Create a light wrappers around Form (nu-form) and Form.Field (nu-field) and then create Form.Check (nu-check) element that can accept assert property and assign it directly to the nu-check element as a property via ref. It will allow to create custom validation for forms. Most of the time user can use built-in validators but we need a way to provide customization here. Vanilla-numl example of form with check - In HTML there is no way to provide a function. But using JS it will look like:
const check = document.querySelector('nu-check');
check.assert = (val) => val && typeof val === 'string' && val.match(/^[a-z]{6}$/i); // value should be a string with length 6 and contain a-z characters, case insensitive.
So we need a React-way of doing so.
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