Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force
# dot sourcing the function stored in get-adkfiles.ps1
. ~/Documents\get-ADKFiles.ps1
. ~/Documents\Get-ADKWinPEAddons.ps1
mkdir C:\Download\ADK
mkdir C:\Download\ADKWinPEAddons
Get-ADKFiles -TargetFolder C:\Download\ADK
Get-ADKWinPEAddonsFiles -TargetFolder C:\Download\ADKWinPEAddons
You can check the integrity of the downloaded files
Using SHA2 hashes loaded from a CSV file
Import-Csv ~/Documents\ADK-SHA256SUMS.csv -Delimiter ';' |
Foreach-Object {
if ( (Get-FileHash -Path (Join-Path -Path C:\Download\ADK -ChildPath $($_.File))).Hash -eq $_.Hash) {
Write-Verbose -Message "OK: $($_.File)" -Verbose
} else {
Write-Warning -Message "NOK: $($_.File)"
# ADKWinPEAddons
Import-Csv ~/Documents\PE-SHA256SUMS.csv -Delimiter ';' |
Foreach-Object {
if ( (Get-FileHash -Path (Join-Path -Path C:\Download\ADKWinPEAddons -ChildPath $($_.File))).Hash -eq $_.Hash) {
Write-Verbose -Message "OK: $($_.File)" -Verbose
} else {
Write-Warning -Message "NOK: $($_.File)"
Using SHA2 hashes loaded from a catalog file
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -gt [version]'5.1')
$files2Skip = @(
Test-FileCatalog -Path C:\Download\ADK -CatalogFilePath C:\Download\ -Detailed -FilesToSkip $files2Skip
# ADKWinPEAddons
Test-FileCatalog -Path C:\Download\ADKWinPEAddons -CatalogFilePath C:\Download\ -Detailed -FilesToSkip $files2Skip