Right now it is just a basic concept. You are welcome to contribute to bring ML into the Scala ecosystem.
There is an example of training ANN on MNIST dataset:
"neural network" should "classify MNIST data set" in {
val training = MNIST.loadTrainingSet(10000)
val test = MNIST.loadTestSet(100)
val (factor, input) = normalize(training.input)
val model = Dense(50, Sigmoid(), kernelReg = L2(0.005)) |&| Dense(10, Sigmoid(), kernelReg = L2(0.005))
val weights = Adam(rate = 0.01, batch = 100)
.minimize(nnError(model), horzcat(input, training.labels))
val classifier = nn(model)(weights)
val prediction = classifier(normalize(test.input, factor))
val accuracy = binaryAccuracy(test.labels, prediction)
accuracy should be > 0.9
- Stochastic Gradient Decent (SGD)
- SDG features (momentum, nesterow)
- Advanced Gradient Decent optimizations (AdaGrad, AdaDelta, RMSProp, Adam, NAdam, Adamax)
- Linear regression
- Logistic regression
- Artificial NN (Neural Network)
- Performance
- Documentation
- Convolutional NN
- Metrics
- Preprocessors
- Visualize NN learning process
- REST service
- UI
- Recurrent NN
- Tensor Flow as a backend