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Configuration options

Nicholas Firth-McCoy edited this page Oct 6, 2015 · 8 revisions
# config/initializers/payola.rb

Payola.configure do |payola|
  payola.secret_key = 'sk_live_iwillnevertell'
  payola.publishable_key = 'pk_live_iguessicantell'

  # payola.default_currency = 'gbp'

  payola.subscribe '' do |sale|

  payola.subscribe '' do |sale|

  payola.subscribe '' do |sale|

Stripe Keys

You can set your Stripe keys in two ways:

  1. By setting STRIPE_SECRET_KEY and STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY environment variables to their corresponding values.
  2. By setting the secret_key and publishable_key settings in your Payola config initializer as shown above.


Payola wraps the StripeEvent gem for event processing and adds a few special sale-related events. Each one of these events passes the related Sale instance instead of a Stripe::Event. They are sent in-process so you don't have to wait for Stripe to send the corresponding webhooks.

  • payola.<product_class>.sale.finished, when a sale completes successfully
  • payola.<product_class>.sale.failed, when a charge fails
  • payola.<product_class>.sale.refunded, when a charge is refunded

(In these examples, <product_class> is the underscore'd version of the product's class name.)

You can also subscribe to generic events that do not have the product_class included in them. Those are:

  •, when a sale completes successfully
  •, when a charge fails
  •, when a charge is refunded

Pre-charge Filter

You can set a callback that Payola will call immediately before attempting to make a charge. You can use this to, for example, check to see if the email address has been used already. To stop Payola from making a charge, throw a RuntimeError. The sale will be set to errored state and the message attached to the runtime error will be propogated back to the user.

Payola.configure do |payola|
  payola.charge_verifier = lambda do |sale|
    raise "Improper sale!" unless sale.amount > 10_000_000

You can optionally pass some data through the checkout button partial using the custom_fields option. This will be presented as a second argument to charge_verifier. For example:

<%= render 'payola/transactions/checkout', custom_fields: {'hi' => 'there'} %>
Payola.configure do |payola|
  payola.charge_verifier = lambda do |sale, custom_data|
    raise "Rude charge did not say hi!" unless custom_data['hi']

Whatever data you pass through the custom_data option will be serialized and then signed with your Stripe secret key. You should stick to simple types like numbers, string, and hashes here, and try to minimize what you pass because it will end up both in the HTML you send to the user as well as the database.


You can subscribe to any webhook events you want as well. Payola will dedupe events as they come in. Make sure to set your webhook address in Stripe's management interface to:

To subscribe to a webhook event:

Payola.configure do |payola|
  payola.subscribe 'charge.succeeded' do |event|
    sale = Payola::Sale.find_by(stripe_id:

Payola uses StripeEvent#event_retriever internally. If you would like to customize or filter the events that come through, use Payola's event_filter:

Payola.configure do |payola|
  payola.event_filter = lambda do |event|
    return nil unless event.blah?

event_filter takes an event and returns either nil or an event. If you return nil, the event ID will be recorded in the database but no further action will be taken. Returning the event allows processing to continue.

Note: 'Test Webhooks' Button on Stripe Dashboard

This button sends an example event to your webhook urls, including an id of evt_00000000000000. To confirm that Stripe sent the webhook, StripeEvent attempts to retrieve the event details from Stripe using the given id. In this case the event does not exist and StripeEvent responds with 401 Unauthorized. Instead of using the 'Test Webhooks' button, trigger webhooks by using the Stripe API or Dashboard to create test payments, customers, etc.

You can read more about stripe event here.

Note: 'Retry Webhook' Button on Stripe Dashboard

This button re-sends a webhook, which is useful for testing your webhook subscriptions in development (using something like Ultrahook). If you resend a webhook, you'll need to delete the existing Payola::StripeWebhook record for this webhook from your database, otherwise the Payola will treat it as a duplicate that has already been processed and will ignore it.

Background Jobs

Payola will attempt to auto-detect the job queuing system you are using. It currently supports the following systems:

  • ActiveJob (:active_job)
  • Sidekiq (:sidekiq)
  • SuckerPunch (:sucker_punch)

Payola will attempt ActiveJob first and then move on to try autodetecting other systems. If you want to force Payola to use a specific supported system, just set background_worker to the appropriate symbol. For example:

Payola.background_worker = :sidekiq

You can also set this to anything with a call method, for complete control over how Payola's jobs get queued. For example, you can run jobs in-process like this:

Payola.background_worker = lambda do |klass, *args|*args)


Payola includes basic emails that you can optionally send to your customers and yourself. Opt into them like this:

Payola.configure do |config|
  config.send_email_for :receipt, :admin_receipt

Possible emails include:

  • :receipt
  • :refund
  • :admin_receipt
  • :admin_dispute
  • :admin_refund
  • :admin_failure

:receipt and :refund both send to the email address on the Payola::Sale instance from the support_email address. All of the :admin messages are sent from and to the support_email address.

To customize the content of the emails, copy the appropriate views (receipt, admin) into your app at the same path (app/views/payola/<whatever>) and modify them as you like. You have access to @sale and @product, which is just a shortcut to @sale.product.

You can include a PDF with your receipt by setting the pdf_receipt option to true. This will send the receipt_pdf.html template to Docverter for conversion to PDF. See the Docverter README for installation instructions if you would like to run your own instance.

GUID Generator

You can override the GUID generator that Payola uses. By default it generates a large random number and encodes it in Base32.

Payola.configure do |config|
  config.guid_generator = lambda do

Owner Association

Payola::Sale has a polymorphic belongs_to :owner association which you can use to assign a sale to a particular business object in your application. One way to do this is in the charge_verifier:

Payola.configure do |config|
  config.charge_verifier = lambda do |sale, custom_fields|
    sale.owner = User.find(custom_fields[:user_id])!

In this example you would have set the user_id custom field in the Checkout partial to the proper ID.

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