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Development Process

Xiaohan Zhang edited this page Aug 28, 2017 · 8 revisions

Bugfixes / Enhancement Requests

  1. Pull latest develop
  2. Create a branch off of develop, usually named after the ticket (ex: "1791fix1", "1684ER", etc).
  3. Work and commit on branch.
  4. Write tests, and then run all tests with yarn test.
  5. Push branch to remote.
  6. Create a pull request from your branch into develop.
  7. Assign a developer to review (one of @hellochar, @CalvinFernandez, or @themadcreator).
  8. If you receive a [-1], back to step 3 to address concerns.

Larger Features

  1. Pull latest develop.
  2. Create a feature branch off of develop.
  3. Follow steps 2 through 8 above, but cutting off and merging into your feature branch instead of **develop. Tag any pull requests with the [Side Branch] tag.

Commit only on valid builds

Especially useful in going back in history, if builds are stable at every commit, we can safely go to that commit to check for functionality at that point in time.