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Olivier Paroz edited this page Oct 9, 2015 · 3 revisions

Browser compatibility

This list is based on the current knowledge of the maintainers and the help they can get. It will evolve if and when people provide patches to fix all known current issues

Fully supported

  • Desktop: Firefox, Chrome
  • Mobile: Safari, Chrome on Android 5+, BlackBerry 10.3, Firefox

Partially supported

May not look as nice, but should work

  • Desktop: Internet Explorer 9-11, Edge
  • Mobile: Opera, Chrome on Android 4

Not supported

  • Desktop: Internet Explorer prior to 9, Safari, Opera
  • Mobile: Windows Phone

Note: some features like the slideshow do work on Internet Explorer 8

For the list of supported features for each browser, see this wiki page

Server requirements


  • ownCloud >= 8.2
  • See ownCloud's requirements
  • A high enough memory_limit in the PHP configuration for the ownCloud domain to prevent PHP from crashing when processing large images. See this wiki article for more details


  • FreeBSD or Linux server
  • PHP 5.6 with caching enabled. Redis is preferred
  • PHP memory_limit set to 512+ MB
  • EXIF PHP module
  • A recent version ImageMagick with SVG and Raw support
  • MySQL or MariaDB instead of Sqlite
  • A powerful server with lots of RAM