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Flavian Alexandru edited this page Apr 22, 2016 · 25 revisions

Reactive type-safe Scala driver for Apache Cassandra/Datastax Enterprise


To stay up-to-date with our latest releases and news, follow us on Twitter: @outworkers_uk.

If you use phantom, please consider adding your company to our list of adopters. Phantom is and will always be completely free and open source, but the more adopters our projects have, the more people from our company will actively work to make them better.


This is a list of companies that have embraced phantom as part of their technology stack and using it in production environments. Phantom is the official Scala driver for Apache Cassandra and Datastax Enterprise, developed by Websudos, Datastax Inc partners. Phantom is nowadays the worldwide standard choice for integrating Cassandra in a Scala codebase.

Commercial support

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We, the people behind phantom run a software development house specialised in Scala and NoSQL. If you are after enterprise grade training or support for using phantom, Websudos is here to help!

We offer a comprehensive range of elite Scala development services, including but not limited to:

  • Software development
  • Remote contractors for hire
  • Advanced Scala and Cassandra training

We are huge advocates of open source and we will open source every project we can! To read more about our OSS efforts, click here.


While dates are not fixed, we will use this list to tell you about our plans for the future. If you have great ideas about what could benefit all phantom adopters, please get in touch. We are very happy and eager to listen.

  • User defined types

We are working closely around the latest features in the Datastax Java driver and Apache Cassandra 2.1 to offer a fully type safe DSL for user defined types. This feature is well in progress and you can expect to see it live roughly at the same time as the release of the Datastax 2.1 driver, planned for July 2014.

Some of the cool features include automatic schema generation, fully type safe referencing of fields and inner members of UDTs and fully type safe querying.

  • Prepared statements(available as of 1.15.0)

  • A new QueryBuilder(available as of 1.6.0)

  • Zookeeper support(available as of 1.1.0).

  • Reactive streams support(available as of 1.15.0)