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spf13/cobra examples

cobra generator installation

The cobra generator is not installed with go get (on Windows at least), to build and install:

  1. go get\spf13\viper.
  2. go get
  3. Navigate to GOPATH\src\\spf13\cobra\cobra (note the second cobra directory).
  4. go install.

Generating sample app

Run cobra init to create the structure for an app. The directory will be created under src. So in this case I ran cobra init Go-Security/cli-package-tests/spf13-cobra/app.

If not specified, the default LICENSE is Apache v2. Replace it with your own license if needed.

We can configure author and license with flags: cobra init app -l MIT -a "Parsia".


Main just calls cmd.Execute() which is in app/cmd/root.go.


Inside root.go we can define what the application does when nothing is passed to it.

var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
    Use:   "cobra-example",
    Short: "Sample app to learn Cobra",
    // Long is printed with -h
    Long: `Sample app to learn Cobra.
Second line.`,
    // Uncomment the following line if your bare application
    // has an action associated with it:
    // Here we can pass our own function for noArgs.
    Run: noArgs,

// noArgs is run if program is run without arguments.
func noArgs(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
    fmt.Println("please provide some arguments")

    // Print usage string

Cobra by default adds support to read info from cfg files using Viper.


This will be created if we do cobra add cmd1. We can set the description and other info for the cmd here. We can create aliases here by creating a string slice.

// cmd1Cmd represents the cmd1 command
var cmd1Cmd = &cobra.Command{
    Use:   "cmd1",
    Short: "Short description of cmd1",
    Long:  `Long description of cmd1`,
    // cmd1 aliases
    Aliases: []string{"cmd11", "cmd12"},
    Run:     cmd1Executor,

// cmd1Executor is run when cmd1 is called.
func cmd1Executor(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
    // Here we can see what command was run and also any arguments.
    fmt.Println("cmd1 called")
    // Print arguments after cmd1
    fmt.Println("arguments", args)

We can call cmd or any of the aliases and access the arguments after it.

$ go run main.go cmd11
cmd1 called

$ go run main.go cmd12
cmd1 called

$ go run main.go cmd1 arg1 arg2
cmd1 called
arguments [arg1 arg2]


We create cmd2 and assign cmd1 as its parent. cobra add cmd2 -p "cmd1Cmd". Note cmd1Cmd is correct and not cmd1. To get the name of the command, go to cmd1.go and look inside init():

func init() {

If this happens, modify the init function inside cmd2.go:

func init() {

Now we can run cmd2 as a subcommand of cmd1.

$ go run main.go cmd1 cmd2
cmd2 called

And it shows up in cmd1's help.

$ go run main.go cmd1 -h
Long description of cmd1

  cobra-example cmd1 [flags]
  cobra-example cmd1 [command]

  cmd1, cmd11, cmd12

Available Commands:
  cmd2        Short description of cmd2

  -h, --help   help for cmd1

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.app.yaml)

Use "cobra-example cmd1 [command] --help" for more information about a command.