Create a Function App in the Azure portal by following an article - Create your first function in the Azure portal - Create a function app
Expand your new function app, then click the + button next to Functions.
In the Get started quickly page, click Create your own custom function
Then, select Python in pull down menu for Language.
Select "HttpTrigger - Python" template, typein myfunc01 for Name your function text box, choose Function for Authentication Level, and press Create button.
- In your new function, click </> Get function URL
Light box will come up, then select default (Function key), and then click Copy.
You will get the following function URL:
https://<your_function_app _anme>
- Here is a simple curl command to send HTTP POST request to the function URL with sample body data:
curl -s -XPOST "" -d'{ "name": "Azure Functions" }'
(command output)
"hello world from Azure Functions"
For your testing, just replace the command above with your function URL.