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mylittlepony Manual

The mylittlepony language and compiler are the UU-team's shot at getting a base language up and running. We want a compiler that is small and clear, allowing us to implement more interesting type systems as the Upscale work progresses.

Language Overview

Hello, World!

The obligatory hello-world program, hello.enc, looks like this:

-- hello.enc
class Main
  def main() : void {
    print "Hello, World"

You can compile this program by running encorec -clang hello.enc

It is important to know that every legal mylittlepony program needs to have a class called Main, with a method called main. The runtime will begin execution in this method.

Active/Passive Classes

Mylittlepony implements active and passive classes. Allocating an object from those classes gives active or passive objects, resp. To make a class active, no special keyword is necessary, as classes are active by default: class A. To make a class passive, use passive class P.

Calling a method on an active object will have that method execute concurrently (also in parallel, if enough cores are available). The return type of an active method is a future, not a value. Active classes are the default in mylittlepony.

Calling a method on a passive object will execute that method synchronously, in the calling thread. Passive objects are similar to what you'd expect in a Java-like language.

Example: Active Class

We write an active class Foo. A foo has an ID string, calling the printID method will print that string 5 times to stdout. In the main method, we create two Foo instances, and have them print their IDs

-- ex_active.enc
class Main
  def main() : void {
    let obj1 = new Foo in {
      let obj2 = new Foo in {

class Foo
  id : string

  def setID(new_id : string) : void { = new_id;

  def printID() : void {
    let i = 0 in {
      while i < 5 {
        i = i + 1;

Executing this program gives nondeterministic output:

$ ./ex_active

Example: Passive Class

A passive class is declared using the passive keyword:

passive class Location
  x : int
  y : int
  label : string

  def init(new_x:int, new_y:int, new_label:string) : void {
    this.x = new_x;
    this.y = new_y;
    this.label = new_label;

class Main
  loc : Location

  def main() : void {
    this.loc = new Location;
    this.loc.init(1,2,"a place");
    print this.loc.x;
    print this.loc.y;
    print this.loc.label

Anonymous Functions

Embedding of C code


The syntax is documented in source code in Parser.hs.

Compiler Overview
