diff --git a/source/.case_2.rst.swp b/source/.case_2.rst.swp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bf9f91
Binary files /dev/null and b/source/.case_2.rst.swp differ
diff --git a/source/.case_2.rst.un~ b/source/.case_2.rst.un~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01f9cdc
Binary files /dev/null and b/source/.case_2.rst.un~ differ
diff --git a/source/case_2.rst b/source/case_2.rst
index f9070b0..050195d 100644
--- a/source/case_2.rst
+++ b/source/case_2.rst
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ The following normal distribution figures represent the uncertainty within each
.. figure:: ./images/case2_Combined_RV_1.png
- :scale: 50 %
+ :scale: 40 %
:align: center
Fig. 5. Uncertainty in Each Variable (H, Vs, Damping).
@@ -625,13 +625,13 @@ Because the input variables (H, Vs, damping, motions) each have uncertainty, tha
.. figure:: ./images/case2_Normalized_RatioA_histogram.png
- :scale: 90 %
+ :scale: 60 %
:align: center
Fig. 12. Normalized Acceleration Amplification Factor Histogram
.. figure:: ./images/case2_Normalized_RatioV_histogram.png
- :scale: 90 %
+ :scale: 60 %
:align: center
Fig. 13. Normalized Velocity Amplification Factor Histogram
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ Due to the infinite possibilities of variability the three main variables (H, Vs
.. figure:: ./images/case2_Gaussian_Mixture_RatioA_histogram.png
- :scale: 89 %
+ :scale: 60 %
:align: center
Fig. 14. Gaussian Mixture Model - Acceleration Amplification Ratio.
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ The spectral acceleration spectra can be also determined for each of the motions
.. figure:: ./images/case2_SpectralAcc_Results_TF.png
- :scale: 50 %
+ :scale: 40 %
:align: center
Fig. 18. Amplification in Spectral Acceleration.
diff --git a/source/case_2.rst~ b/source/case_2.rst~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf1bac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/case_2.rst~
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+.. _case_2:
+EEUQ - Transfer Function
+Author: Erick Martinez
+This page introduces the fundamental concept of transfer functions and their application in site response analysis.
+The project also examines the impact of uncertainty in input variables during this process, utilizing the SimCenter tool EE-UQ.
+Special attention is given to soil amplification factors. For more detailed information on transfer functions, users are encouraged to read :cite:`Kramer1996`.
+.. This page describes the basic concept of transfer functions and their use in a site response analysis. Along with this, the uncertainty in this process will be investigated using EE-UQ, a SimCenter tool. For more details, the user is encouraged to read :cite:`Kramer1996`.
+A Jupyter Notebook for this example can be found within `DesignSafe PRJ-4604 Click to expand the full Transfer Function Example code
+.. code-block:: python
+ # ############################################################################################################
+ # Title: Transfer Function Calculation
+ # Description: This script calculates the transfer function of a soil layer and applies it to a given acceleration record.
+ # Author: Pedro Arduino
+ # UW Computational Geotechnical Group
+ # Date: 2024
+ # All Rights Reserved
+ # ############################################################################################################
+ # %%
+ import numpy as np
+ import json
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
+ from scipy import integrate
+ from respSpectra import resp_spectra
+ class TFunctionClass:
+ def __init__(self, damping, H, Vs):
+ # Define the variables
+ self.m_freq = None
+ self.m_time = None
+ self.m_acc = None
+ self.m_absFft = None
+ self.m_absSoilTF = None
+ self.m_absIFft = None
+ self.m_accT = None
+ self.m_vel = None
+ self.m_disp = None
+ self.m_velT = None
+ self.m_dispT = None
+ # Define soil layer parameters
+ self.m_damping = damping / 100.0 # damping from percentage to number
+ self.m_H = H
+ self.m_Vs = Vs
+ def calculateResponse(self):
+ SoilTF = np.empty_like(self.m_freq, dtype=np.complex_)
+ absSoilTF = np.empty_like(self.m_freq, dtype=np.float_)
+ # Compute the Fourier amplitude spectrum
+ fas = fft(self.m_acc)
+ # fas = fas[:self.nyquist_index]
+ absfas = np.abs(fas)
+ self.m_absFft = absfas
+ # Compute transfer function of soil layer
+ SoilTF = self.calcSoilTf()
+ self.m_absSoilTF = np.abs(SoilTF)
+ # Compute surface soil response
+ ifas = fas * SoilTF
+ absfas2 = np.abs(ifas)
+ self.m_absIFft = absfas2
+ accT = ifft(ifas)
+ self.m_accT = accT.real # Take only the real part
+ def calcSoilTf(self):
+ tf = []
+ if self.m_freq is None:
+ print("Frequency vector is not defined")
+ else:
+ for f in self.m_freq:
+ """
+ * The uniform damped soil on rigid rock transfer function
+ * 1
+ * H = -------------------------------------------------
+ * cos ( 2* PI * freq * H / (Vs(1+ i*damping))
+ """
+ kstar = 2.0 * np.pi * f / self.m_Vs - self.m_damping * 2.0 * np.pi * f / self.m_Vs * 1j
+ Vsstar = self.m_Vs + self.m_damping * self.m_Vs * 1j
+ tf.append(1.0 / np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * f * self.m_H / Vsstar))
+ return tf
+ def calculate_nat_freq(self):
+ n_pt = len(self.m_freq)
+ N_freq = []
+ N_freqVal = []
+ dfreq = self.m_freq[-1] / n_pt
+ TF_tan = 1.0
+ for i in range(1, len(self.m_freq)):
+ TF_tan1 = (self.m_absSoilTF[i] - self.m_absSoilTF[i - 1]) / dfreq
+ if TF_tan1 * TF_tan <= 0 and TF_tan > 0:
+ N_freq.append(self.m_freq[i])
+ N_freqVal.append(self.m_absSoilTF[i])
+ TF_tan = TF_tan1
+ return N_freq, N_freqVal
+ def calculate_ratio(self):
+ grav = 9.81 # m/s2
+ dT = self.m_time[1] - self.m_time[0]
+ accAux = [self.m_acc[ii]*grav for ii in range(len(self.m_acc))]
+ self.m_vel = integrate.cumtrapz(accAux, dx=dT)
+ # self.mvel = np.insert(self.m_vel, 0, 0.0)
+ self.m_disp = integrate.cumtrapz(self.m_vel, dx=dT)
+ # mdisp = np.insert(self.m_disp, 0, 0.0)
+ self.m_velT = integrate.cumtrapz((self.m_accT*grav), dx=dT)
+ # self.mvel = np.insert(self.m_vel, 0, 0.0)
+ self.m_dispT = integrate.cumtrapz(self.m_velT, dx=dT)
+ # mdisp = np.insert(self.m_disp, 0, 0.0)
+ ratioA = abs(max(self.m_accT))/abs(max(self.m_acc))
+ ratioV = abs(max(self.m_velT))/abs(max(self.m_vel))
+ return ratioA, ratioV
+ def sin_record(self, f):
+ n_points = 2000
+ self.m_dt = 0.02
+ self.m_acc = [0] * n_points
+ accel = []
+ for s in range(n_points):
+ accel.append(0.4 * np.sin(2 * f * np.pi * s * self.m_dt))
+ self.m_acc = accel
+ self.set_time()
+ self.set_freq()
+ def sweep_record(self):
+ n_points = 8000
+ self.m_dt = 0.002
+ self.m_acc = [0] * n_points
+ self.m_time = [0] * n_points
+ for i in range(len(self.m_time)):
+ time = i * self.m_dt
+ self.m_time[i] = time
+ self.m_acc[i] = np.sin(25.0 * time + 150.0 * (time * time / 2.0) / 16.0)
+ self.set_freq()
+ def load_file(self, file_name):
+ self.m_filename = file_name
+ try:
+ with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
+ # Read file contents into a JSON object
+ jsonObj = json.load(file)
+ except FileNotFoundError as e:
+ print(f"Cannot read file {file_name}: {e}")
+ return
+ events = jsonObj.get("Events", [])
+ if events:
+ patterns = events[0].get("pattern", [])
+ timeseries = events[0].get("timeSeries", [])
+ pattern_type = patterns[0].get("type", "")
+ tsname = patterns[0].get("timeSeries", "")
+ units = events[0].get("units", {})
+ acc_unit = 1.0
+ acc_type = units.get("acc", "")
+ if acc_type == "g":
+ acc_unit = 1.0
+ elif acc_type == "m/s2":
+ acc_unit = 1.0 / 9.81
+ elif acc_type in ["cm/s2", "gal", "Gal"]:
+ acc_unit = 1.0 / 981.0
+ timeseries_data = timeseries[0].get("data", [])
+ dT = timeseries[0].get("dT", 0.0)
+ self.read_GM(timeseries_data, dT, acc_unit)
+ def read_GM(self, acc_TH, dT, acc_unit):
+ n_points = len(acc_TH)
+ self.m_dt = dT
+ # self.m_acc = [acc_TH[ii].toDouble() * acc_unit for ii in range(n_points)]
+ self.m_acc = [acc_TH[ii] * acc_unit for ii in range(n_points)]
+ if n_points % 2 == 0:
+ self.m_acc.append(0.0)
+ self.m_acc = np.array(self.m_acc) # Convert to numpy array
+ self.set_time()
+ self.set_freq()
+ def set_freq(self):
+ if self.m_dt == 0:
+ self.m_dt = 0.005
+ nfreq = 1 / self.m_dt*10
+ sample_freq = 1.0 / self.m_dt
+ else:
+ nfreq = len(self.m_acc)
+ sample_freq = 1.0 / self.m_dt
+ # self.m_freq = [0] * (len(self.m_acc) // 2 + 1)
+ # self.m_freq = [0] * (len(self.m_acc)) # m_freq as a list
+ self.m_freq = np.zeros(nfreq) # m_freq as a numpy array
+ sample_freq = 1.0 / self.m_dt
+ self.nyquist_freq = sample_freq / 2.0
+ self.nyquist_index = int(len(self.m_freq) / 2)
+ for i in range(len(self.m_freq)):
+ self.m_freq[i] = i * sample_freq / len(self.m_acc)
+ def set_time(self):
+ # self.m_time = [0] * len(self.m_acc) # m_time as a list
+ self.m_time = np.zeros(len(self.m_acc)) # m_time as a numpy array
+ for i in range(len(self.m_time)):
+ self.m_time[i] = i * self.m_dt
+ def plot_acc(self):
+ plt.figure()
+ plt.plot(self.m_time, self.m_acc, 'b-', label='input')
+ plt.plot(self.m_time, self.m_accT, 'r-', label='output')
+ plt.xlabel('Time [sec]')
+ plt.ylabel('Acc [g]')
+ plt.legend()
+ plt.show()
+ def plot_fft(self):
+ plt.figure()
+ plt.plot(self.m_freq[:self.nyquist_index], self.m_absFft[:self.nyquist_index], 'b-', label='input')
+ plt.plot(self.m_freq[:self.nyquist_index], self.m_absIFft[:self.nyquist_index], 'r-', label='output')
+ plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
+ plt.ylabel('Fourier Amplitude')
+ plt.legend()
+ plt.show()
+ def plot_tf(self):
+ plt.figure()
+ plt.plot(self.m_freq[:self.nyquist_index], self.m_absSoilTF[:self.nyquist_index], 'b-')
+ plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
+ plt.ylabel('TF')
+ plt.show()
+ def plot_spectra(self):
+ n_points = len(self.m_acc)
+ accAux = [self.m_acc[ii]*9.81 for ii in range(n_points)]
+ accTAux = [self.m_accT[ii]*9.81 for ii in range(n_points)]
+ periods, psa = resp_spectra(self.m_time, accAux, 0.05)
+ periodsT, psaT = resp_spectra(self.m_time, accTAux, 0.05)
+ plt.figure()
+ plt.plot(periods, psa, 'b-', label='input')
+ plt.plot(periodsT, psaT, 'r-', label='output')
+ plt.xlabel('Periods [s]')
+ plt.ylabel('PSA [cm/s2]')
+ plt.legend()
+ plt.show()
+ def main():
+ # Define input parameters
+ damping = 5.0 # damping ratio in %
+ H = 20.0 # layer height in m
+ Vs = 200.0 # shear wave velocity in m/s
+ TF = TFunctionClass(damping, H, Vs)
+ # Sinusoidal record
+ f = 0.5 # frequency in Hz
+ TF.sin_record(f)
+ # Calculate response
+ TF.calculateResponse()
+ # Calculate ratios
+ ratioA, ratioV = TF.calculate_ratio()
+ print(f"Acceleration Ratio: {ratioA}")
+ print(f"Velocity Ratio: {ratioV}")
+ # Plot acceleration
+ TF.plot_acc()
+ # Plot Fourier Transform
+ TF.plot_fft()
+ # Plot Transfer Function
+ TF.plot_tf()
+ # Plot Spectra
+ TF.plot_spectra()
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
+.. raw:: html
+This script performs post-processing by building response spectra from acceleration time history.
+.. raw:: html
+ Click to expand the full Response Spectra Python code
+.. code-block:: python
+ #########################################################
+ #
+ # Postprocessing python script
+ #
+ # Copyright: UW Computational Mechanics Group
+ # Pedro Arduino
+ #
+ # Participants: Alborz Ghofrani
+ # Long Chen
+ #
+ #-------------------------------------------------------
+ import numpy as np
+ def resp_spectra(a, time, nstep):
+ """
+ This function builds response spectra from acceleration time history,
+ a should be a numpy array,T and nStep should be integers.
+ """
+ # add initial zero value to acceleration and change units
+ a = np.insert(a, 0, 0)
+ # number of periods at which spectral values are to be computed
+ nperiod = 100
+ # define range of considered periods by power of 10
+ minpower = -3.0
+ maxpower = 1.0
+ # create vector of considered periods
+ p = np.logspace(minpower, maxpower, nperiod)
+ # incremental circular frequency
+ dw = 2.0 * np.pi / time
+ # vector of circular freq
+ w = np.arange(0, (nstep+1)*dw, dw)
+ # fast fourier Horm of acceleration
+ afft = np.fft.fft(a)
+ # arbitrary stiffness value
+ k = 1000.0
+ # damping ratio
+ damp = 0.05
+ umax = np.zeros(nperiod)
+ vmax = np.zeros(nperiod)
+ amax = np.zeros(nperiod)
+ # loop to compute spectral values at each period
+ for j in range(0, nperiod):
+ # compute mass and dashpot coeff to produce desired periods
+ m = ((p[j]/(2*np.pi))**2)*k
+ c = 2*damp*(k*m)**0.5
+ h = np.zeros(nstep+2, dtype=complex)
+ # compute transfer function
+ for l in range(0, int(nstep/2+1)):
+ h[l] = 1./(-m*w[l]*w[l] + 1j*c*w[l] + k)
+ # mirror image of Her function
+ h[nstep+1-l] = np.conj(h[l])
+ # compute displacement in frequency domain using Her function
+ qfft = -m*afft
+ u = np.zeros(nstep+1, dtype=complex)
+ for l in range(0, nstep+1):
+ u[l] = h[l]*qfft[l]
+ # compute displacement in time domain (ignore imaginary part)
+ utime = np.real(np.fft.ifft(u))
+ # spectral displacement, velocity, and acceleration
+ umax[j] = np.max(np.abs(utime))
+ vmax[j] = (2*np.pi/p[j])*umax[j]
+ amax[j] = (2*np.pi/p[j])*vmax[j]
+ return p, umax, vmax, amax
+.. raw:: html
+Workflow in EE-UQ
+The procedure for performing a transfer function analysis is shown below.
+A forward propagation problem will be performed. The UQ engine to be used is Dakota with parallel execution and saved working directories. The Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) method will be used with 10 samples and a seed of 913. The UQ tab should look similar to the one below.
+.. figure:: ./images/case2_UQTab_Workflow_TF.png
+ :scale: 30 %
+ :align: center
+ Fig. 7. Uncertainty Quantification.
+The General Information (GI) tab will not be utilized in this example since no structure will be used.
+For the simulation (SIM tab), the input script will be loaded using a CustomPy Model. Along with this, the number of response nodes will be 1 with a spatial dimension of 2. Each node will have 3 degrees of freedom (DOF) and the profile will have damping ratio of 2%. The centroid node value will be 1.
+.. figure:: ./images/case2_SimTab_TF.png
+ :scale: 30 %
+ :align: center
+ Fig. 8. Simulations.
+In the Event (EVT) tab, a Multiple SimCenter load generator will be used. The motion of interest will be uploaded here as a JSON file and will have a factor of 1.
+In the Finite Element Modeling (FEM) tab, select a CustomPy-Simulation.
+In the Engineering Demand Parameter (EDP) tab, select a user defined generator. The response parameters will be the ratio of acceleration spectra and velocity spectra from the propagation from rock to the soil.
+.. figure:: ./images/case2_EDPTab_Workflow_TF.png
+ :scale: 30 %
+ :align: center
+ Fig. 9. Engineering Demand Parameters.
+The Random Variables (RV) tab is where the values of H, Vs, and damping are implemented in the analysis. The values seen above are to be input here. A normal distribution will be used for all of these variables.
+.. figure:: ./images/case2_RVTab_Workflow_TF.png
+ :scale: 30 %
+ :align: center
+ Fig. 10. Random Variables.
+The user can opt for running the analysis on their local device or in DesignSafe.
+When the run is completed, the mean values of ratioA and ratioV, as well as uncertainty values,should be provided. These values show the ratio of average amplification/de-amplification in acceleration in velocity of the ground motion at the rock and the motion at the surface. The positive value of the ratio shows amplification occurred due to the propagation of the motion through the soil layer.
+.. figure:: ./images/case2_Results_Workflow_TF.png
+ :scale: 30 %
+ :align: center
+ Fig. 11. Results
+Because the input variables (H, Vs, damping, motions) each have uncertainty, that uncertainty is carried on to the transfer function analysis. EE-UQ allows for uncertainty quantification which allows for an analysis of which variables might be most important or what the "worst-case scenario" could be when designing. The normalized normal distribution for the acceleration and velocity amplification ratios are shown below.
+.. figure:: ./images/case2_Normalized_RatioA_histogram.png
+ :scale: 70 %
+ :align: center
+ Fig. 12. Normalized Acceleration Amplification Factor Histogram
+.. figure:: ./images/case2_Normalized_RatioV_histogram.png
+ :scale: 70 %
+ :align: center
+ Fig. 13. Normalized Velocity Amplification Factor Histogram
+Due to the infinite possibilities of variability the three main variables (H, Vs, Damping) can have, we see that the normal distribution is not well suited for this analysis, specifically. EE-UQ allows for other methods of uncertainty quantification. Below is a Gaussian Mixture Model. This method is effective in measuring the probability of certain subpopulations within a larger population.
+.. figure:: ./images/case2_Gaussian_Mixture_RatioA_histogram.png
+ :scale: 70 %
+ :align: center
+ Fig. 14. Gaussian Mixture Model - Acceleration Amplification Ratio.
+.. figure:: ./images/case2_Gaussian_Mixture_RatioV_histogram.png
+ :scale: 70 %
+ :align: center
+ Fig. 15. Gaussian Mixture Model - Velocity Amplification Ratio.
+.. note::
+ This situation is specific only to this example; normal distributions could very well suit another example.
+By extrapolating the values from EE-UQ, the shape of the transfer function can be determined. The natural frequencies of the first 4 peaks in the transfer function are also shown below.
+.. figure:: ./images/case2_TF_Nat_Freqs.png
+ :scale: 70 %
+ :align: center
+ Fig. 16. Transfer Function.
+.. raw:: html