This is a Java wrapper for the Fake You API
This Library is released under the GNU General Public License
Use it at your own risk!
FakeYouClient client = new FakeYouClient();
try {
// use this if you're a subscriber and want use your priority privileges
// client.login("[user]", "[pwd]");
// get all vices
List<TTSVoice> voices = client.getVoices();
if (voices == null || voices.isEmpty()) {
// get random voice
TTSVoice voice = voices.get(Math.abs((int)System.currentTimeMillis() % voices.size()));
byte[] data = client.getAudioBytes("Hello, this is a test", voice);
if (data != null) {
System.out.printf("received audio data %d bytes\n", data.length);
} else {
System.out.println("unable to load audio file");
} catch (Exception e) {