Multi-Select component in LDS. Consists of two side by side components which contain the list of options and the list of selections. The two sections can have a label (category).
- sourceCategory (String) - The first category header.
- destCategory (String) - The second category header.
- options (String[]) - The list of options
- selected (String[]) - The list of selected options
- onChange (ldsc:basicEvent) - onChange ldsc:basicEvent Called when the selection is changed. The value param of the event is an object containing the options and the selection which are both arrays.
<aura:attribute name="options" type="String[]" default="Option 1,Option 2,Option 3,Option 4,Option 5,Option 6,Option 7" access="GLOBAL" />
<aura:attribute name="selectedValues" type="String[]" access="GLOBAL" />
<ldsc:LightningDesignApplication >
<ldsc:multiSelect sourceCategory="Source" destCategory="Destination" options="{! v.options }" selected="{! v.selectedValues }" onChange="{! c.selectionChanged }" />
selectionChanged : function(component, event, helper) {
var values = event.getParam('value');
component.set('v.options', values.options);
component.set('v.selectedValues', values.selected);