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23. Type-Directed Search

This summer, I had the pleasure of working with @kritzcreek as he wrote his Bachelor's thesis. The title of the thesis was Implementing type directed search for PureScript, and the result was a pull request on the compiler which added support for type-directed search using typed holes.

I think this feature has great potential to change the way users work in PureScript, so today's post will be an introduction to the feature.

Typed Holes

Typed holes allow the user to omit certain parts of a program, so that they can be filled in later. This might be because the user can't remember how to implement a certain part of the application, or just because a large function needs to be implemented in smaller parts.

For example, here is an implementation of FizzBuzz written in PureScript:

fizzBuzz :: Int -> String
fizzBuzz n = part "fizz" 3 <> part "buzz" 5
    part s m | n `mod` m == 0 = s
             | otherwise = ""

You can try this example in Try PureScript here.

Now suppose our requirements change so that we need to support different strings. For example, we might want multiples of 7 to be converted to the string "bazz". We could append another string explicitly:

fizzBuzz :: Int -> String
fizzBuzz n = part "fizz" 3 <> part "buzz" 5 <> part "bazz" 7

But knowing that we'll soon want to support custom strings, we decide to pull the list of strings and factors into a function argument:

fizzBuzz :: Int -> String
fizzBuzz = 
    ?help [ part "fizz" 3
          , part "buzz" 5
    part s m n | n `mod` m == 0 = s
               | otherwise = ""

Here, the array of functions [ part "fizz" 3, part "buzz" 5 ] is a data structure representing the configuration. This could be passed as a function argument, and modified by the caller.

However, the right function to apply and combine these functions was not obvious to me, so I used a typed hole instead.

The typed hole is the term ?help on the third line. This is a missing part of the program - the type checker will check the rest of the code, but report an error including helpful information about the hole:

Hole 'help' has the inferred type

  Array (Int -> String) -> Int -> String

in the following context:

  part :: String -> Int -> Int -> String

Crucially, the compiler tells us the inferred type of the hole: Array (Int -> String) -> Int -> String.

Type-Directed Search

Maybe it's still not obvious what to use to implement this function.

However, with type-directed search, the compiler can suggest library functions whose types are compatible with the type of the hole:

You could substitute the hole with one of these values:

  Data.Foldable.fold          :: forall f m.
                                   ( Foldable f
                                   , Monoid m
                                   ) => f m -> m
  Data.Monoid.mempty          :: forall m. (Monoid m) => m
  Unsafe.Coerce.unsafeCoerce  :: forall a b. a -> b

So it turns out that fold is exactly the function I want - we wrote down part of our program and the compiler inferred the rest!

You can try this example and see that using the suggested value solves the probem.

How does this work?

Well, the compiler already has a notion of subsumption of types. The subsumption relation tells us when one type is more general than another. For example, the type of fold is not the same as the type of the hole, but it is more general, in the sense that I can instantiate the type variables f and m to get the type of the hole.

There are several details which need to be worked out, but the essense of type-directed search is that the compiler looks through any imported libraries and uses the subsumption relation to find values which can work.

The benefit of using the existing type checker code is that we can use all of the existing type system features: row polymorphism, rank-n types, type classes with functional dependencies, and so on - type directed search will apply the right typing rules in each case.

This makes type-directed search a very useful way to explore functions like fold, which have very general types. It was not even obvious to me at first that fold would solve the problem, but it does! As an exercise, you might like to explain why fold is a valid replacement.

Further Work

Of course, this example only worked because fold was compatible with the type of the hole. It might not have worked if I had refactored the function first.

So we can improve type-directed search by searching for other ways to complete a program at a typed hole: by introducing a new function, or by applying some library function to some arguments, for example.

We can also improve type-directed search by integrating it with psc-ide and the suggestions API.

If you are interested in helping out with any of these features, then please come talk to us on IRC!