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PPG System v.1.3.0 - Release Notes


What is PPG System?

  • PPG System is a Standalone Parasite Script Virtual Machine
  • Its a Container to Run the Parasite Scripting Language Created By PixelPhobicGames.
  • Parasite Script is a Lightweight and Simple High Level Programming Language used in Most of the Game Engines Created by PixelPhobicGames.
  • PPG System runs a Version of Parasite That is made with the Intention to Create Video Games
  • Parasite is a Mix of the BASIC Language and Assembly

Limitations of PPG System / Specifications

  • Parasite is a Very Simple Language so there are some Limits to what it can do
  • These Consist of
  • A Resolution of 320x240
  • 30 FPS
  • 16384 Variable Limit
  • 16384 Jump Point Limit
  • No Script File Size Limit
  • All Programs Must Be in a Single file
  • No Audio, Yet
  • 10 Colours

Parasite Script Instructions / Cheat Sheet

 Guide - 
	 [] = Integer Number 
	 '' = String
	 {} = Varible 
	 || = Label Name
	 ^ = Sprite Pointer
	  # = Description
	 ** = Array Pointer
 stop   # Kills the Program
 jump []  # Will Set the Program Counter to Certain Line Number
 jumpl ||  # Will Set Program Counter to Label Address
	 jump 18  # Goes to Line 18
	 jumpl Main # Goes to Label "Main"
 add { Destination } [] or {}  # Adds Integer to Varible or Adds Two Varibles
 Example :
	 add MyVarible1 MyVarible2  # MyVarible1 = MyVarible1 + MyVarible2
	 add MyVarible1 18   # MyVarible1 = MyVarible1 + 18
 sub { Destination } [] or {}  # Subtracts Integer from Varible or Subtracts two Varibles
 Example :
	 sub MyVarible1 MyVarible2  # MyVarible1 = MyVarible1 - MyVarible2
	 sub MyVarible1 18   # MyVarible1 = MyVarible1 - 18
 mul { Destination } [] or {}  # Multiplies Varible by Integer or  Multiplies two Varibles

 Example :
	 mul MyVarible1 MyVarible2  # MyVarible1 = MyVarible1 * MyVarible2
	 mul MyVarible1 18   # MyVarible1 = MyVarible1 * 18
 div { Destination } [] or {} # Divides Varible by Integer or  Divides two Varibles 
 Example :
	 divv MyVarible1 MyVarible2  # MyVarible1 = MyVarible1 / MyVarible2
	 div MyVarible1 18   # MyVarible1 = MyVarible1 / 18
 set { Destination }  {} or '' or [] # Sets Varible Value to Another Value

 Example :
	 set MyVarible1 18  # MyVarible1 = 18
	 set MyVarible1 'Hello World'  # MyVarible1 = 'Hello World'
	 set MyVarible1 MyVarible2  # MyVarible1 = MyVarible2

 cmp {} {} or []  # Compares Two Things
 Example :
	 cmp MyVarible1 MyVarible2 
	 cmp MyVarible1 18

 jifne ||  # Jump to Label if cmp was Not Equal
 jife ||  # Jump to Label if cmp was Equal 
 jifg ||  # Jump to Label if cmp was Greater
 jifl ||  # Jump to Label if cmp was Lesser

 Example :
	 cmp MyVarible 22  # Get Result
	 jifne MyLabel1 # if Equal go to MyLabel1
	 jife MyLabel2 # if Not Equal go to MyLabel2
	 jifg MyLabel3 # if Greater go to MyLabel3
	 jifl MyLabel4 # if Lesser go to MyLabel4

  wipe  # Clears Logic Flags 
  ret   # Returns from Jump 
  pullinp {}  # Pulls Input Into Varible 
  # Key Maps
  # Up - 1 , Right - 2 , Down - 3 , Left - 4 , Space - 5
  # A - 6 , S - 7
  Example :
	  pullinp MyVarible  # MyVarible = KeyInput

  drawspr ^ {X} or [] {Y} or [] {Scale} or [] {Original Size in Pixels} or [] # Draws Sprite
  Example :
	  spr ExampleSprite '+++++00+++++++++++++0770++00+++++000076600770+++07706066667660++06666666606660++066600666666660++06676000066660++07666666666660+067776666607666006777666666006600666776666666660+966776666666660++9966669966669+++++9999++9999+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
	  var SpriteX 70
	  var SpriteY 50
	  var SpriteScale 4
	  var SpriteSize 16
	      drawspr ExampleSprite SpriteX SpriteY SpriteScale SpriteSize
	      drawspr ExampleSprite 0 0 2 8
	      jumpl Main
  arrset ** {Index Varible} or [] {Number Varible} or []  # Sets Data in an Array to a Number or Varible 
  arrload ** {Index Varible} or [] {OutPut Varible}  # Reads Number From a An Array Into a Varible
  arrwipe ** []  # Fills Array with a Number

  Example :
	  arr MyArray 0  
	  # The '0' is the Fill Character
	  var Index 0
	  arrset MyArray 1 1  # MyArray[1] = 0
	  arrset MyArray Index 1  # MyArray[0] = 0 or MyArray[Index] = 0
	  var ArrayData 0
	  arrload MyArray 1 ArrayData  # ArrayData = MyArray[1]
	  arrload MyArray Index ArrayData  # ArrayData = MyArray[0] or MyArray[Index}
	  arrwipe MyArray 0
   clear  # Clears Screen to Black
   vrefresh # Refreshes Display
   delay []  # Delays Number of Frames
   pspeed [] or {} # Sets Speed of PPGSystem Processor , or Instructions Per Frame 


	 This Is A New Feature :)
	 if , else
	 Operators = ( == , != , >= , <= , < , > )
	 Syntax: if Value OPERATOR Value
	 Syntax Example:
		 if MyVarible == 1
			 // Do This
			 // Do This

Macro Expressions

		  These Were Added For Ease of Life
		  Alternitives For add , sub , mul , div 
		  Macro Expressions


		  // Note - Behaves Like C++

			  var MyVarible 0
			  MyVarible = 0
			  // 0
			  MyVarible = 1 + 2 
			  // 3
			  MyVarible += 1
			  // 4
			  MyVarible -= 1
			  // 3
			  if MyVarible == 4 - 1
				 // Do Something

Data Types

 var {Name} [] or '' # General Varible , Can Hold Text or Integer
 spr {Name} ''  # Sprite Pointer , Used for Holding Sprite Data
 arr {Name} [Fill Number]  # Simple Array, Only Numbers 
 Example :
	 var MyVarible1 'Hello World'
	 var MyVarible2 25
	 arr MyArray 0
	 spr ExampleSprite '+++++00+++++++++++++0770++00+++++000076600770+++07706066667660++06666666606660++066600666666660++06676000066660++07666666666660+067776666607666006777666666006600666776666666660+966776666666660++9966669966669+++++9999++9999+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'

 How to Make a Label
 Example :
	 :MyLabel  # Creates Label Called MyLabel

Operating System Commands

  • PPG System Will by default Load into a Simple OS

  • It Only has a Small Number off Commands

  • Commands

    END # Kill Program CLS # Clear Screen SEI # Launch Sprite Editor, Must Type RUN after. LOAD # Load Program From "Apps/" Folder RUN # Run Program

    Examples :

     	 LOAD TEST
  • Note Do Not Add a .ps in The Operating System when Referring to a Program.
  • You Can Open .ps Files with the PPGSystem.exe App and It Will Start an App Automatically.

Etc Info

  • F1 To Decrease Window Scale
  • F2 To Increase Window Scale
  • Running Program With a -D Flag Will Turn on Debug Mode
  • Running Program With a -Ds Flag Will Show Instructions Per Second at the Bottom -Running Program With a -s Flag Will Run Program In Step Mode , Aka it Will Run Very Very Slow for Debugging Purposes
  • Be Very Very Careful With Usage of Spaces in Parasite, It is Very Space Sensitive, Avoid Double Spaces and not Using Spaces to Separate Arguments.

Thank You :)