diff --git a/.automation/build.py b/.automation/build.py
index e78025dbfb3..a09e41ba437 100644
--- a/.automation/build.py
+++ b/.automation/build.py
@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ def generate_documentation():
+ "code**, **IAC**, **configuration**, and **scripts** in your repository "
+ "sources, to **ensure all your projects "
+ "sources are clean and formatted** whatever IDE/toolbox is used by "
- + "their developers, powered by [**OX security**](https://www.ox.security/?ref=megalinter).\n\n"
+ + "their developers, powered by [**OX Security**](https://www.ox.security/?ref=megalinter).\n\n"
+ f"Supporting [**{len(linters_by_type['language'])}** languages]"
+ "(#languages), "
+ f"[**{len(linters_by_type['format'])}** formats](#formats), "
@@ -767,7 +767,16 @@ def generate_documentation():
def generate_descriptor_documentation(descriptor):
descriptor_file = f"{descriptor.get('descriptor_id').lower()}.yml"
descriptor_url = f"{URL_ROOT}/megalinter/descriptors/{descriptor_file}"
+ linter_names = [
+ linter.get("linter_name") for linter in descriptor.get("linters", [])
+ ]
+ is_are = "is" if len(linter_names) == 1 else "are"
descriptor_md = [
+ "---",
+ f"title: {descriptor.get('descriptor_id')} linters in MegaLinter",
+ f"description: {', '.join(linter_names)} {is_are} available to analyze "
+ f"{descriptor.get('descriptor_id')} files in MegaLinter",
+ "---",
@@ -872,6 +881,11 @@ def generate_flavor_documentation(flavor_id, flavor, linters_tables_md):
f"![Docker Pulls]({BASE_SHIELD_COUNT_LINK}/" f"{ML_DOCKER_IMAGE}-{flavor_id})"
flavor_doc_md = [
+ "---",
+ f"title: {flavor_id} flavor in MegaLinter",
+ f"description: {flavor_id} flavor is an optimized MegaLinter with "
+ f"only linters related to {flavor_id} projects",
+ "---",
f"# {flavor_id} MegaLinter Flavor",
@@ -940,12 +954,9 @@ def process_type(linters_by_type, type1, type_label, linters_tables_md):
"| :---: | ----------------- | -------------- | ------------ | :-----: |",
descriptor_linters = linters_by_type[type1]
- prev_lang = ""
for linter in descriptor_linters:
lang_lower, linter_name_lower, descriptor_label = get_linter_base_info(linter)
- if prev_lang != linter.descriptor_id and os.path.isfile(
- REPO_ICONS + "/" + linter.descriptor_id.lower() + ".ico"
- ):
+ if os.path.isfile(REPO_ICONS + "/" + linter.descriptor_id.lower() + ".ico"):
icon_html = icon(
@@ -953,9 +964,7 @@ def process_type(linters_by_type, type1, type_label, linters_tables_md):
- elif prev_lang != linter.descriptor_id and os.path.isfile(
- REPO_ICONS + "/default.ico"
- ):
+ elif os.path.isfile(REPO_ICONS + "/default.ico"):
icon_html = icon(
@@ -966,12 +975,7 @@ def process_type(linters_by_type, type1, type_label, linters_tables_md):
icon_html = ""
descriptor_url = doc_url(f"{DOCS_URL_DESCRIPTORS_ROOT}/{lang_lower}.md")
- descriptor_id_cell = (
- f"[{descriptor_label}]({descriptor_url})"
- if prev_lang != linter.descriptor_id
- else ""
- )
- prev_lang = linter.descriptor_id
+ descriptor_id_cell = f"[{descriptor_label}]({descriptor_url})"
# Build extra badges
md_extras = []
repo = get_github_repo(linter)
@@ -1001,6 +1005,12 @@ def process_type(linters_by_type, type1, type_label, linters_tables_md):
# Build individual linter doc
linter_doc_md = [
+ "---",
+ f"title: {linter.linter_name} configuration in MegaLinter",
+ f"description: How to use {linter.linter_name} (configure, "
+ "ignore files, ignore errors, help & version documentations)"
+ f" to analyze {linter.descriptor_id} files",
+ "---",
@@ -1044,6 +1054,28 @@ def process_type(linters_by_type, type1, type_label, linters_tables_md):
linter_doc_md += [f"# {linter.linter_name} {badge}"]
+ # Indicate that a linter is disabled in this version
+ if hasattr(linter, "deprecated") and linter.deprecated is True:
+ linter_doc_md += [""]
+ linter_doc_md += ["> This linter has been deprecated.", ">"]
+ if (
+ hasattr(linter, "deprecated_description")
+ and linter.deprecated_description
+ ):
+ linter_doc_md += [
+ "> ".join(
+ ("> " + linter.deprecated_description.lstrip()).splitlines(True)
+ ),
+ ">",
+ ]
+ linter_doc_md += [
+ f"> You should disable {linter.linter_name} by adding it in DISABLE_LINTERS property.",
+ ">",
+ "> It will be maintained at least until the next major release.",
+ ]
# Indicate that a linter is disabled in this version
if hasattr(linter, "disabled") and linter.disabled is True:
linter_doc_md += [""]
@@ -1224,12 +1256,25 @@ def process_type(linters_by_type, type1, type_label, linters_tables_md):
# cli_lint_mode can be overridden by user config if the descriptor cli_lint_mode is not "project"
if linter.cli_lint_mode != "project":
- linter_doc_md += [
+ cli_lint_mode_doc_md = (
f"| {linter.name}_CLI_LINT_MODE | Override default CLI lint mode
- f"- `file`: Calls the linter for each file
- "- `list_of_files`: Call the linter with the list of files as argument
- f"- `project`: Call the linter from the root of the project | `{linter.cli_lint_mode}` |"
- ]
+ )
+ cli_lint_mode_doc_md += "- `file`: Calls the linter for each file
+ if linter.cli_lint_mode == "file":
+ enum = ["file", "project"]
+ else:
+ enum = ["file", "list_of_files", "project"]
+ cli_lint_mode_doc_md += "- `list_of_files`: Call the linter with the list of files as argument
+ cli_lint_mode_doc_md += (
+ "- `project`: Call the linter from the root of the project"
+ )
+ cli_lint_mode_doc_md += f" | `{linter.cli_lint_mode}` |"
+ linter_doc_md += [cli_lint_mode_doc_md]
@@ -1239,7 +1284,7 @@ def process_type(linters_by_type, type1, type_label, linters_tables_md):
"type": "string",
"title": f"{linter.name}: Override default cli lint mode",
"default": linter.cli_lint_mode,
- "enum": ["file", "list_of_files", "project"],
+ "enum": enum,
@@ -1963,13 +2008,43 @@ def replace_in_file(file_path, start, end, content, add_new_line=True):
# Read in the file
with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
file_content = file.read()
+ # Detect markdown headers if in replacement
+ header_content = None
+ header_matches = re.findall(
+ r"", content, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL
+ )
+ if header_matches and len(header_matches) > 0:
+ # Get text between markdown-headers tag
+ header_content = header_matches[0]
+ content = re.sub(
+ r"", "", content, 1, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL
+ )[1:]
# Replace the target string
if add_new_line is True:
replacement = f"{start}\n{content}\n{end}"
replacement = f"{start}{content}{end}"
regex = rf"{start}([\s\S]*?){end}"
- file_content = re.sub(regex, replacement, file_content, re.DOTALL)
+ file_content = re.sub(regex, replacement, file_content, 1, re.DOTALL)
+ # Add / replace header if necessary
+ if header_content is not None:
+ existing_header_matches = re.findall(
+ r"---\n(.*)\n---", file_content, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL
+ )
+ if (
+ existing_header_matches
+ and len(existing_header_matches) > 0
+ and file_content.startswith("---")
+ ):
+ file_content = re.sub(
+ r"---\n.*?\n---",
+ header_content,
+ file_content,
+ 1,
+ )
+ else:
+ file_content = header_content + "\n" + file_content
# Write the file out again
with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
@@ -2040,7 +2115,7 @@ def move_to_file(file_path, start, end, target_file, keep_in_source=False):
bracket_content = ""
if keep_in_source is False:
- file_content = re.sub(regex, replacement, file_content, re.DOTALL)
+ file_content = re.sub(regex, replacement, file_content, 1, re.DOTALL)
# Write the file out again
with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
@@ -2192,10 +2267,10 @@ def finalize_doc_build():
"""![GitHub release](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/oxsecurity/megalinter?sort=semver&color=%23FD80CD)
-[![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/badge/docker%20pulls-3.7M-blue?color=%23FD80CD)](https://megalinter.github.io/flavors/)
+[![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/badge/docker%20pulls-3.8M-blue?color=%23FD80CD)](https://megalinter.github.io/flavors/)
[![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/oxsecurity/megalinter?cacheSeconds=3600&color=%23FD80CD)](https://github.com/oxsecurity/megalinter/stargazers/)
[![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/oxsecurity/megalinter.svg?color=%23FD80CD)](https://github.com/oxsecurity/megalinter/graphs/contributors/)
[![PRs Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square&color=%23FD80CD)](http://makeapullrequest.com)""", # noqa: E501
@@ -2881,6 +2956,7 @@ def update_dependents_info():
if UPDATE_DOC is True:
+ logging.info("Running documentation generators...")
diff --git a/.automation/generated/flavors-stats.json b/.automation/generated/flavors-stats.json
index 8f11882e7f0..aa7f21eaafe 100644
--- a/.automation/generated/flavors-stats.json
+++ b/.automation/generated/flavors-stats.json
@@ -1131,6 +1131,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 2706567
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 2707791
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 2708889
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 2711127
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 2712487
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 2714076
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 2714989
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:56:00",
+ 2715746
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 2716726
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 2718615
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 2719494
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 2719726
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 2720646
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 2721546
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 2724190
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 2725601
"ci_light": [
@@ -2265,6 +2329,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 38358
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 38629
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 38875
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 39181
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 39425
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 39674
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 39700
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:56:00",
+ 39839
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 40047
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 40459
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 40563
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 40599
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 40655
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 40824
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 41260
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 41583
"cupcake": [
@@ -2379,6 +2507,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 906
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 926
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 945
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 1155
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 1204
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 1225
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 1225
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:30:31",
+ 1228
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 1244
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 1286
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 1302
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 1303
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 1304
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 1313
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 1353
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 1377
"dart": [
@@ -4423,6 +4615,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 96858
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 97082
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 97258
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 97555
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 97790
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 98101
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 98252
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:56:00",
+ 98392
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 98568
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 98941
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 99113
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 99178
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 99497
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 99760
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 100332
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 100628
"dotnet": [
@@ -5557,6 +5813,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 332613
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 332974
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 333267
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 333886
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 334190
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 334463
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 334507
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:56:00",
+ 334588
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 334910
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 335266
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 335538
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 335631
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 335719
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 335910
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 336690
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 337051
"go": [
@@ -6691,6 +7011,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 15667
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 15740
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 15755
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 15791
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 15815
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 15827
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 15835
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:30:31",
+ 15864
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 15875
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 15884
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 15885
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 15885
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 15887
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 15907
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 15931
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 15943
"java": [
@@ -7825,6 +8209,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 103317
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 103409
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 103521
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 103702
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 103812
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 103911
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 103944
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:56:00",
+ 103996
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 104061
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 104201
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 104253
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 104269
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 104318
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 104357
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 104568
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 104692
"javascript": [
@@ -8959,6 +9407,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 177426
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 178143
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 178474
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 178906
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 179209
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 179656
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 179790
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:56:00",
+ 179998
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 180350
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 180757
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 180908
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 180974
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 181416
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 181806
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 182648
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 183151
"php": [
@@ -10043,56 +10555,120 @@
- "2022-11-08T01:06:52",
- 26964
+ "2022-11-08T01:06:52",
+ 26964
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-11-11T17:10:50",
+ 27435
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-11-13T20:58:24",
+ 27613
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-11-14T23:48:23",
+ 0
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-11-15T07:38:22",
+ 27870
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-11-17T09:11:40",
+ 28473
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-11-19T22:14:34",
+ 28858
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-11-21T23:47:48",
+ 29106
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-11-22T01:14:59",
+ 29117
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-11-23T23:28:30",
+ 29307
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-11-26T01:00:47",
+ 29407
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-11-28T01:02:53",
+ 29424
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-07T07:19:55",
+ 30367
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 32057
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 32350
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 32526
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 32765
- "2022-11-11T17:10:50",
- 27435
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 32907
- "2022-11-13T20:58:24",
- 27613
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 32943
- "2022-11-14T23:48:23",
- 0
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 33040
- "2022-11-15T07:38:22",
- 27870
+ "2022-12-26T19:30:31",
+ 33337
- "2022-11-17T09:11:40",
- 28473
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 33479
- "2022-11-19T22:14:34",
- 28858
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 33705
- "2022-11-21T23:47:48",
- 29106
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 33756
- "2022-11-22T01:14:59",
- 29117
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 33760
- "2022-11-23T23:28:30",
- 29307
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 33900
- "2022-11-26T01:00:47",
- 29407
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 33969
- "2022-11-28T01:02:53",
- 29424
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 34454
- "2022-12-07T07:19:55",
- 30367
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 34740
"python": [
@@ -11227,6 +11803,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 138864
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 139150
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 139498
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 140102
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 140496
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 140786
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 140818
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:56:00",
+ 140920
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 141171
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 141503
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 141638
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 141690
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 141832
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 141974
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 142707
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 143313
"ruby": [
@@ -12357,6 +12997,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 2785
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 2785
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 2787
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 2791
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 2791
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 2793
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 2793
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:30:31",
+ 2795
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 2795
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 2797
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 2797
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 2797
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 2797
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 2797
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 2802
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 2802
"rust": [
@@ -13487,6 +14191,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 4332
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 4339
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 4341
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 4350
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 4350
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 4350
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 4350
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:30:31",
+ 4353
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 4353
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 4353
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 4353
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 4353
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 4353
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 4375
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 4381
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 4386
"salesforce": [
@@ -14621,6 +15389,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 15776
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 15781
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 15787
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 15806
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 15828
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 15841
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 15846
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:30:31",
+ 15851
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 15855
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 15869
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 15875
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 15880
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 15885
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 15889
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 15909
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 15927
"scala": [
@@ -15753,6 +16585,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 1786
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 1790
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 1791
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 1797
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 1807
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 1833
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 1836
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:30:31",
+ 1837
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 1863
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 1874
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 1879
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 1880
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 1881
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 1895
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 1927
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 1974
"swift": [
@@ -16883,6 +17779,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 2884
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 2907
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 2920
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 2994
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 2995
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 3008
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 3008
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:30:31",
+ 3008
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 3008
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 3008
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 3008
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 3008
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 3008
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 3008
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 3031
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 3053
"terraform": [
@@ -18017,6 +18977,70 @@
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-18T20:23:59",
+ 149086
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-19T18:26:59",
+ 149549
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-20T16:08:58",
+ 150049
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-21T23:23:24",
+ 150868
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-22T22:59:06",
+ 151377
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-24T20:01:35",
+ 152010
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-25T21:13:52",
+ 152274
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-26T19:56:00",
+ 152559
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-27T23:56:39",
+ 152926
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-29T20:55:31",
+ 153675
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-30T20:56:36",
+ 154035
+ ],
+ [
+ "2022-12-31T08:10:29",
+ 154171
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-01T23:58:03",
+ 154505
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-02T23:32:43",
+ 154848
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-04T17:53:34",
+ 155756
+ ],
+ [
+ "2023-01-05T19:18:33",
+ 156394
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.automation/generated/linter-helps.json b/.automation/generated/linter-helps.json
index 5f2371aa3ef..b2f6bc82950 100644
--- a/.automation/generated/linter-helps.json
+++ b/.automation/generated/linter-helps.json
@@ -483,9 +483,9 @@
" input).",
" --python-cell-magics TEXT When processing Jupyter Notebooks, add the",
" given magic to the list of known python-",
- " magics (prun, timeit, pypy, python, python3,",
- " capture, time). Useful for formatting cells",
- " with custom python magics.",
+ " magics (python, python3, pypy, capture,",
+ " timeit, time, prun). Useful for formatting",
+ " cells with custom python magics.",
" -x, --skip-source-first-line Skip the first line of the source code.",
" -S, --skip-string-normalization",
" Don't normalize string quotes or prefixes.",
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@
" [--secrets-scan-file-type SECRETS_SCAN_FILE_TYPE]",
" [--enable-secret-scan-all-files]",
" [--block-list-secret-scan BLOCK_LIST_SECRET_SCAN]",
- " [--summary-position {bottom,top}]",
+ " [--summary-position {top,bottom}]",
" [--skip-resources-without-violations]",
"Infrastructure as code static analysis",
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@
" --block-list-secret-scan BLOCK_LIST_SECRET_SCAN",
" List of files to filter out from the secret scanner",
- " --summary-position {bottom,top}",
+ " --summary-position {top,bottom}",
" Chose whether the summary will be appended on top",
" (before the checks results) or on bottom (after check",
" results), default is on top.",
@@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@
"clj-kondo": [
- "clj-kondo v2022.10.14",
+ "clj-kondo v2022.12.10",
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@
" nearest `.clj-kondo` directory in the current and parent directories.",
" --config : config may be a file or an EDN expression. See",
- " https://cljdoc.org/d/clj-kondo/clj-kondo/2022.10.14/doc/configuration",
+ " https://cljdoc.org/d/clj-kondo/clj-kondo/2022.12.10/doc/configuration",
" --config-dir : use this config directory instead of auto-detected",
" .clj-kondo dir.",
@@ -1414,6 +1414,25 @@
" processed by linter, in the current directory (where the .cfg",
" file is located) and all sub-directories."
+ "csharpier": [
+ "dotnet-csharpier",
+ "",
+ "Usage:",
+ " dotnet-csharpier [options] [...]",
+ "",
+ "Arguments:",
+ " One or more paths to a directory containing c# files to format or a c# file to format. If a path is not specified the current directory is used",
+ "",
+ "Options:",
+ " --check Check that files are formatted. Will not write any changes.",
+ " --fast Skip comparing syntax tree of formatted file to original file to validate changes.",
+ " --skip-write Skip writing changes. Generally used for testing to ensure csharpier doesn't throw any errors or cause syntax tree validation failures.",
+ " --write-stdout Write the results of formatting any files to stdout.",
+ " --pipe-multiple-files Keep csharpier running so that multiples files can be piped to it via stdin",
+ " --version Show version information",
+ " -?, -h, --help Show help and usage information",
+ ""
+ ],
"cspell": [
"Usage: cspell [options] [command]",
@@ -1535,27 +1554,25 @@
" dockerfilelint < Dockerfile Lint the contents of Dockerfile via stdin"
"dotenv-linter": [
- "dotenv-linter 3.2.0",
+ "dotenv-linter 3.3.0",
"Mikhail Grachev ",
"Lightning-fast linter for .env files",
- " dotenv-linter [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] ... [SUBCOMMAND]",
+ " dotenv-linter [OPTIONS] [input]... [SUBCOMMAND]",
- "FLAGS:",
- " -h, --help Prints help information",
- " --no-color Turns off the colored output",
- " --not-check-updates Doesn't check for updates",
- " -q, --quiet Doesn't display additional information",
- " -r, --recursive Recursively searches and checks .env files",
- " -v, --version Prints version information",
+ "ARGS:",
+ " ... files or paths [default: /]",
" -e, --exclude ... Excludes files from check",
+ " -h, --help Print help information",
+ " --no-color Turns off the colored output",
+ " --not-check-updates Doesn't check for updates",
+ " -q, --quiet Doesn't display additional information",
+ " -r, --recursive Recursively searches and checks .env files",
" -s, --skip ... Skips checks",
- "",
- "ARGS:",
- " ... files or paths [default: /]",
+ " -v, --version Print version information",
" compare Compares if files have the same keys [aliases: c]",
@@ -1660,26 +1677,26 @@
" --parser-options Object Specify parser options",
" --resolve-plugins-relative-to path::String A folder where plugins should be resolved from, CWD by default",
- "Specifying rules and plugins:",
+ "Specify Rules and Plugins:",
" --plugin [String] Specify plugins",
" --rule Object Specify rules",
" --rulesdir [path::String] Load additional rules from this directory. Deprecated: Use rules from plugins",
- "Fixing problems:",
+ "Fix Problems:",
" --fix Automatically fix problems",
" --fix-dry-run Automatically fix problems without saving the changes to the file system",
" --fix-type Array Specify the types of fixes to apply (directive, problem, suggestion, layout)",
- "Ignoring files:",
+ "Ignore Files:",
" --ignore-path path::String Specify path of ignore file",
" --no-ignore Disable use of ignore files and patterns",
" --ignore-pattern [String] Pattern of files to ignore (in addition to those in .eslintignore)",
- "Using stdin:",
+ "Use stdin:",
" --stdin Lint code provided on - default: false",
" --stdin-filename String Specify filename to process STDIN as",
- "Handling warnings:",
+ "Handle Warnings:",
" --quiet Report errors only - default: false",
" --max-warnings Int Number of warnings to trigger nonzero exit code - default: -1",
@@ -1721,26 +1738,26 @@
" --parser-options Object Specify parser options",
" --resolve-plugins-relative-to path::String A folder where plugins should be resolved from, CWD by default",
- "Specifying rules and plugins:",
+ "Specify Rules and Plugins:",
" --plugin [String] Specify plugins",
" --rule Object Specify rules",
" --rulesdir [path::String] Load additional rules from this directory. Deprecated: Use rules from plugins",
- "Fixing problems:",
+ "Fix Problems:",
" --fix Automatically fix problems",
" --fix-dry-run Automatically fix problems without saving the changes to the file system",
" --fix-type Array Specify the types of fixes to apply (directive, problem, suggestion, layout)",
- "Ignoring files:",
+ "Ignore Files:",
" --ignore-path path::String Specify path of ignore file",
" --no-ignore Disable use of ignore files and patterns",
" --ignore-pattern [String] Pattern of files to ignore (in addition to those in .eslintignore)",
- "Using stdin:",
+ "Use stdin:",
" --stdin Lint code provided on - default: false",
" --stdin-filename String Specify filename to process STDIN as",
- "Handling warnings:",
+ "Handle Warnings:",
" --quiet Report errors only - default: false",
" --max-warnings Int Number of warnings to trigger nonzero exit code - default: -1",
@@ -2122,10 +2139,10 @@
" [-c] [--ws] [--sp SETTINGS_PATH] [--cr CONFIG_ROOT]",
" [--resolve-all-configs] [--profile PROFILE] [--old-finders]",
" [-j [JOBS]] [--ac] [--interactive] [--format-error FORMAT_ERROR]",
- " [--format-success FORMAT_SUCCESS] [--filter-files] [-s SKIP]",
- " [--extend-skip EXTEND_SKIP] [--sg SKIP_GLOB]",
- " [--extend-skip-glob EXTEND_SKIP_GLOB] [--gitignore]",
+ " [--format-success FORMAT_SUCCESS] [--sort-reexports]",
+ " [--filter-files] [-s SKIP] [--extend-skip EXTEND_SKIP]",
+ " [--sg SKIP_GLOB] [--extend-skip-glob EXTEND_SKIP_GLOB]",
+ " [--gitignore] [--ext SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS]",
" [--blocked-extension BLOCKED_EXTENSIONS] [--dont-follow-links]",
" [--filename FILENAME] [--allow-root] [-a ADD_IMPORTS] [--append]",
" [--af] [--rm REMOVE_IMPORTS] [--float-to-top]",
@@ -2140,7 +2157,8 @@
" [--case-sensitive] [--remove-redundant-aliases] [--honor-noqa]",
" [--treat-comment-as-code TREAT_COMMENTS_AS_CODE]",
" [--treat-all-comment-as-code] [--formatter FORMATTER] [--color]",
- " [--ext-format EXT_FORMAT] [--star-first] [--sd DEFAULT_SECTION]",
+ " [--ext-format EXT_FORMAT] [--star-first]",
+ " [--split-on-trailing-comma] [--sd DEFAULT_SECTION]",
" [--only-sections] [--ds] [--fas] [--fss] [--hcss] [--srss]",
" [--fass] [-t FORCE_TO_TOP] [--combine-straight-imports]",
" [--nlb NO_LINES_BEFORE] [--src SRC_PATHS]",
@@ -2149,7 +2167,7 @@
" [-p KNOWN_FIRST_PARTY] [--known-local-folder KNOWN_LOCAL_FOLDER]",
" [--virtual-env VIRTUAL_ENV] [--conda-env CONDA_ENV]",
- " [--py {all,2,27,3,310,35,36,37,38,39,auto}]",
+ " [--py {all,2,27,3,310,311,36,37,38,39,auto}]",
" [files ...]",
"Sort Python import definitions alphabetically within logical sections. Run",
@@ -2213,7 +2231,8 @@
" Use the old deprecated finder logic that relies on",
" environment introspection magic.",
" -j [JOBS], --jobs [JOBS]",
- " Number of files to process in parallel.",
+ " Number of files to process in parallel. Negative value",
+ " means use number of CPUs.",
" --ac, --atomic Ensures the output doesn't save if the resulting file",
" contains syntax errors.",
" --interactive Tells isort to apply changes interactively.",
@@ -2221,6 +2240,8 @@
" Override the format used to print errors.",
" --format-success FORMAT_SUCCESS",
" Override the format used to print success.",
+ " --sort-reexports Automatically sort all re-exports (module level",
+ " __all__ collections)",
"target options:",
" files One or more Python source files that need their",
@@ -2394,6 +2415,9 @@
" extensions formatting rules.",
" --star-first Forces star imports above others to avoid overriding",
" directly imported variables.",
+ " --split-on-trailing-comma",
+ " Split imports list followed by a trailing comma into",
"section output options:",
" --sd DEFAULT_SECTION, --section-default DEFAULT_SECTION",
@@ -2473,7 +2497,7 @@
" --conda-env CONDA_ENV",
" Conda environment to use for determining whether a",
" package is third-party",
- " --py {all,2,27,3,310,35,36,37,38,39,auto}, --python-version {all,2,27,3,310,35,36,37,38,39,auto}",
+ " --py {all,2,27,3,310,311,36,37,38,39,auto}, --python-version {all,2,27,3,310,311,36,37,38,39,auto}",
" Tells isort to set the known standard library based on",
" the specified Python version. Default is to assume any",
" Python 3 version could be the target, and use a union",
@@ -2654,8 +2678,10 @@
" --color Make output colorful",
" --color-name=",
" Customize the output color",
- " --debug Turn on debug output",
- " --trace Turn on trace output",
+ " --debug Turn on debug output. Deprecated, use",
+ " '--log-level=debug' instead.",
+ " --trace Turn on trace output. Deprecated, use",
+ " '--log-level=trace' instead.",
" --disabled_rules=",
" Comma-separated list of rules to globally disable. To",
" disable standard ktlint rule-set use",
@@ -2664,16 +2690,23 @@
" --limit= Maximum number of errors to show (default: show all)",
" --relative Print files relative to the working directory (e.g.",
" dir/file.kt instead of /home/user/project/dir/file.kt)",
- " --reporter=",
+ " --reporter=",
" A reporter to use (built-in: plain (default), plain?",
- " group_by_file, json, sarif, checkstyle, html). To use",
- " a third-party reporter specify a path to a JAR file",
- " on the filesystem via ',artifact=' option. To",
- " override reporter output, use ',output=' option.",
- " -R, --ruleset=",
+ " group_by_file, plain-summary, json, sarif,",
+ " checkstyle, html). To use a third-party reporter",
+ " specify a path to a JAR file on the filesystem via ',",
+ " artifact=' option. To override reporter output, use ',",
+ " output=' option.",
+ " -R, --ruleset=",
" A path to a JAR file containing additional ruleset(s)",
" --stdin Read file from stdin",
- " -v, --verbose Show error codes",
+ " --patterns-from-stdin[=]",
+ " Read additional patterns to check/format from stdin.",
+ " Patterns are delimited by the given argument.",
+ " (default is newline) If the argument is an empty",
+ " string, the NUL byte is used.",
+ " -v, --verbose Show error codes. Deprecated, use '--log-level=info'",
+ " instead.",
" --editorconfig=",
" Path to the default '.editorconfig'. A property value",
" from this file is used only when no '.editorconfig'",
@@ -2684,6 +2717,9 @@
" --experimental Enabled experimental rules (ktlint-ruleset-experimental)",
" --baseline=",
" Defines a baseline file to check against",
+ " -l, --log-level=",
+ " Defines the minimum log level (trace, debug, info,",
+ " warn, error) or none to suppress all logging",
" -h, --help Show this help message and exit.",
" -V, --version Print version information and exit.",
@@ -2789,13 +2825,14 @@
" [--no-color] [-v] [] ...",
" ([--cache []] | [--no-cache])",
" [--ignore [] ...] [--enable [] ...]",
- " [--only [] ...] [--globals [] ...]",
- " [--read-globals [] ...] [--new-globals [] ...]",
- " [--new-read-globals [] ...] [--not-globals [] ...]",
+ " [--only [] ...] [--operators [] ...]",
+ " [--globals [] ...] [--read-globals [] ...]",
+ " [--new-globals [] ...] [--new-read-globals [] ...]",
+ " [--not-globals [] ...]",
" [--exclude-files [] ...]",
" [--include-files [] ...]",
- "luacheck 1.0.0, a linter and a static analyzer for Lua.",
+ "luacheck 1.1.0, a linter and a static analyzer for Lua.",
" files List of files, directories and rockspecs to check. Pass",
@@ -2828,6 +2865,8 @@
" --only [] ...,",
" -o [] ...",
" Filter out warnings not matching these patterns.",
+ " --operators [] ...",
+ " Allow compound operators matching patterns",
"Options for configuring allowed globals:",
" --std Set standard globals, default is max. can be one",
@@ -3344,6 +3383,36 @@
" -p, --path path::String (DEPRECATED) Directory containing the files to lint (default: current directory) - default: .",
" -f, --files String (DEPRECATED) Comma-separated list of Ant-style file patterns specifying files that must be included"
+ "npm-package-json-lint": [
+ "",
+ " Configurable linter for package.json files.",
+ "",
+ " Usage",
+ " $ npmPkgJsonLint ",
+ "",
+ " Options",
+ " --quiet, -q Report errors only",
+ " --noConfigFiles, -ncf Disables use of .npmpackagejsonlintrc.json files, npmpackagejsonlint.config.js files, and npmpackagejsonlint object in package.json file.",
+ " --configFile, -c File path of .npmpackagejsonlintrc.json",
+ " --ignorePath, -i Path to a file containing patterns that describe files to ignore. The path can be absolute or relative to process.cwd(). By default, npm-package-json-lint looks for .npmpackagejsonlintignore in process.cwd().",
+ " --maxWarnings, -mw Maximum number of warnings that can be detected before an error is thrown.",
+ " --allowEmptyTargets Do not throw an error when a list of targets is empty.",
+ "",
+ " Examples",
+ " $ npmPkgJsonLint --version",
+ " $ npmPkgJsonLint .",
+ " $ npmPkgJsonLint ./packages",
+ " $ npmPkgJsonLint ./package1 ./package2",
+ " $ npmPkgJsonLint -c ./config/.npmpackagejsonlintrc.json .",
+ " $ npmPkgJsonLint --configFile ./config/npmpackagejsonlint.config.json .",
+ " $ npmPkgJsonLint -q .",
+ " $ npmPkgJsonLint --quiet ./packages",
+ " $ npmPkgJsonLint . --ignorePath .gitignore",
+ " $ npmPkgJsonLint . -i .gitignore",
+ " $ npmPkgJsonLint . --maxWarnings 10",
+ " $ npmPkgJsonLint . -mw 10",
+ ""
+ ],
"perlcritic": [
" perlcritic [-12345 | --brutal | --cruel | --harsh | --stern | --gentle]",
@@ -3507,11 +3576,11 @@
" --xml[=XML] Path to store JUnit XML results.",
" -w, --warning Also show warnings.",
" -q, --quiet Do not output any message",
+ " --no-files-exit-code Throw error if no files processed.",
" -h, --help Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command",
" -V, --version Display this application version",
" --ansi|--no-ansi Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output",
" -n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question",
- " -nf, --no-files-exit-code Throw error if no files processed.",
" -v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug"
"phpstan": [
@@ -4039,194 +4108,511 @@
" prepend the command parameters with a hyphen (-), not a forward slash (/).",
- "prettier": [
- "Usage: prettier [options] [file/dir/glob ...]",
+ "powershell_formatter": [
- "By default, output is written to stdout.",
- "Stdin is read if it is piped to Prettier and no files are given.",
- "",
- "Output options:",
+ "Usage: pwsh[.exe] [-Login] [[-File] [args]]",
+ " [-Command { - | [-args ]",
+ " | [] } ]",
+ " [-ConfigurationName ] [-ConfigurationFile ]",
+ " [-CustomPipeName ] [-EncodedCommand ]",
+ " [-ExecutionPolicy ] [-InputFormat {Text | XML}]",
+ " [-Interactive] [-MTA] [-NoExit] [-NoLogo] [-NonInteractive] [-NoProfile]",
+ " [-NoProfileLoadTime] [-OutputFormat {Text | XML}]",
+ " [-SettingsFile ] [-SSHServerMode] [-STA]",
+ " [-Version] [-WindowStyle