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Field names, types and description

Index redirtraffic-*

ELK stack / Filebeat default fields

Field name Type New field name New type Description
beat.hostname String agent.hostname keyword Hostname of redirector, alias to agent.hostname (legacy field name, dropped in v7 in favor of agent.hostname) String keyword Host identifier as entered in the filebeat.yml config file on the redir (legacy field name, dropped in v7 in favor of
beat.version String agent.version keyword Version of filebeat running on the redirector String - - To be removed: Host identifier as entered in the filebeat.yml config file on the redir
input.type String input.type keyword Type of the log as identified in the filebeat.yml config file
log.file.path String log.file.path keyword File path of the log file on the redirector
message String messages text Full log message
offset Number log.offset number.long Number of bytes read
prospector.type String - - To be removed: legacy naming of input.type, as defined in the filebeat.yml config file

RedELK introduced fields

Field name Type New field name New type Description
attackscenario String infra.attack_scenario Name of the attackscenario this redirector traffic belongs to, configured in filebeat.yml on redir
geoip.as_org String keyword AS name according to GeoIP lookup, source is redirtraffic.sourceip
geoip.asn String keyword AS number according to GeoIP lookup, source is redirtraffic.sourceip
geoip.city_name String source.geo.city_name City name according to GeoIP lookup, source is redirtraffic.sourceip
geoip.continent_code String source.geo.continent_name Continent code according to GeoIP lookup, source is redirtraffic.sourceip
geoip.country_code2 String source.geo.country_iso_code Country code according to GeoIP lookup, source is redirtraffic.sourceip
geoip.country_code3 String - Country code in other naming according to GeoIP lookup, source is redirtraffic.sourceip
geoip.country_name String source.geo.country_name Country name according to GeoIP lookup, source is redirtraffic.sourceip
geoip.dma_code Number - DMA/Metro code according to GeoIP lookup, source is redirtraffic.sourceip
geoip.ip IP - IP address used for GeoIP lookup, copied from redirtraffic.sourceip
geoip.latitude Number - Latitude position according to GeoIP lookup, source is redirtraffic.sourceip
geoip.location GeoPoint source.geo.location GeoPoint type, contains lat and lon value, used for plotting on maps
geoip.longitude Number - Longitude position according to GeoIP lookup, source is redirtraffic.sourceip
geoip.postal_code String - Postal code according to GeoIP lookup, source is redirtraffic.sourceip
geoip.region_code String source.geo.region_iso_code Region code according to GeoIP lookup, source is redirtraffic.sourceip
geoip.region_name String source.geo.region_name Region name according to GeoIP lookup, source is redirtraffic.sourceip
geoip.timezone String - Timezone name according to GeoIP lookup, source is redirtraffic.sourceip
greynoise.* Varying greynoise.* Fields and data as set by Greynoise
infralogtype String infra.log.type identifier of the type of log that filebeat ships, configured in filebeat.yml on redir, default 'redirtraffic'
syslogpid Number Process ID of the redirector program, as reported by Syslog
syslogprogram String Name of the redirector program, as reported by Syslog
redir.backendname String Name of the destination that the traffic has sent to, typical something like decoy-http1 or c2-https as defined in the redir program's config
redir.frontendname String Name of the frontend that redirecotr received the the traffic on, typical something like www-http or www-https as defined in the redir program's config
redir.frontendip IP redir.frontend.ip IP address of the redirector where the traffic was received on
redir.frontendport Number redir.frontend.port Port on the redirector where the traffic was received on
sysloghostname String Hostname of the redirector, as reported by Syslog or by Apache
redirtraffic.headersall String http.headers.all All headers as logged by the rediredctor program. These are: User-Agent, Host, X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Host, Forwarded, Via. Split by ` String content of header Host
redirtraffic.header.xforwardedfor String http.headers.x_forwarded_for content of header X-Forwarded-For
redirtraffic.header.xforwardedproto String http.headers.x_forwarded_proto content of header X-Forwarded-Proto
redirtraffic.header.xhost String http.headers.x_host content of header X-Host
redirtraffic.header.forwarded String http.headers.forwarded content of header Forwarded
redirtraffic.header.via String http.headers.via content of header Via
redirtraffic.httprequest String http.request.body.content Actual HTTP request that was made
redirtraffic.httpstatus Number http.response.status_code HTTP status code number
redirtraffic.timestamp String redir.timestamp Time the redirecotr program handled the trafficc
redirprogram String redir.program name of the redirector program, configured in filebeat.yml on redir
redirtraffic.sourceip IP source.ip IP address that initiated the traffic to the redirector, as reported by the redirector program
redirtraffic.sourceport Number source.port Source Port of the initiated traffic to the redirector, as reported by the redirector program
redirtraffic.sourcedns String source.domain Reverse DNS lookup of thesource.ip
redirtraffic.sourceipcdn IP source.nat.ip In case of CDN setup, IP address that initiated the traffic to the redirector, as reported by the redirector program
redirtraffic.sourceportcdn Number source.nat.port In case of CDN setup, source Port of the initiated traffic to the redirector, as reported by the redirector program
redirtraffic.sourcednscdn String source.nat.domain In case of CDN setup, the reverse DNS lookup of redirtraffic.sourceipcdn

Tags set by RedELK

Tag name Description
beats_input_codec_plain_applied Filebeat native tag
redirtrafficxforwardedfor Indicator for CDN/Domain Fronted traffic, is set when a X-Forwarded-For header is found at the redirector
enrich_greynoise Set when enrichment from Greynoise was performed
iplist_redteam_v0X Set when the source IP adress was found to match that of /etc/redelk/iplist_redteam.conf
sandboxes_v0X Set when log messages matches with config in /etc/redelkd/known_sandboxes.conf
testsystems_v0X Set when log messages matches with config in /etc/redelkd/known_testsystem.conf
torexitnodes_v0X Set when source IP address matches with config in /etc/redelk/torexitnodes.conf
iplist_customer_v0X Set when source IP address matches with config in /etc/redelk/iplist_customer.conf
iplist_unknown_v0X Set when source IP address matches with config in /etc/redelk/iplist_unknwown.conf
iplist_alarmed Set when this event was already alarmed

Index rtops

ELK stack / Filebeat default fields

Field name Type New field name New type Description
beat.hostname String agent.hostname Hostname of redirector, alias to agent.hostname (legacy field name, dropped in v7 in favor of agent.hostname) String Host identifier as entered in the filebeat.yml cionfig file on the redir (legacy field name, dropped in v7 in favor of
beat.version String agent.version Version of filebeat running on the redirector String - - To be removed (not the purpose of this field): Host identifier as entered in the filebeat.yml config file on the redir
input.type String input.type keyword Type of the log as identified in the filebeat.yml config file
log.file.path String log.file.pat keyword File path of the log file on the redirector - same as source
log.flags String log.flags keyword Flag set by filebeat on the redirector for the specific message (often set to multile)
message String message text Full log message
offset Number log.offset number.long Number of bytes read
prospector.type String - - To be removed (obsolete): Legacy naming of input.type, as defined in the filebeat.yml config file
source String - - To be removed (obsolete): File path of the log file on the redirector - same as log.file.path
- - event.kind keyword ECS event kind. (default static field: 'event')
- - event.category keyword ECS event category. (default static field: 'host')
- - event.module keyword ECS event module that is source of the event. (default static field: 'redelk')
- - event.dataset keyword ECS event dataset that is source of the event. (default static field: 'c2log')
- - event.action keyword ECS event action (matches 'cs.logtype')
- - event.type keyword ECS event action (matches 'cs.logtype')

RedELK introduced fields

Field name Type New field name New type Description
attackscenario String infra.attack_scenario keyword Name of the attackscenario this implant belongs to, configured in filebeat.yml on teamserver
attack_technique String keyword Array like list of T-numbers from MITRE ATT&CK framework. Not present in every C2 framework (Cobalt Strike picks this up from c2logtype:implant_task log messages).
implant_arch (was beacon_arch) String implant.arch keyword The architecture of the implant, x86 or x64.
implant_checkin (was beacon_checkin) String implant.checkin text Message from the implant while checking in.
implant_id (was beacon_id) String keyword The ID of the implant.
implant_input (was beacon_input) String implant.input text The input line as stated by the operator.
implant_task (was beacon_task) String implant.task text The task as acknowledged by Cobalt Strike.
implant_output (was beacon_output) String implant.output text The output as reported by the implant.
implantlogfile (was beaconlogfile) String implant.logfile text Clickable link to the full log file of the implant. Not present in every C2 framework.
c2logtype (was cslogtype) String c2.log.type keyword Identifier of the type of implant logfile. Can be implant_task, implant_input, implant_newimplant, keystrokes, etc.
c2message (was csmessage) String c2.message text The entire log message from the C2 framework for that implant.
c2timestamp (was cstimestamp) String c2.timestamp timestamp The timestamp of the log message as reported by the implant.
infralogtype String infra.log.type keyword Identifier of the type of log that filebeat ships, configured in filebeat.yml on c2server, default 'rtops'
ioc_bytesize Number file.size number.log IOC size (bytes)
ioc_hash String file.hash.md5 IOC DM5 hash
ioc_name String keyword IOC file name
ioc_path String keyword IOC path (without file name)
- - file.path keyword IOC path (with file name)
- - keyword IOC service name
ioc_type String ioc.type keyword IOC type, currently file or service. Additional information can be added to file.* fields
- - file.type keyword IOC static field, should be 'file'
- - service.type keyword IOC static field, should be 'windows' if 'ioc.type' is 'service'
screenshotfull URL screenshot.url keyword (url) Clickable link to the full screenshot
screenshotthumb Picture screenshot.thumb keyword (url) Thumbnail picture of the screenshot
target_hostname String keyword Hostname of the target
target_ipext IP host.ip IP External IP of the target (array with internal IP)
target_ipint IP host.ip IP Internal IP of the target (array with external IP)
target_os String keyword OS name of the target
- - host.os.platform keyword OS platform family of the target
- - host.os.fullname keyword OS name of the target (including version and kernel/build info)
target_osbuild String host.os.kernel keyword OS kernel info of the target
target_osversion String host.os.version keyword OS version of the targer
target_pid Number number.long Process ID we are running in on the target
target_process String keyword Process name we are running in on the target
target_user String keyword Username we are running in on the target
implant_sleep String implant.sleep keyword Sleep value as reported by the implant. Not present in every C2 framework
implant_url String implant.url keyword URL as reported by the implant. Not present in every C2 framework
beacon_linkparentid String implant.parent_id keyword Beacon linked parent ID
beacon_linked Boolean implant.linked boolean Is beacon linked?
beacon_linkmode String implant.link_mode keyword Beacon linked mode
pathlocal String file.path_local keyword Local download path of the file
pathremote String file.path keyword Remote path of the download (on target)
- - file.directory_local keyword Local download directory (without file name)
c2program String c2.program keyword C2 program used (e.g. cobaltstrike)
downloadsurl String file.url keyword RedELK URL to download the file
keystrokesfull String keystrokes.url keyword RedELK URL to download the full keystorkes output
- - keyword Host where the credentials have been harvested
- - creds.credential keyword Credential (password, hash, ...)
- - creds.username keyword User name
- - creds.source keyword How the credentials have been harvested (e.g. mimikatz, manual, ...)
- - creds.realm keyword Where the credentials are valid (e.g. AD Domain, host, ...)

Tags set by RedELK

Tag name Description
beats_input_codec_plain_applied Filebeat native tag
_rubyparseok Logstash Ruby plugin native tag
enriched_v01 Indicator ran successfully

Index implantsdb

Was called beacondb in the past

ELK stack / Filebeat default fields

Field name Type New field name New type Description
beat.hostname String agent.hostname Hostname of redirector, alias to agent.hostname (legacy field name, dropped in v7 in favor of agent.hostname) String Host identifier as entered in the filebeat.yml cionfig file on the redir (legacy field name, dropped in v7 in favor of
beat.version String agent.version Version of filebeat running on the redirector String - - To be removed (not the purpose of this field): Host identifier as entered in the filebeat.yml config file on the redir
input.type String input.type keyword Type of the log as identified in the filebeat.yml config file
log.file.path String log.file.pat keyword File path of the log file on the redirector - same as source
log.flags String log.flags keyword Flag set by filebeat on the redirector for the specific message (often set to multile)
message String message text Full log message
offset Number log.offset number.long Number of bytes read
prospector.type String - - To be removed (obsolete): Legacy naming of input.type, as defined in the filebeat.yml config file
source String - - To be removed (obsolete): File path of the log file on the redirector - same as log.file.path

RedELK introduced fields

Field name Type New field name New type Description
attackscenario String infra.attack_scenario keyword Name of the attackscenario this implant belongs to, configured in filebeat.yml on teamserver
implant_arch (was beacon_arch) String implant.arch keyword The architecture of the implant, x86 or x64.
implant_checkin (was beacon_checkin) String implant.checkin text Message from the implant while checking in.
implant_id (was beacon_id) String keyword The ID of the implant.
implant_input (was beacon_input) String implant.input text The input line as stated by the operator.
implant_task (was beacon_task) String implant.task text The task as acknowledged by Cobalt Strike.
implant_output (was beacon_output) String implant.output text The output as reported by the implant.
implantlogfile (was beaconlogfile) String implant.logfile text Clickable link to the full log file of the implant. Not present in every C2 framework.
c2message (was csmessage) String c2.message text The entire log message from the C2 framework for that implant.
c2timestamp (was cstimestamp) String c2.timestamp timestamp The timestamp of the log message as reported by the implant.
target_hostname String keyword Hostname of the target
target_ipext IP host.ip IP External IP of the target (array with internal IP)
target_ipint IP host.ip IP Internal IP of the target (array with external IP)
target_os String keyword OS name of the target
- - host.os.platform keyword OS platform family of the target
- - host.os.fullname keyword OS name of the target (including version and kernel/build info)
target_osbuild String host.os.kernel keyword OS kernel info of the target
target_osversion String host.os.version keyword OS version of the targer
target_pid Number number.long Process ID we are running in on the target
target_process String keyword Process name we are running in on the target
target_user String keyword Username we are running in on the target
- String implant.sleep keyword Sleep value as reported by the implant. Not present in every C2 framework
- String implant.url keyword URL as reported by the implant. Not present in every C2 framework
implant_linked (was beacon_linked) String implant.linked keyword Set to true if the implant is linked to another implant
implant_linkmode (was beacon_linkmode) String implant.linkmode keyword Type of linking, e.g. SMB or TCP
implant_linkparentid (was beacon_linkparentid) String keyword ID of the parent implant in case of linking