This repository contains the following files:
- data contains a spreadsheet Supplement_S3-4_v3.xlsx
- data/raw contains *.csv files extracted from Supplement_S3-4_v3.xlsx with specific categories
- Olsen-P
- Plant height
- Root weight
- Soil water evaporation capacity
- Soil water infiltration rate
- Soil Water
- Temperature
- Yield
- data/metafor is data generated by MetaforAnalysis scripts R / jupyter (R kernel)
- figures are generated by MetaforAnalysis scripts R / jupyter (R kernel)
notebooks contains jupyter notebooks:
- ExportData.ipynb python notebook that generates the *.csv from the spreadsheet
- MetaAnalysisS3.ipynb python notebook has an interactive meta analysis script used for sensitivity analysis of supplement 3 data
- MetaAnalysisS4.ipynb python notebook similar to MetaAnalysisS3.ipynb but for supplement S4 data
- MetaforAnalysis.ipynb is an R notebook that contains the full analysis, generate the figures and tables presented in the paper
script contain MetaforAnalysis.R (same as MetaforAnalysis.ipynb but R friendly)