Releases: ozmartian/vidcutter
2.5.0 Changelog
- video seeking is now by frame rather than one second intervals
- shortcut keys for seeking video updated for frame stepping changes
(i.e. left-right / mouse wheel = 1 frame; up-down = 10 frames) - early & basic support for EDLs. Only the very simple MPlayer EDL standard
is currently supported but this now allows you to save your clip index for
a particular video and reload it again in future for recutting etc. If users
are using VidCutter and would like interchangeable file format support with
other tools, like ComSkip for example, then submit a feature request at the
app's GitHub page (more likely to get noticed there rather than - Launchpad PPA now contains a WORKING package for Ubuntu 14 series (Trusty)
after spending time working out dependencies and testing against a Live CD.
Installing vidcutter in Trusty should be all thats required and you should have
the necessary codecs services/decoders all installed to support all the common
video formats out there. Let me know if you run into problems in this area. - AppImage binary now available for this and all future releases to assist Linux
users only distros other than ArchLinux or an Ubuntu flavour. - custom mouse cursor when mouse is over the slider handle (Linux only). this
always worked for Windows and macOS but the cursor is missing in X11
standard themes. i think it gives the app more character so gave Linux the
needed love it deserves. - various UI improvements incl. new app icon care of the papirus crew
at (thx!) - bug fixes; the filename set by default in the save video file dialog is now
the original video's filename with '_EDIT' appended to help avoid accidental
writing over original source material. - i've probably forgotten a number of other important changes and additions
but its too late to bother sifting through git logs ;-)
Cross-platform Qt5 based app for quick and easy video trimming/splitting and merging/joining for simple quick edits. FFmpeg drives the backend with a stylishly hand edited Qt5 UI. A FFmpeg static binary is preinstalled for both Windows and macOS releases.
For non-windows, use your o/s package manager if on Linux and homebrew for Mac OS X to manage FFmpeg. It is most likely already installed on your Linux or macOS machine.
Windows + macOS Users
Installers for Windows (64bit + 32bit) and macOS (64bit only) are available below.
Linux Users
Only install via PyPi if you are using something other than ArchLinux or an Ubuntu/Debian derivative (Ubuntu, Mint, Elementary, Debian Jessie etc...)
ArchLinux users can install directly from AUR, package is available in both stable and git-latest versions:
AUR: vidcutter, vidcutter-git
Ubuntu/Mint/Debian users can install via Launchpad PPA.
If you are new to PPAs then just issue the following commands in a terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ozmartian/apps
sudo apt-get update
You should now be able to search for vidcutter in your chosen package management software (synaptic, Ubuntu software centre, apt-get etc.)
All other Linux users including Debian users on Debian 8 Jessie or below can install from PyPi can use the AppImage bundled binary package available for download. I've produced a 64bit version but will make 32bit available if requested. For those new to the AppImage concept, just download the file and then make it executable once downloaded. You can then run it, and optionally install it as part of your desktop app menus etc.
chmod +x VidCutter-2.5.0-linux-x64.AppImage
For those running off the source code, please note that you need a minimum of Qt 5.5 and PyQt 5.5 to run the app as it is intended.
Cross-platform Qt5 based app for quick and easy video trimming/splitting and merging/joining for simple quick edits. FFmpeg drives the backend with a stylishly hand edited Qt5 UI. A FFmpeg static binary is preinstalled for both Windows and macOS releases.
For non-windows, use your o/s package manager if on Linux and homebrew for Mac OS X to manage FFmpeg. It is most likely already installed on your Linux or macOS machine.
Windows + macOS Users
Installers for Windows (64bit + 32bit) and macOS (64bit only) are available below.
Linux Users
Only install via PyPi if you are using something other than ArchLinux or an Ubuntu/Debian derivative (Ubuntu, Mint, Elementary, Debian Jessie etc...)
ArchLinux users can install directly from AUR, package is available in both stable and git-latest versions:
AUR: vidcutter, vidgutter-git
Ubuntu/Mint/Debian users can install via Launchpad PPA.
If you are new to PPAs then just issue the following commands in a terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ozmartian/apps
sudo apt-get update
You should now be able to search for vidcutter in your chosen package management software (synaptic, Ubuntu software centre, apt-get etc.)
All other Linux users including Debian users on Debian 8 Jessie or below can install from PyPi. Debian cannot use the PPA/DEB because the version of Qt in your repositories is 5.3 which is too old. VidCutter requires Qt 5.5 and above.
Issuing the following command should should be all you need to do for a complete install or version upgrade:
sudo pip3 install --upgrade vidcutter