- Fix form encoded by replacing CGI.escape with URI parser.
- Change URI.escape to CGI.escape which changes form encoding for spaces from "%20" to "+".
- Fix Case Sensitivity of Content Type for deserialization process
- Fix Case Sensitivity of Acessing Headers by formatting beforehand
- Add support for multipart/form-data file uploads with JSON content FormParts.
- Ensure Zlib::GzipReader/Writer is used for inflating/deflating gzippable HTTP request bodies.
- Fix bug where nested array responses were not completely deserialized into openstructs.
- Fix bug where nested responses were not completely deserialized into openstructs.
- Fix regression where boundary parameter was not set in multipart requests.
- Add gzip support.
- Ensure requests are immutable.
- Add Form encoder.
- Remove serialize/deserialize methods in http client in favor of exposing encoder.
- Move multipart serialization into separate encoder.
- Use releasinator to automate releases.
- Fix releasinator script.
- Use releasinator to automate releases.
- Support JSON array response data.