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Schema Structure

Schema Structure

Razor Pay Process

Razor Pay Process Razor Pay Process


  1. Navigate to the backend directory.
  2. cd ./backend
  3. Create a .env file by copying the contents of env.example and filling in your information.
  4. Install dependencies: npm install
  5. Start the express server: npm run dev

App will be available at port:4000

Admin Account creation is restricted to lift go to auth controller and remove it.

Back-end Features

  • User Authentication and Authorization: Students and instructors can sign up and log in to the platform using their email addresses and passwords. The platform also supports OTP (One-Time Password) verification and forgot password functionality for added security.
  • Course Management: Instructors can create, read, update, and delete courses, as well as manage course content and media. Students can view and rate courses.
  • Payment Integration: Students will purchase and enroll in courses by completing the checkout flow, followed by Razorpay integration for payment handling.
  • Cloud-based Media Management: BrainForge uses Cloudinary, a cloud-based media management service, to store and manage all media content, including images, videos, and documents.
  • Markdown Formatting: Course content in document format is stored in Markdown format, allowing for easier display and rendering on the front-end.

Back-end Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools

The back-end of BrainForge uses various frameworks, libraries, and tools to ensure its functionality and performance, including:

  • Node.js: Used as the primary framework for the back-end.
  • Express.js: Used as a web application framework, providing a range of features and tools for building web applications.
  • MongoDB: Used as the primary database, providing a flexible and scalable data storage solution.
  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens): Used for authentication and authorization, providing a secure and reliable way to manage user credentials.
  • Bcrypt: Used for password hashing, adding an extra layer of security to user data.
  • Mongoose: Used as an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library, providing a way to interact with MongoDB using JavaScript.