{out} = .9y_0$, per our theorem assumption. So $b = .9a$. Take $c = x^2 + w = 0$. Then we can show that $(-299a^2 + 597ab - 297b^2) &lt; 0$ for all $a$. This completes the constraint set.
  • When $y_{out} &lt; 0$
    • Use solution set: $a &lt; 0, b &gt; \frac{2}{3} a, c &gt; -a^2 + 3ab - 3b^2$
      • $a &lt; 0$ by definition.
      • $b &gt; \frac{2}{3} a$, as $y_0$ is positive.
      • $c &gt; 0$ is by definition, so we just need to bound when $-a^2 + 3ab - 3b^2 &lt; 0$. This is always the case as long as one of $a$ or $b$ is non-zero, per here.

Tying this all together, we have that $e_k &gt; .01e_y$. Therefore $e_y &lt; 100 e_k$, satisfying our theoerem!

To show the informal claims, the constraint that led to this 100x error blowup was trying to accommodate high $y_{out}$. When $y_{out}$ is smaller, the error is far lower. (Often to the case that $e_y &lt; e_k$, you can convince yourself of this by setting the ratio to being greater than 1 in wolfram alpha) When $y_{out}$ is bigger than $.9y_0$, we can rely on x_f^2 + w being much larger to lower this error. In these cases, the $x_f$ term must be large relative to $y_0$, which would yield a far better error bound.

TODO: Justify a_y << y_out. (This should be easy, assume its not, that leads to e_k being high. Ratio test probably easiest. Maybe just add a sentence to that effect)

Spot Price

Spot price for an AMM pool is the derivative of its CalculateOutAmountGivenIn equation. However for the stableswap equation, this is painful: wolfram alpha link

So instead we compute the spot price by approximating the derivative via a small swap.

Let $\epsilon$ be a sentinel very small swap in amount.

Then $\text{spot price} = \frac{\text{CalculateOutAmountGivenIn}(\epsilon)}{\epsilon}$.

LP equations

We divide this section into two parts, JoinPoolNoSwap & ExitPool, and JoinPool.

First we recap what are the properties that we'd expect from JoinPoolNoSwap, ExitPool, and LP shares. From this, we then derive what we'd expect for JoinPool.

JoinPoolNoSwap and ExitPool

Both of these methods can be implemented via generic AMM techniques. (Link to them or describe the idea)


The JoinPool API only supports JoinPoolNoSwap if

Join pool single asset in

There are a couple ways to define JoinPoolSingleAssetIn. The simplest way is to define it from its intended relation from the CFMM, with Exit pool. We describe this below under the zero spread factor case.

Let pool_{L, S} represent a pool with liquidity L, and S total LP shares. If we call pool_{L, S}.JoinPoolSingleAssetIn(tokensIn) -> (N, pool_{L + tokensIn, S + N}), or in others we get out N new LP shares, and a pool with with tokensIn added to liquidity. It must then be the case that pool_{L+tokensIn, S+N}.ExitPool(N) -> (tokensExited, pool_{L + tokensIn - tokensExited, S}). Then if we swap all of tokensExited back to tokensIn, under 0 spread factor, we should get back to pool_{L, S} under the CFMM property.

In other words, if we single asset join pool, and then exit pool, we should return back to the same CFMM k value we started with. Then if we swap back to go entirely back into our input asset, we should have exactly many tokens as we started with, under 0 spread factor.

We can solve this relation with a binary search over the amount of LP shares to give!

Thus we are left with how to account spread factor. We currently account for spread factor, by considering the asset ratio in the pool. If post scaling factors, the pool liquidity is say 60:20:20, where 60 is the asset were bringing in, then we consider "only (1 - 60%) = 40%" of the input as getting swapped. So we charge the spread factor on 40% of our single asset join in input. So the pseudocode for this is roughly:

def JoinPoolSingleAssetIn(pool, tokenIn):
  spreadFactorApplicableFraction = 1 - (pool.ScaledLiquidityOf(tokenIn.Denom) / pool.SumOfAllScaledLiquidity())
  effectiveSpreadFactor = pool.SwapFee * spreadFactorApplicableFraction
  effectiveTokenIn = RoundDown(tokenIn * (1 - effectiveSpreadFactor))
  return BinarySearchSingleJoinLpShares(pool, effectiveTokenIn)

We leave the rounding mode for the scaling factor division unspecified. This is because its expected to be tiny (as the denominator is larger than the numerator, and we are operating in BigDec), and it should be dominated by the later step of rounding down.

Code structure

Testing strategy

  • Unit tests for every pool interface method
  • Msg tests for custom messages
    • CreatePool
    • SetScalingFactors
  • Simulator integrations:
    • Pool creation
    • JoinPool + ExitPool gives a token amount out that is lte input
    • SingleTokenIn + ExitPool + Swap to base token gives a token amount that is less than input
    • CFMM k adjusting in the correct direction after every action
  • Fuzz test binary search algorithm, to see that it still works correctly across wide scale ranges
  • Fuzz test approximate equality of iterative approximation swap algorithm and direct equation swap.
  • Flow testing the entire stableswap scaling factor update process