Note: the modules
directory can probably be replaced with the modules
directory from a new terraforming-aws
release if necessary.
Run the Terraform ("Pave the IaaS")
cd terraforming-pks terraform init terraform plan -out=pks.tfplan terraform apply pks.tfplan
Login to Control Plane Credhub
SSH to OpsManager VM
ssh -i /tmp/opsmgrkey
Login to BOSH's Credhub
export OM_TARGET= export OM_USERNAME=admin export OM_PASSWORD=<YOUR OM PASSWORD> eval "$(om bosh-env)"
Get the Control Plane Credhub Password
credhub get -n "/p-bosh/control-plane/credhub_admin_client_password"
Login to Credhub
unset "${!CREDHUB@}" export CREDHUB_URL="" export CREDHUB_CLIENT="credhub_admin_client" export CREDHUB_PASSWORD=<YOUR CREDHUB PASSWORD> export CA_CERT="$(cat certs/ca.pem)" credhub login -s "${CREDHUB_URL}" --client-name "${CREDHUB_CLIENT}" --client-secret "${CREDHUB_PASSWORD}" --ca-cert="$(cat certs/ca.pem)"
Store Pipeline Secrets in Credhub
Note: This approach leverages Concourse's Credential Lookup Rules
Note: Create a git deploy key for your repository following these instructions. Store them in a folder named
Convert Let's Encrypt Private Key to RSA
openssl rsa -in ../certs/privkey.pem -out ../certs/private_key.pem.rsa.key
Create Entries in the Control Plane Credhub
contains the contents of../certs/chain.pem
contains the contents of../certs/cert.pem
credhub set -t ssh -n /concourse/main/git-deploy-key --private deploy-keys/id_rsa --public deploy-keys/ && \ credhub set -t certificate -n /concourse/main/lets_encrypt_cert -r "$(cat pks/certs/ca.pem)" -c "$(cat pks/certs/certificate.pem)" -p "$(cat pks/certs/private_key.pem.rsa.key)"
Login to Concourse
fly login --target sam-ci --team-name main --concourse-url
Create the Install Ops Manager Pipeline
fly -t sam-ci set-pipeline -p pave-iaas -c sandbox/terraform/pipeline.yml fly -t sam-ci unpause-pipeline -p pave-iaas