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The pandas development team officially distributes pandas for installation through the following methods:

  • Available on conda-forge for installation with the conda package manager.
  • Available on PyPI for installation with pip.
  • Available on Github for installation from source.


pandas may be installable from other sources besides the ones listed above, but they are not managed by the pandas development team.

Python version support

See :ref:`Python support policy <policies.python_support>`.

Installing pandas

Installing with Conda

For users working with the Conda package manager, pandas can be installed from the conda-forge channel.

conda install -c conda-forge pandas

To install the Conda package manager on your system, the Miniforge distribution is recommended.

Additionally, it is recommended to install and run pandas from a virtual environment.

conda create -c conda-forge -n name_of_my_env python pandas
# On Linux or MacOS
source activate name_of_my_env
# On Windows
activate name_of_my_env


For users that are new to Python, the easiest way to install Python, pandas, and the packages that make up the PyData stack such as SciPy, NumPy and Matplotlib is with Anaconda, a cross-platform (Linux, macOS, Windows) Python distribution for data analytics and scientific computing.

However, pandas from Anaconda is not officially managed by the pandas development team.

Installing with pip

For users working with the pip package manager, pandas can be installed from PyPI.

pip install pandas

pandas can also be installed with sets of optional dependencies to enable certain functionality. For example, to install pandas with the optional dependencies to read Excel files.

pip install "pandas[excel]"

The full list of extras that can be installed can be found in the :ref:`dependency section.<install.optional_dependencies>`

Additionally, it is recommended to install and run pandas from a virtual environment, for example, using the Python standard library's venv

Installing from source

See the :ref:`contributing guide <contributing>` for complete instructions on building from the git source tree. Further, see :ref:`creating a development environment <contributing_environment>` if you wish to create a pandas development environment.

Installing the development version of pandas

Installing the development version is the quickest way to:

  • Try a new feature that will be shipped in the next release (that is, a feature from a pull-request that was recently merged to the main branch).
  • Check whether a bug you encountered has been fixed since the last release.

The development version is usually uploaded daily to the scientific-python-nightly-wheels index from the PyPI registry of You can install it by running.

pip install --pre --extra-index pandas


You might be required to uninstall an existing version of pandas to install the development version.

pip uninstall pandas -y

Running the test suite

If pandas has been installed :ref:`from source <install.source>`, running pytest pandas will run all of pandas unit tests.

The unit tests can also be run from the pandas module itself with the :func:`test` function. The packages required to run the tests can be installed with pip install "pandas[test]".


Test failures are not necessarily indicative of a broken pandas installation.


Required dependencies

pandas requires the following dependencies.

Package Minimum supported version
NumPy 1.23.5
python-dateutil 2.8.2
tzdata 2022.7

Optional dependencies

pandas has many optional dependencies that are only used for specific methods. For example, :func:`pandas.read_hdf` requires the pytables package, while :meth:`DataFrame.to_markdown` requires the tabulate package. If the optional dependency is not installed, pandas will raise an ImportError when the method requiring that dependency is called.

With pip, optional pandas dependencies can be installed or managed in a file (e.g. requirements.txt or pyproject.toml) as optional extras (e.g. pandas[performance, aws]). All optional dependencies can be installed with pandas[all], and specific sets of dependencies are listed in the sections below.

Performance dependencies (recommended)


You are highly encouraged to install these libraries, as they provide speed improvements, especially when working with large data sets.

Installable with pip install "pandas[performance]"

Dependency Minimum Version pip extra Notes
numexpr 2.8.4 performance Accelerates certain numerical operations by using multiple cores as well as smart chunking and caching to achieve large speedups
bottleneck 1.3.6 performance Accelerates certain types of nan by using specialized cython routines to achieve large speedup.
numba 0.56.4 performance Alternative execution engine for operations that accept engine="numba" using a JIT compiler that translates Python functions to optimized machine code using the LLVM compiler.

Installable with pip install "pandas[plot, output-formatting]".

Dependency Minimum Version pip extra Notes
matplotlib 3.6.3 plot Plotting library
Jinja2 3.1.2 output-formatting Conditional formatting with
tabulate 0.9.0 output-formatting Printing in Markdown-friendly format (see tabulate)

Installable with pip install "pandas[computation]".

Dependency Minimum Version pip extra Notes
SciPy 1.10.0 computation Miscellaneous statistical functions
xarray 2022.12.0 computation pandas-like API for N-dimensional data
Excel files

Installable with pip install "pandas[excel]".

Dependency Minimum Version pip extra Notes
xlrd 2.0.1 excel Reading for xls files
xlsxwriter 3.0.5 excel Writing for xlsx files
openpyxl 3.1.0 excel Reading / writing for Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files
pyxlsb 1.0.10 excel Reading for xlsb files
python-calamine 0.1.7 excel Reading for xls/xlsx/xlsm/xlsb/xla/xlam/ods files
odfpy 1.4.1 excel Reading / writing for OpenDocument 1.2 files

Installable with pip install "pandas[html]".

Dependency Minimum Version pip extra Notes
BeautifulSoup4 4.11.2 html HTML parser for read_html
html5lib 1.1 html HTML parser for read_html
lxml 4.9.2 html HTML parser for read_html

One of the following combinations of libraries is needed to use the top-level :func:`~pandas.read_html` function:



Installable with pip install "pandas[xml]".

Dependency Minimum Version pip extra Notes
lxml 4.9.2 xml XML parser for read_xml and tree builder for to_xml
SQL databases

Traditional drivers are installable with pip install "pandas[postgresql, mysql, sql-other]"

Dependency Minimum Version pip extra Notes
SQLAlchemy 2.0.0 postgresql, mysql, sql-other SQL support for databases other than sqlite
psycopg2 2.9.6 postgresql PostgreSQL engine for sqlalchemy
pymysql 1.0.2 mysql MySQL engine for sqlalchemy
adbc-driver-postgresql 0.10.0 postgresql ADBC Driver for PostgreSQL
adbc-driver-sqlite 0.8.0 sql-other ADBC Driver for SQLite
Other data sources

Installable with pip install "pandas[hdf5, parquet, feather, spss, excel]"

Dependency Minimum Version pip extra Notes
PyTables 3.8.0 hdf5 HDF5-based reading / writing
blosc 1.21.3 hdf5 Compression for HDF5; only available on conda
zlib   hdf5 Compression for HDF5
fastparquet 2023.10.0
Parquet reading / writing (pyarrow is default)
pyarrow 10.0.1 parquet, feather Parquet, ORC, and feather reading / writing
pyreadstat 1.2.0 spss SPSS files (.sav) reading
odfpy 1.4.1 excel Open document format (.odf, .ods, .odt) reading / writing


Access data in the cloud

Installable with pip install "pandas[fss, aws, gcp]"

Dependency Minimum Version pip extra Notes
fsspec 2022.11.0 fss, gcp, aws Handling files aside from simple local and HTTP (required dependency of s3fs, gcsfs).
gcsfs 2022.11.0 gcp Google Cloud Storage access
s3fs 2022.11.0 aws Amazon S3 access

Installable with pip install "pandas[clipboard]".

Dependency Minimum Version pip extra Notes
PyQt4/PyQt5 5.15.9 clipboard Clipboard I/O
qtpy 2.3.0 clipboard Clipboard I/O


Depending on operating system, system-level packages may need to installed. For clipboard to operate on Linux one of the CLI tools xclip or xsel must be installed on your system.


Installable with pip install "pandas[compression]"

Dependency Minimum Version pip extra Notes
Zstandard 0.19.0 compression Zstandard compression

Installable with pip install "pandas[timezone]"

Dependency Minimum Version pip extra Notes
pytz 2023.4 timezone Alternative timezone library to zoneinfo.