An nREPL server implemented with HornetQ
To start an nREPL server over HornetQ:
lein ritz-hornetq
By default this connects to a HornetQ server on localhost
, using the standard
5445 port. You can specify port and host as arguments.
lein ritz-hornetq --user "me" --password "letmein" 55445 somehost
You can also ask for an embedded HornetQ server to be started.
lein ritz-hornetq --hornetq-server 5445
Add ritz-nrepl-hornetq
to your project.clj
or :user
profile plugins:
[ritz/ritz-nrepl-hornetq "0.5.1"]
You can then use lein to start a repl against a running HornetQ server.
lein repl :connect hornetq://localhost:5445
Add ritz/ritz-nrepl-hornet
to your projects dependencies. You start the server
(ns my-app
(:use [ritz.nrepl-hornetq :only [start-server]]))
(start-server {:transport :netty :host "somehost" :port 5445})
Copyright © 2012 Hugo Duncan
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.