It is currently maintained in stylus/postcss-styl!
PostCSS parser plugin for converting Stylus syntax to PostCSS AST.
::: This plugin is still in an experimental state :::
npm install -D postcss-styl
Lint Stylus with stylelint
You can use this PostCSS plugin to apply Stylus syntax to stylelint.
You can use it more easily by using it with stylelint-plugin-stylus.
For example, this PostCSS plugin is used as follows:
First, add
option tostylelint
config file.e.g. stylelint.config.js
// Filename: `stylelint.config.js` module.exports = { overrides: [ { files: ["*.styl", "**/*.styl", "*.stylus", "**/*.stylus"], customSyntax: "postcss-styl", }, ], };
You need to include the stylus in the linting target, as shown in the following example.
via CLI
stylelint ./path/to/input.styl
with VSCode extension
{ "stylelint.validate": [ ..., // ↓ Add "stylus" language. "stylus" ] }
Also you can use this parser plugin to apply PostCSS transformations directly to the Stylus source code.
For example, Stylus sources can be automatically prefixed using Autoprefixer.
const postcss = require("postcss");
const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer");
const postcssStyl = require("postcss-styl");
const stylusCode = `
transform scale(0.5)
.process(stylusCode, {
syntax: postcssStyl
.then(result => {
// ->
// a
// -webkit-transform scale(0.5);
// -moz-transform scale(0.5);
// transform scale(0.5)
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You can check the AST online.
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).