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React extensions for rules-algebra.


npm install @totalsoft/rules-algebra-react


The library provides three hooks:

  • useRules - applies the rule engine after updating a value at the given property path
  • useRulesLens - applies the rule engine after updating the model through a profunctor lens

useRules hook

React hook that applies the business rules and keeps track of user modified values (dirty field info).

  • Arguments:
    1. The rules object (see rules-algebra library)
    2. The initial value of the model
    3. Settings (optional)
    4. Dependencies (optional)
  • Return values:
    1. A stateful rule application result (changed model)
    2. A dirty info object to track the model changes
    3. A function that sets a value for the given property path
    4. A function that resets the rule engine state.

Usage example:

import { useRules } from "@totalsoft/rules-algebra-react";

const rules = shape({
  fullName: computed(doc => doc.firstName + doc.lastName)

const SomeComponent = props => {
  const [person, dirtyInfo, updateProperty, reset] = useRules(rules, {});

  const onPropertyChange = propPath => value => {
    updateProperty(propPath, value)

  return (
     Full name: {person.fullName}

      <DetailsComp personDetails={person.details} onPropertyChange={onPropertyChange} />

Note: The reset function clears the dirty info object. If an object is passed as parameter, the model is set to that object, otherwise the current model is kept unchanged.

useRulesLens hook

React hook that applies the business rules and keeps track of user modified values (dirty field info).

  • Arguments:
    1. The rules object (see rules-algebra library)
    2. The initial value of the model
    3. Settings (optional)
    4. Dependencies (optional)
  • Return values:
    1. A stateful profunctor lens with the rule application result
    2. A dirty info object
    3. A function that resets the rule engine state. It receives an optional new model.
import { useRulesLens, set, get } from "@totalsoft/rules-algebra-react";

const rules = shape({
  fullName: computed(doc => doc.firstName + doc.lastName)

const SomeComponent = props => {
  const [personLens, dirtyInfo, reset] = useRulesLens(rules, {});
  return (
      Full name: {personLens.fullName |> get}
            value={personLens.firstName |> get}
            onChange={personLens.firstName |> set |> onTextBoxChange}
            value={personLens.lastName |> get}
            onChange={personLens.lastName |> set |> onTextBoxChange}
      <DetailsComp personDetailsLens={personLens.details} />

Note: The reset function clears the dirty info object. If an object is passed as parameter, the model is set to that object, otherwise the current model is kept unchanged.

Read more about lens operations