MSVC++ DLL/LIB project - A cryptographic library for exchanging traffic with a web server
Used lib/dll OpenSSL 1.1.0 and Zlib 1.2.7
crypton.dll use:
Functions: AES-256 Encrypt/Decrypt binary message/binary data (any size)
Functions RSA-2048/sha256 Generate Private/Public/Certificate to memory or to files
Functions: RSA-2048/sha256 Crypt/Decrypt message (max 240 byte message)
Functions: RSA-2048/sha256 Crypt/Decrypt any binary file size to output file
Functions: Zlib stream deflate(zip)/inflate(unzip) message/binary data
Functions: Convert char*->HexChar*/HexChar*->char*, example "123"->"313233", "313233"->"123"
Functions: char*->base64, base64->char*
AES-256 Encrypt data by
using openssl lib with given keys:
unsigned char * key256 = (unsigned char *)"11112222333344445555666677778888"; // îáÿçà òåëüĂĂ® 32 ñèìâîëà (256 áèò)
unsigned char * iv128 = (unsigned char *)"1111333355557777"; // îáÿçà òåëüĂĂ® 16 ñèìâîëîâ (128 áèò)
return crypted in unsigned char*
unsigned char* aes256_encryptC(unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char * key, unsigned char * iv, int &cryptedlen);
AES-256 Decrypt data by
using openssl lib with given keys:
unsigned char * key256 = (unsigned char *)"11112222333344445555666677778888"; // îáÿçà òåëüĂĂ® 32 ñèìâîëà (256 áèò)
unsigned char * iv128 = (unsigned char *)"1111333355557777"; // îáÿçà òåëüĂĂ® 16 ñèìâîëîâ (128 áèò)
return decrypted in unsigned char*
unsigned char* aes256_decryptC(unsigned char* cipher, int cipherLen, unsigned char * key, unsigned char * iv, int &decryptLen);
//Generate new RSA-2048/sha256 keys Private/Public/Certificate and save it to files
//Set IfFilesExistsNotRewriteset to false for overwrite files
//if Error return false
bool GenRSAKeysPhp( char* privateFile, char* publicFile, char* CertificateFile, bool IfFilesExistsNotRewrite );
//Generate new RSA-2048/sha256 RSA key Private/Public/Certificate and save it memory
//if Error return false
bool GenRSAKeysToMem( unsigned char** PrivateKeyStr, unsigned char** PublicKeyStr, unsigned char** CertificateKeyStr );
//Ecrypt data by RSA-2048/sha256 Public key
// unsigned char *encrypted - must be allocated before call public_encrypt()
// return encrypted size or -1 if error
int public_encrypt( unsigned char * data,int data_len,unsigned char * key, unsigned char *encrypted );
//Decrypt data by RSA-2048/sha256 Private key
// unsigned char *decrypted - must be allocated before call private_decrypt()
// return encrypted size or -1 if error
int private_decrypt( unsigned char * enc_data,int data_len,unsigned char * key, unsigned char *decrypted );
//Encrypt data by RSA-2048/sha256 Private Key
// unsigned char *encrypted - must be allocated before call private_encrypt()
// return encrypted size or -1 if error
int private_encrypt( unsigned char * data,int data_len,unsigned char * key, unsigned char *encrypted );
//Dencrypt data by RSA-2048/sha256 Public Key
// unsigned char *decrypted - must be allocated before call public_decrypt()
// return encrypted size or -1 if error
int public_decrypt( unsigned char * enc_data,int data_len,unsigned char * key, unsigned char *decrypted );
//Encrypt any size InFile with RSA-2048/sha256 Private key and put it in the OutFile
//On error return 0, if ok return 1
DWORD CryptFilePrivate256( char* FileName, char* NewFileName, unsigned char *privateKey );
//Encrypt any size InFile with RSA-2048/sha256 Public key and put it in the OutFile
//On error return 0, if ok return 1
DWORD CryptFilePublic256( char* FileName, char* NewFileName, unsigned char *publicKey )
//Dencrypt any size InFile with RSA-2048/sha256 Private key and put it in the OutFile
//On error return 0, if ok return 1
DWORD DeCryptFilePrivate256( char* FileName, char* NewFileName, unsigned char *privateKey );
//Dencrypt any size InFile with RSA-2048/sha256 Public key and put it in the OutFile
//On error return 0, if ok return 1
DWORD DeCryptFilePublic256( char* FileName, char* NewFileName, unsigned char *publicKey );
//Compress char*, gzip style using zlib with given compression level
//return compressed data with size in "unzippedLen" or NULL if error
char* compress_stringC( char* strData, int strDataLen, int &zippedLen );
//Decompress char* data by len
//return decompressed data with size in "unzippedLen" or NULL if error
char* decompress_stringC( char* strData, int strDataLen, int &unzippedLen );
//Convert char* hex hex format->char*, for example "313233" in hex -> "123"
//return char* text or NULL if error
char* charHex2char( unsigned char* data, int dataLen );
//Convert char* -> char* in hex format, for example "123" -> "313233" in hex
//return char* text or NULL if error
char* char2charHex ( unsigned char* zip, int size );
//Encode base64 for char* and return new char*
//return base64 string or NULL if error
char* base64Encode( const unsigned char *message, const size_t length );
//Decode base64 for char* and return new char*
//return decoded data size and data in "buffer", On Error return NULL in "buffer"
int base64Decode( const char *b64message, const size_t length, unsigned char **buffer );
Example use:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
typedef unsigned char* ( *aes256_encryptCExp )( unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char * key, unsigned char * iv, int &cryptedlen );
typedef unsigned char* ( *aes256_decryptCExp )( unsigned char* cipher, int cipherLen, unsigned char * key, unsigned char * iv, int &decryptLen );
typedef char* ( *base64EncodeExp )( const unsigned char *message, const size_t length );
typedef int ( *base64DecodeExp )( const char *b64message, const size_t length, unsigned char **buffer );
typedef char* ( *charHex2charExp )( unsigned char* data, int dataLen );
typedef char* ( *char2charHexExp )( unsigned char* data, int dataLen );
typedef char* ( *compress_stringCExp )( char* strData, int strDataLen, int &zippedLen );
typedef char* ( *decompress_stringCExp )( char* strData, int strDataLen, int &unzippedLen );
typedef bool ( *GenRSAKeysPhpExp )( char* privateFile, char* publicFile, char* CertificateFile, bool IfFilesExistsNotRewrite );
typedef bool ( *GenRSAKeysToMemExp )( unsigned char** PrivateKeyStr, unsigned char** PublicKeyStr, unsigned char** CertificateKeyStr );
typedef int ( *public_encryptExp )( unsigned char * data,int data_len,unsigned char * key, unsigned char *encrypted );
typedef int ( *private_decryptExp )( unsigned char * enc_data,int data_len,unsigned char * key, unsigned char *decrypted );
typedef int ( *private_encryptExp )( unsigned char * data,int data_len,unsigned char * key, unsigned char *encrypted );
typedef int ( *public_decryptExp )(unsigned char * enc_data,int data_len,unsigned char * key, unsigned char *decrypted );
typedef DWORD ( *CryptFilePrivate256Exp )( char* FileName, char* NewFileName, unsigned char *privateKey );
typedef DWORD ( *DeCryptFilePrivate256Exp )( char* FileName, char* NewFileName, unsigned char *privateKey );
typedef DWORD ( *CryptFilePublic256Exp )( char* FileName, char* NewFileName, unsigned char *publicKey );
typedef DWORD ( *DeCryptFilePublic256Exp )( char* FileName, char* NewFileName, unsigned char *publicKey );
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
aes256_encryptCExp aes256_encryptC = 0;
aes256_decryptCExp aes256_decryptC = 0;
base64EncodeExp base64Encode = 0;
base64DecodeExp base64Decode = 0;
charHex2charExp charHex2char = 0;
char2charHexExp char2charHex = 0;
compress_stringCExp compress_stringC = 0;
decompress_stringCExp decompress_stringC = 0;
GenRSAKeysPhpExp GenRSAKeysPhp = 0;
GenRSAKeysToMemExp GenRSAKeysToMem = 0;
public_encryptExp public_encrypt = 0;
private_decryptExp private_decrypt = 0;
private_encryptExp private_encrypt = 0;
public_decryptExp public_decrypt = 0;
CryptFilePrivate256Exp CryptFilePrivate256 = 0;
DeCryptFilePrivate256Exp DeCryptFilePrivate256 = 0;
CryptFilePublic256Exp CryptFilePublic256 = 0;
DeCryptFilePublic256Exp DeCryptFilePublic256 = 0;
char* cryptone = "cryptone.dll";
HMODULE hModule = LoadLibraryA(cryptone);
if(hModule == NULL)
printf("Error[%d] load [%s] dll\r\n", GetLastError(), cryptone);
return 0;
aes256_encryptC = (aes256_encryptCExp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "aes256_encryptC");
if(aes256_encryptC == NULL) return 0;
aes256_decryptC = (aes256_decryptCExp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "aes256_decryptC");
if(aes256_decryptC == NULL) return 0;
base64Encode = (base64EncodeExp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "base64Encode");
if(base64Encode == NULL) return 0;
base64Decode = (base64DecodeExp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "base64Decode");
if(base64Decode == NULL) return 0;
charHex2char = (charHex2charExp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "charHex2char");
if(charHex2char == NULL) return 0;
char2charHex = (char2charHexExp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "char2charHex");
if(char2charHex == NULL) return 0;
compress_stringC = (compress_stringCExp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "compress_stringC");
if(compress_stringC == NULL) return 0;
decompress_stringC = (decompress_stringCExp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "decompress_stringC");
if(decompress_stringC == NULL) return 0;
GenRSAKeysPhp = (GenRSAKeysPhpExp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "GenRSAKeysPhp");
if(GenRSAKeysPhp == NULL) return 0;
GenRSAKeysToMem = (GenRSAKeysToMemExp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "GenRSAKeysToMem");
if(GenRSAKeysToMem == NULL) return 0;
public_encrypt = (public_encryptExp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "public_encrypt");
if(public_encrypt == NULL) return 0;
private_decrypt = (private_decryptExp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "private_decrypt");
if(private_decrypt == NULL) return 0;
private_encrypt = (private_encryptExp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "private_encrypt");
if(private_encrypt == NULL) return 0;
public_decrypt = (public_decryptExp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "public_decrypt");
if(public_decrypt == NULL) return 0;
CryptFilePrivate256 = (CryptFilePrivate256Exp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "CryptFilePrivate256");
if(CryptFilePrivate256 == NULL) return 0;
DeCryptFilePrivate256 = (DeCryptFilePrivate256Exp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "DeCryptFilePrivate256");
if(DeCryptFilePrivate256 == NULL) return 0;
CryptFilePublic256 = (CryptFilePublic256Exp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "CryptFilePublic256");
if(CryptFilePublic256 == NULL) return 0;
DeCryptFilePublic256 = (DeCryptFilePublic256Exp)GetProcAddress(hModule, "DeCryptFilePublic256");
if(DeCryptFilePublic256 == NULL) return 0;
//Generate RSA keys and save it to files example
char* PriName = "Private.pem";
char* PubName = "Public.pem";
char* CerName = "Certif.pem";
bool bFlag = false; // if set true - overwrite and generate new public/private keys
if(GenRSAKeysPhp(PriName, PubName, CerName, bFlag) == false ) return 0;
//Generate RSA keys and save it to memory example
unsigned char* PrivateKeyStr = NULL;
unsigned char* PublicKeyStr = NULL;
unsigned char* CertificateKeyStr = NULL;
if(GenRSAKeysToMem( &PrivateKeyStr, &PublicKeyStr, &CertificateKeyStr ) == false ) return 0;
VirtualFree( PrivateKeyStr, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( PublicKeyStr, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( CertificateKeyStr, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
//Generate new RSA keys and Encrypt UserFile(any size) with privateKey -> Decrypt UserFile with publicKey and save it to file example
unsigned char* PrivateKeyStr111 = NULL;
unsigned char* PublicKeyStr111 = NULL;
unsigned char* CertificateKeyStr111 = NULL;
if(GenRSAKeysToMem( &PrivateKeyStr111, &PublicKeyStr111, &CertificateKeyStr111 ) == false ) return 0;
int fileSize1 = 20548;
char fileData1[20548];
memset(fileData1, 'A', fileSize1 );
char* inFileName1 = "inFile1.txt";
char* outFileName1 = "outFile1.txt";
char* outFileName21 = "outFile21.txt";
FILE* pFile11 = fopen( inFileName1, "wb" );
fwrite( fileData1, 1, fileSize1, pFile11 );
if ( ferror( pFile11 ) )
fclose( pFile11 );
VirtualFree( PrivateKeyStr111, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( PublicKeyStr111, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( CertificateKeyStr111, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
return 0;
fclose( pFile11 );
if( CryptFilePublic256( inFileName1, outFileName1, PublicKeyStr111 ) == 0 ) return 0;
if( DeCryptFilePrivate256( outFileName1, outFileName21, PrivateKeyStr111 ) == 0 ) return 0;
VirtualFree( PrivateKeyStr111, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( PublicKeyStr111, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( CertificateKeyStr111, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
//Generate new RSA keys and Encrypt UserFile(any size) with privateKey -> Decrypt UserFile with publicKey and save it to file example
unsigned char* PrivateKeyStr11 = NULL;
unsigned char* PublicKeyStr11 = NULL;
unsigned char* CertificateKeyStr11 = NULL;
if(GenRSAKeysToMem( &PrivateKeyStr11, &PublicKeyStr11, &CertificateKeyStr11 ) == false ) return 0;
int fileSize = 20548;
char fileData[20548];
memset(fileData, 'A', fileSize );
char* inFileName = "inFile.txt";
char* outFileName = "outFile.txt";
char* outFileName2 = "outFile2.txt";
FILE* pFile1 = fopen( inFileName, "wb" );
fwrite( fileData, 1, fileSize, pFile1 );
if ( ferror( pFile1 ) )
fclose( pFile1 );
VirtualFree( PrivateKeyStr11, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( PublicKeyStr11, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( CertificateKeyStr11, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
return 0;
fclose( pFile1 );
if( CryptFilePrivate256( inFileName, outFileName, PrivateKeyStr11 ) == 0 ) return 0;
if( DeCryptFilePublic256( outFileName, outFileName2, PublicKeyStr11 ) == 0 ) return 0;
VirtualFree( PrivateKeyStr11, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( PublicKeyStr11, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( CertificateKeyStr11, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
//Generate new RSA keys and Encrypt UserData(240 byte max) with privateKey -> Decrypt UserData with publicKey and save it to memory example
unsigned char* PrivateKeyStr1 = NULL;
unsigned char* PublicKeyStr1 = NULL;
unsigned char* CertificateKeyStr1 = NULL;
if(GenRSAKeysToMem( &PrivateKeyStr1, &PublicKeyStr1, &CertificateKeyStr1 ) == false ) return 0;
char* uncrypteddata1 = "Hello, world!";
char* crypteddata1 = (char*)VirtualAlloc( NULL, 256, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
if(crypteddata1 == NULL) return 0;
int uncrypteddatalen1 = strlen(uncrypteddata1);
int icryptedlen1 = private_encrypt( (unsigned char*)uncrypteddata1, uncrypteddatalen1, PrivateKeyStr1, (unsigned char*)crypteddata1 );
if (icryptedlen1 <= 0) return 0;
char* decrypteddata1 = (char*)VirtualAlloc( NULL, 256, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
if(decrypteddata1 == NULL) return 0;
int idecryptedlen1 = public_decrypt( (unsigned char*)crypteddata1, icryptedlen1, PublicKeyStr1, (unsigned char*)decrypteddata1 );
if (idecryptedlen1 <= 0) return 0;
VirtualFree( PrivateKeyStr1, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( PublicKeyStr1, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( CertificateKeyStr1, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
//Generate new RSA keys and Encrypt UserData(240 byte max) with publicKey -> Decrypt UserData with privateKey and save it to memory example
unsigned char* PrivateKeyStr2 = NULL;
unsigned char* PublicKeyStr2 = NULL;
unsigned char* CertificateKeyStr2 = NULL;
if(GenRSAKeysToMem( &PrivateKeyStr2, &PublicKeyStr2, &CertificateKeyStr2 ) == false ) return 0;
char* uncrypteddata2 = "Hello, world!";
char* crypteddata2 = (char*)VirtualAlloc( NULL, 256, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
if(crypteddata2 == NULL) return 0;
int uncrypteddatalen2 = strlen(uncrypteddata2);
int icryptedlen2 = public_encrypt( (unsigned char*)uncrypteddata2, uncrypteddatalen2, PublicKeyStr2, (unsigned char*)crypteddata2 );
if (icryptedlen2 <= 0) return 0;
char* decrypteddata2 = (char*)VirtualAlloc( NULL, 256, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
if(decrypteddata2 == NULL) return 0;
int idecryptedlen2 = private_decrypt( (unsigned char*)crypteddata2, icryptedlen2, PrivateKeyStr2, (unsigned char*)decrypteddata2 );
if (idecryptedlen2 <= 0) return 0;
VirtualFree( PrivateKeyStr2, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( PublicKeyStr2, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( CertificateKeyStr2, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
//Data zip -> unzip example
char* zipSrc = "Hello, world:, but when I did this I started getting issues with Valgrind reporting reachable blocks at the end of the program, originating from.";
int zipSrcLen = strlen(zipSrc);
int zippedLen = 0;
int unzippedLen = 0;
char* ZippedChars = compress_stringC ( zipSrc, zipSrcLen, zippedLen );
if(ZippedChars == NULL) return 0;
char* unZippedChars = decompress_stringC( ZippedChars, zippedLen, unzippedLen );
if(unZippedChars == NULL) return 0;
VirtualFree( ZippedChars, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( unZippedChars, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
//data -> hexeddata and hexeddata -> data example
char* dataz = "123456789";
char* hexed = char2charHex ( (unsigned char*) dataz, strlen(dataz) );
if(hexed == NULL) return 0;
char* dehexed = charHex2char( (unsigned char*) hexed, strlen(hexed) );
if(dehexed == NULL) return 0;
VirtualFree( hexed, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
VirtualFree( dehexed, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
//Aes crypt->decrypt any size data example
unsigned char * key256 = (unsigned char *)"11112222333344445555666677778888"; // 32 byte (256 bit)
unsigned char * iv128 = (unsigned char *)"1111333355557777"; // 16 byte (128 bit)
//example data
int dataLen = strlen(data);
int cryptedLen = 0;
int decryptedLen = 0;
unsigned char *cpp_cipher = aes256_encryptC((unsigned char *)data, dataLen, key256, iv128, cryptedLen);
if(cpp_cipher == NULL)
VirtualFree( cpp_cipher, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
return 0;
char* base64 = base64Encode( cpp_cipher, cryptedLen );
if(base64 == NULL)
VirtualFree( cpp_cipher, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
return 0;
VirtualFree( cpp_cipher, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
FILE* pFile = fopen("enc.dat", "wb");
fwrite(base64, 1, strlen(base64),pFile);
if ( ferror( pFile ) )
VirtualFree( base64, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
return 0;
unsigned char* debase64 = NULL;
size_t sLen = strlen(base64);
int iLen = base64Decode(base64, sLen, &debase64);
if(debase64 == NULL)
VirtualFree( base64, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
return 0;
VirtualFree( base64, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
unsigned char *php_cipher = aes256_decryptC(debase64, iLen, key256, iv128, decryptedLen);
VirtualFree( debase64, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
if(php_cipher == NULL) return 0;
FILE* pFileg = fopen("dec.dat", "wb");
fwrite((char*)php_cipher, 1, decryptedLen, pFileg);
if ( ferror( pFileg ) )
VirtualFree( php_cipher, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
return 0;
VirtualFree( php_cipher, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
return 0;
- twitter: @oxfemale
- telegram: @BelousovaAlisa
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