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Messaging host

The messaging host is a background (hosted) service that receives messages from the configured messaging subscribers and processes them in a pipeline.

NuGet install

dotnet add package NBB.Messaging.Host

Sample usage:

    hostBuilder => hostBuilder
    .Configure(configBuilder => configBuilder
        .AddSubscriberServices(subscriberBuilder => subscriberBuilder
        .UsePipeline(pipelineBuilder => pipelineBuilder

Host configuration

Inline configuration

You can configure the subscribers, options and pipelines using the Configure method of the host builder

    hostBuilder => hostBuilder
    .Configure(configBuilder => configBuilder

Multiple configurations

In case you need different settings for specific groups of subscribers (eg. different pipelines) you can call Configure multiple times:

    hostBuilder =>
        hostBuilder.Configure(configBuilder => configBuilder

        hostBuilder.Configure(configBuilder => configBuilder

Multiple subscriber groups using the same pipeline

In case you need to use the same pipeline for more subscriber groups, the builder lets you chain multiple AddSubscriberServices(...).WithOptions(...) function calls:

    hostBuilder =>
        hostBuilder.Configure(configBuilder => configBuilder

Register a type dependent pipeline

In case you need to register a type dependent pipeline (like conditional middleware) for more subscribers, you can build something like:

    hostBuilder =>
        hostBuilder.Configure(configBuilder => configBuilder
            .UsePipeline((t, p) => p
                .When(t == typeof(MyCommand), p => p.Use(...))  //<-- conditional middleware

Advanced scenarios

There is an overload of the Configure method that allows async/await operations.

If you need to resolve services from the DI container you can use the ApplicationServices property of the config builder.

    hostBuilder => hostBuilder
    .Configure(async configBuilder =>
        var repository = configBuilder.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService<IMyRepository>();
        var topics = await repository.GetTopics();
            .AddSubscriberServices(config => config.FromTopics(topics))
            .UsePipeline(builder => builder

Using a Startup class

For more complex configuration scenarios you can use a startup class:

services.AddMessagingHost(hostBuilder => hostBuilder.UseStartup<MessagingHostStartup>());

The startup class can use constructor injection and allows using tasks.

class MessagingHostStartup : IMessagingHostStartup
    private readonly IOptions<TenancyHostingOptions> _tenancyOptions;

    public MessagingHostStartup(IOptions<TenancyHostingOptions> tenancyOptions)
        _tenancyOptions = tenancyOptions;

    public Task Configure(IMessagingHostConfigurationBuilder hostConfigurationBuilder)
        var isMultiTenant = _tenancyOptions?.Value?.TenancyType != TenancyType.None;

            .AddSubscriberServices(subscriberBuilder => subscriberBuilder
            .UsePipeline(pipelineBuilder => pipelineBuilder
                .When(isMultiTenant, x => x.UseTenantMiddleware())

        return Task.CompletedTask;

Subscription configuration

Adding subscribers:

AddSubscriberServices(Action<ITypeSourceSelector> builder) registers messagebus subscriber services for messages from the following sources: The fluent API for configuration starts with specifying the sources of message types/topics

  • Assemblies: scans the specified assemblies for message types.
    • FromAssemblyOf<T>()
    • FromCallingAssembly()
    • FromExecutingAssembly()
    • FromEntryAssembly()
    • FromAssembliesOf(params Type[] types)
    • FromAssembliesOf(IEnumerable<Type> types)
    • FromAssemblies(params Assembly[] assemblies)
    • FromAssemblies(IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies)
  • Topics: specifies the messaging topic(s)
    • FromTopic(string topic)
    • FromTopics(params string[] topics)
    • FromTopics(IEnumerable<string> topics)
  • Individual types:
    • AddType<TMessage>()
    • AddTypes(params Type[] types)
    • AddTypes(IEnumerable<Type> types)
  • MediatR handled messages: finds MediatR handlers registered in the IoC container and extracts the handled types:
    • FromMediatRHandledEvents()
    • FromMediatRHandledCommands()
    • FromMediatRHandledQueries()
    • FromMediatRHandledMessages() - includes all handled types (commands, events, queries)

For the Assembly and MediatR sources, the types should be selected using the following methods:

  • AddAllClasses(bool publicOnly = true) - selects all (public) types from the current source
  • AddClassesAssignableTo<TBase>(bool publicOnly = true) - selects all (public) types from the current source that inherit/implement TBase
  • AddClassesWhere(Func<Type, bool> predicate, bool publicOnly = true) - selects all (public) types that match the predicate


Add subscribers for all messages that are handled by a registered MediatR request or notification handler:

  • notice that registrations can be chained
.AddSubscriberServices(subscriberBuilder => subscriberBuilder

Add subscribers for the specified topics:

.AddSubscriberServices(subscriberBuilder => subscriberBuilder
    .FromTopics("Topic1", "Topic2"))

Add a subscriber for messages of a speciffic type:

.AddSubscriberServices(subscriberBuilder => subscriberBuilder

Add subscribers for all classes in an assembly that implement a specific interface:

.AddSubscriberServices(subscriberBuilder => subscriberBuilder

Add subscribers for classes in the entry assembly that have a specific namespace

.AddSubscriberServices(subscriberBuilder => subscriberBuilder
    .FromEntryAssembly().AddClassesWhere(t => t.Namespace == "MyApp.Messages"))

Options for subscriber/consumer configuration:

When adding subscriber services the subscription options should be specified

Custom options

Configure transport options (SubscriptionTransportOptions):

.WithOptions(optionsBuilder => optionsBuilder
    .ConfigureTransport(transportOptions =>
        transportOptions with {MaxConcurrentMessages = 2}))

Add dynamic deserialization

.WithOptions(optionsBuilder => optionsBuilder
    .UseDynamicDeserialization(new[] { typeof(MyMessage).Assembly }))

For more details see Subscriber options

Default options

Use default transport and serialization options


For more details see Subscriber options

Pipeline configuration

The pipeline builder allows plugging in various custom or built-in middleware.

Custom middleware

Class middleware

.UsePipeline(pipelineBuilder => pipelineBuilder.UseMiddleware<MyCustomMiddleware>())

The custom middleware class should implement the interface IPipelineMiddleware<MessagingContext> and can have constructor injected parameters.

Inline function middleware

Adds a middleware delegate defined in-line to the message pipeline.

.UsePipeline(pipelineBuilder => 
    pipelineBuilder.Use(async (messagingContext, cancellationToken, next) => {
        await next();

Built-in middleware

The messaging host provides some built in middleware

built-in correlation middleware

.UsePipeline(pipelineBuilder => pipelineBuilder.UseCorrelationMiddleware())

Typically configured early in the pipeline, it has the role to fetch the correlation id from the received message or create a new one if the incoming message does not have one.

built-in exception handling middleware

.UsePipeline(pipelineBuilder => pipelineBuilder.UseExceptionHandlingMiddleware())

Typically configured very early in the pipeline, it swallows exceptions and logs them to the console

built-in resiliency middleware

.UsePipeline(pipelineBuilder => pipelineBuilder.UseDefaultResiliencyMiddleware())

Includes the following resiliency policies for incoming messages:

  • Retry forever when a ConcurrencyException is received
  • Retry three times with a progressive delay when an OutOfOrderException is received

built-in MediatR middleware

.UsePipeline(pipelineBuilder => pipelineBuilder.UseMediatRMiddleware())

Tipically configured last in the pipeline, it acts as a message dispatcher (broker) that delivers messages to MediatR handlers

built-in Multi Tenant middleware

.UsePipeline(pipelineBuilder => pipelineBuilder.UseTenantMiddleware())

It identifies the tenant from the incoming message, preforms various validations against the current multi-tenant configuration, and creates the tenancy context.

To use it you must reference the NBB.Messaging.MultiTenancy package

Conditional middleware registration

.UsePipeline(pipelineBuilder => pipelineBuilder.When(isMultiTenant, x => x.UseTenantMiddleware()))

Registers a middleware only when the condition is met. This allows configuring the pipeline based on a deployment specific configuration.

It can be used to register any custom or built-in middleware previously described.

Messaging context

When processing incoming messages we have access to a messaging context that contains:

  • the received message envelope (including payload and headers)
  • the topic of the incoming message

In the pipeline middleware we have direct access to the messaging context as a parameter

To access the context from other contexts - like a MediatR handler we must inject the MessagingContextAccessor

public class MyHandler : IRequestHandler<MyCommand>
    private readonly MessagingContextAccessor _messagingContextAccessor;

    public MyHandler(MessagingContextAccessor messagingContextAccessor)
        _messagingContextAccessor = messagingContextAccessor;

    public Task<Unit> Handle(MyCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var headers = _messagingContextAccessor.MessagingContext.MessagingEnvelope.Headers;

Transport error handler

The messaging host provides two builtin transport error strategies:

  • Retry: tries to restart the messaging host for 10 times before throwing an error and shutting down the host. You can set the number of retries in 'appsettings.json' by setting the Messaging.Host.StartRetryCount environment variable
  • Throw: throws an error and shuts down the host

You can set one or the other in 'appsettings.json' by settingMessaging.Host.TransportErrorStrategy. By default it uses the TransportErrorStrategy.Retry handler.

Sample host configuration in `appsettings.json

    "Messaging": {
        "Host": {
            "TransportErrorStrategy": "Retry",
            "StartRetryCount": 10