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189 lines (126 loc) · 5.74 KB


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MRGen is a monitoring and reporting tool. It is used to keep historical records based on Watchman Monitoring and RepairShopr services. It also generates reports for clients based on this historical data.

Developed and maintained by Sheldon Woodward for Out of a Jam Solutions.

Local Setup

Following are steps to setup the local development environemt. First clone the project and follow the steps to setup the front-end and back-end.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are handled differently in devlopment and production. For development, you can copy the .env.sample file in the backend/ folder and rename it to .env. The environment variables that Django needs will be set by Pipenv.

For the Django dev server, the only required environemnt variables are:

  • DJANGO_ENV - Set to prod for production or dev to run in debug mode
  • DJANGO_RDS - Set to prod to use MySQL or dev to use SQLite
  • WATCHMAN_API_KEY - The Watchman Monitoring API key
  • REPAIRSHOPR_API_KEY - The RepairShopr API key

If you set DJANGO_RDS to prod then you will need to specify MySQL connection details with the follwing environemt variables if they are not the default values.

  • RDS_HOSTNAME - - The MySQL server hostname
  • RDS_PORT - 3306 - The MySQL server port
  • RDS_DB_NAME - mrgen - The MySQL server database name
  • RDS_USERNAME - root - The MySQL server user
  • RDS_PASSWORD1 - password - The MySQL server user's password

Also, you can speicify the host that Redis runs on if necessarry:

  • REDIS_HOSTNAME - localhost - The Redis server hostname

See the environment variables section below in the deployment section for details on production environment variables.

Django Setup

  1. Install the project dependencies
$ pipenv install

Sometimes installing the mysqlclient dependency will raise an error, use the following commands to get past this.

$ export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib"
$ export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include"
  1. Migrate the database
$ pipenv run python migrate
  1. Start Redis
$ redis-server
  1. Start the celery worker process
$ pipenv run celery -A MRGen worker -l info
  1. Start the Beat process
$ pipenv run celery -A MRGen beat -l info --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler
  1. Start the Django server
$ pipenv run python runserver

Vue Setup

  1. Change the current directory to the frontend folder
$ cd frontend
  1. Install the project dependencies
$ npm install
  1. Start the Vue web server and compiler
$ npm run serve

Local Server Access

The development Django server is available by default at http://localhost:8000. The admin panel is available on /admin and the API is available on /api

The development Vue web server is available be default at http://localhost:8080. The project is served on the root domain.


Following are steps to setup the production deployment environemt. First clone the project and follow the steps to deploy the application.

Environment Variables

Environemnt variables for production deployment should be defined in a .env in the project root. Docker Compose will use this centralized .env file to distribute the proper configuration to each part of the application.

The only environment variables that must be set are:

  • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY - The secret key to prevent CSRF
  • DJANGO_HOST_DOMAIN - The domain name the site is running on
  • DJANGO_URL - The base url for the Django server used by Vue
  • VUE_URL - The base url for the Vue server used by Django
  • RDS_PASSWORD - The password to use for the MySQL database
  • WATCHMAN_API_KEY - The Watchman Monitoring API key
  • REPAIRSHOPR_API_KEY - The RepairShopr API key

Optionally, these other environemnt variables can be set but provide no real use excpet for custom setups or debugging:

  • IMAGE_TAG - latest - The tag for the MRGen Docker image
  • DJANGO_ENV - prod - Either prod for production or anything else for non-production
  • DJANGO_RDS - prod - Either prod for MySQL or anything else SQLite
  • RDS_DB_NAME - mrgen - The MRGen database name
  • RDS_USERNAME - mrgen - The database's non-root superuser

Docker Compose

After setting up the .env file, the container can be deployed with the following command:

$ docker-compose up -d


Before the application is ready to be used, the database must be migrated. You can run the migrations with the following command:

$ docker-compose exec backend python migrate

If you already have an existing database, this command does not need to be run again unless the MRGen database configuration has changed.

Static Files

Static files are automatically collected on the first run and build. After this,you will need to run the following command to collect static files into the Docker volume if they change or are updated:

$ docker-compose exec backend python collectstatic --noinput