Basic input component in LDS. Consists of an input with a label. The onChange event is fired when the input value is changed (corresponds to the HTML onkeyup event).
- label (String) - Label for the Lookup
- searchString (String) - The search string displayed in the input box.
- items (Object[]) - The items to show in the lookup. This can either be a list of strings or a list of objects, each containing a label, iconName, iconType and iconSize.
- selected (Object) - The items which have been selected. This can either be a single string or a single object for a single select lookup or it could be a list of strings or objects for a multi-select lookup.
- defaultIconName (String) - Name of the icon to show in the left side when it is not provided on the items object.
- defaultIconType (String) - Type of the icon to show in the left side when it is not provided on the items object.
- defaultIconSize (String) - Size of the icon to show in the left side when it is not provided on the items object.
- onChange (ldsc:basicEvent) - Fired when the input (search) is changed. React to this event by filtering the items attribute component. The value attribute contains the latest search string.
- onRemove (ldsc:basicEvent) - Fired when an item is removed from the list. This is called when the close icon is clicked on the pill. Use this to reset the values in the lookup.
- onSelect (ldsc:basicEvent) - Fired when an item is selected in the list. Use this event to add an element to the lookup.
<aura:component access="GLOBAL">
<aura:handler name="init" value="{! this }" action="{! c.init }" />
<aura:attribute name="listOfObjects" type="Object[]" description="A sample list of objects." access="PRIVATE"/>
<aura:attribute name="listOfNumbers" type="Object[]" description="A sample list of numbers." access="PRIVATE"/>
<aura:attribute name="selectedNumber" type="Object" description="The number that was selected." access="PRIVATE"/>
<aura:attribute name="listOfSuperHeroes" type="Object[]" description="A sample list of numbers." access="PRIVATE"/>
<aura:attribute name="selectedHeroes" type="Object[]" description="The number that was selected." access="PRIVATE"/>
<aura:attribute name="herosSearchString" type="String" description="The heroes search string" access="PRIVATE"/>
<ldsc:LightningDesignApplication >
<ldsc:grid class="height-320">
<ldsc:col size="1" />
<ldsc:col size="2">
<ldsc:lookup label="Numbers" items="One,Two,Three"/>
<ldsc:col size="1" />
<ldsc:col size="3">
<ldsc:lookup label="Accounts" items="Account 1,Account 2,Account 3" defaultIconType="standard" defaultIconName="account" />
<ldsc:col size="1" />
<ldsc:col size="3">
<ldsc:lookup label="Objects" items="{! v.listOfObjects }" />
<ldsc:col size="1" />
<ldsc:grid class="height-320">
<ldsc:col size="1" />
<ldsc:col size="2">
<ldsc:lookup label="Numbers" items="{! v.listOfNumbers }" defaultIconType="standard" defaultIconName="opportunity" onChange="{! c.numbersChanged }" onSelect="{! c.numberSelected }" selected="{! v.selectedNumber }" onRemove="{! c.resetSelectedNumber }"/>
<ldsc:col size="1" />
<ldsc:col size="2">
<ldsc:lookup label="Heroes" items="{! v.listOfSuperHeroes }" searchString="{! v.herosSearchString }" onChange="{! c.heroesFilterChanged }" onSelect="{! c.heroSelected }" selected="{! v.selectedHeroes }" onRemove="{! c.removeHero }"/>
<ldsc:col size="1" />
init: function(component, event, helper) {
component.set('v.listOfObjects', helper.getListOfObjects());
numbersChanged: function(component, event, helper) {
// Get the search string
var searchString = event.getParam('value').toLowerCase();
// Filter the current list of numbers by the search string (use lowercase)
if (searchString !== '') {
component.set('v.listOfNumbers', helper.getNumbers().filter(function(num) {
return num.toLowerCase().startsWith(searchString);
} else {
component.set('v.listOfNumbers', []);
numberSelected: function(component, event, helper) {
// Remove the search results by nullifing the list
component.set('v.listOfNumbers', []);
// Set the selected number based on the value selected
component.set('v.selectedNumber', event.getParam('value'));
resetSelectedNumber: function(component, event, helper) {
component.set('v.selectedNumber', null);
heroesFilterChanged: function(component, event, helper) {
// Get the search string
var searchString = event.getParam('value').toLowerCase();
// Filter the current list of heroes by the search string (use lowercase)
if (searchString !== '') {
component.set('v.listOfSuperHeroes', helper.getSuperHeroes().filter(function(hero) {
return hero.label.toLowerCase().startsWith(searchString);
} else {
component.set('v.listOfSuperHeroes', []);
heroSelected: function(component, event, helper) {
// Nullify the search string
// Hack to nulify
component.set('v.herosSearchString', event.getParam('value'));
component.set('v.herosSearchString', '');
// Remove the search box
component.set('v.listOfSuperHeroes', []);
// Find the hero which was selected
var selectedHero = helper.getSuperHeroes().filter(function(hero) {
return hero.label == event.getParam('value');
// Get the current selection of heroes
var currentSelection = component.get('v.selectedHeroes');
// Append the heroes to the current selection
component.set('v.selectedHeroes', currentSelection.concat(selectedHero));
removeHero: function(component, event, helper) {
// Get current selection of heroes
var currentSelection = component.get('v.selectedHeroes');
// Remove the hero by filtering the list
component.set('v.selectedHeroes', currentSelection.filter(function(hero) {
return hero.label != event.getParam('value');
getListOfObjects: function() {
return [
label: 'Account',
iconType: 'standard',
iconName: 'account'
label: 'Opportunity',
iconType: 'standard',
iconName: 'opportunity'
label: 'Campaign',
iconType: 'standard',
iconName: 'campaign'
label: 'Event',
iconType: 'standard',
iconName: 'event'
getNumbers: function() {
return [
getSuperHeroes: function() {
return [
label: 'Superman',
iconName: 'reward',
iconType: 'standard'
label: 'Batman',
iconName: 'flow',
iconType: 'standard'
label: 'Spiderman',
iconName: 'feed',
iconType: 'standard'
label: 'Wonder Woman',
iconName: 'performance',
iconType: 'standard'
label: 'Ironman',
iconName: 'dashboard',
iconType: 'standard'
label: 'The hulk',
iconName: 'approval',
iconType: 'standard'
label: 'Thor',
iconName: 'photo',
iconType: 'standard'
label: 'Captain America',
iconName: 'today',
iconType: 'standard'
label: 'Elektra',
iconName: 'work_order_item',
iconType: 'standard'
label: 'Catwoman',
iconName: 'topic',
iconType: 'standard'
label: 'Deadpool',
iconName: 'article',
iconType: 'standard'
.THIS .height-320 {
height: 320px;