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File metadata and controls

200 lines (169 loc) · 10.2 KB


Gonetics is a bioinformatics library for the Go programming language (golang). It provides native data structures for handling genetic data and methods for handling common file formats such as BAM, GTF, BED, BigWig, and Wig. The documentation is available here.


Executables are available here.

Tool Description
bamCheckBin check bin records of a bam file
bamGenome print the genome (sequence table) of a bam file
bamToBigWig convert bam to bigWig (estimate fragment length if required)
bamView print contents of a bam file
bigWigEditChromNames edit chromosome names of a bigWig file (i.e. replace chr1 by just 1)
bigWigExtract extract regions from a bigWig file and save them as table or bigWig file
bigWigExtractChroms extract a subset of the chromosomes from a bigWig file
bigWigGenome print the genome (sequence table) of a bigWig file
bigWigHistogram compute a histogram of the values in a bigWig file
bigWigNil read bigWig and output it to a new file
bigWigMap apply a function to a set of bigWig files
bigWigPositive simple peak finding (i.e. every region with a value above a threshold)
bigWigQuantileNormalize quantile normalize a bigWig file to a reference
bigWigQuery retrieve data from a bigWig file
bigWigQuerySequence retrieve sequences from a bigWig file
bigWigStatistics compute summary statistics of a bigWig file
chromHmmTablesToBigWig convert chromHmm output (posteriors / binariezed bams) to bigWig
countKmers count kmers in a set of DNA sequences
drawGenomicRegions draw random genomic regions
fastaExtract extract regions from a fasta file
fastaUnresolvedRegions identify regions that are not resolved (i.e. stretches of 'NNNN...')
gtfToBed convert GTF files to Bed6 format
memeExtract extract PWM/PPM motifs from MEME/DREME xml files
observedOverExpectedCpG compute CpG scores as defined by Gardiner-Garden and Frommer (1987)
pwmScanSequences scan sequences for PWM hits
pwmScanRegions scan regions for multiple PWMs
segmentationDifferential extract differential regions from multiple chromatin segmentations


Create a GRanges object with three ranges on the first chromosome:

  seqnames := []string{"chr1", "chr1", "chr1"}
  from     := []int{100000266, 100000271, 100000383}
  to       := []int{100000291, 100000296, 100000408}
  strand   := []byte{'+', '+', '-'}

  granges  := NewGRanges(seqnames, from, to, strand)
  seqnames                 ranges strand
1     chr1 [100000266, 100000291)      +
2     chr1 [100000271, 100000296)      +
3     chr1 [100000383, 100000408)      -

Add some meta data to the GRanges object:

  granges.AddMeta("data", []float64{1.0, 2.0, 3.0})
  seqnames                 ranges strand |          data
1     chr1 [100000266, 100000291)      + |      1.000000
2     chr1 [100000271, 100000296)      + |      2.000000
3     chr1 [100000383, 100000408)      - |      3.000000

Find overlaps of two GRanges objects:

  rSubjects := NewGRanges(
    []string{"chr4", "chr4", "chr4", "chr4"},
    []int{100, 200, 300, 400},
    []int{150, 250, 350, 450},
  rQuery := NewGRanges(
    []string{"chr1", "chr4", "chr4", "chr4", "chr4", "chr4"},
    []int{100, 110, 190, 340, 390, 450},
    []int{150, 120, 220, 360, 400, 500},

  queryHits, subjectHits := FindOverlaps(rQuery, rSubjects)
  queryHits: [1 2 3 4 5]
subjectHits: [0 1 2 3 3]


Download gene list from UCSC and export it to file:

  genes := ImportGenesFromUCSC("hg19", "ensGene")
  genes.WriteTable("hg19.knownGene.txt", true, false)
                 names seqnames          transcripts                  cds strand
     1 ENST00000456328     chr1 [   11868,    14409) [   14409,    14409)      +
     2 ENST00000515242     chr1 [   11871,    14412) [   14412,    14412)      +
     3 ENST00000518655     chr1 [   11873,    14409) [   14409,    14409)      +
     4 ENST00000450305     chr1 [   12009,    13670) [   13670,    13670)      +
     5 ENST00000423562     chr1 [   14362,    29370) [   29370,    29370)      -
                   ...      ...                  ...                  ...       
204936 ENST00000420810     chrY [28695571, 28695890) [28695890, 28695890)      +
204937 ENST00000456738     chrY [28732788, 28737748) [28737748, 28737748)      -
204938 ENST00000435945     chrY [28740997, 28780799) [28780799, 28780799)      -
204939 ENST00000435741     chrY [28772666, 28773306) [28773306, 28773306)      -
204940 ENST00000431853     chrY [59001390, 59001635) [59001635, 59001635)      +

Import expression data from a GTF file:

  genes.ImportGTF("genesExpr_test.gtf.gz", "transcript_id", "FPKM", false)
                 names seqnames          transcripts                  cds strand |          expr
     1 ENST00000456328     chr1 [   11868,    14409) [   14409,    14409)      + |      0.073685
     2 ENST00000515242     chr1 [   11871,    14412) [   14412,    14412)      + |      0.000000
     3 ENST00000518655     chr1 [   11873,    14409) [   14409,    14409)      + |      0.000000
     4 ENST00000450305     chr1 [   12009,    13670) [   13670,    13670)      + |      0.000000
     5 ENST00000423562     chr1 [   14362,    29370) [   29370,    29370)      - |     10.413931
                   ...      ...                  ...                  ...        |           ...
204936 ENST00000420810     chrY [28695571, 28695890) [28695890, 28695890)      + |      0.000000
204937 ENST00000456738     chrY [28732788, 28737748) [28737748, 28737748)      - |      0.000000
204938 ENST00000435945     chrY [28740997, 28780799) [28780799, 28780799)      - |      0.000000
204939 ENST00000435741     chrY [28772666, 28773306) [28773306, 28773306)      - |      0.000000
204940 ENST00000431853     chrY [59001390, 59001635) [59001635, 59001635)      + |      0.000000


Import peaks from a MACS xls file:

  peaks := ImportXlsPeaks("peaks_test.xls")
   seqnames             ranges strand |  abs_summit     pileup -log10(pvalue) fold_enrichment -log10(qvalue)
 1       2L [   5757,    6001)      * |        5865  33.000000      19.809300        6.851880      17.722200
 2       2L [  47233,   47441)      * |       47354  36.000000      19.648200        6.263150      17.566200
 3       2L [  66379,   67591)      * |       66957 252.000000     350.151250       50.986050     346.525450
 4       2L [  72305,   72838)      * |       72525 170.000000     208.558240       34.460930     205.734390
 5       2L [  72999,   73218)      * |       73130  25.000000      12.711700        5.239670      10.700880
        ...                ...        |         ...        ...            ...             ...            ...
12       2R [3646319, 3646794)      * |     3646442  37.000000      23.176910        7.455710      21.063850
13       2R [3666770, 3668041)      * |     3667119 215.000000     279.229060       41.551060     276.108090
14       2R [3668231, 3668441)      * |     3668363  22.000000       9.943110        4.476950       7.976070
15       2R [3670063, 3670393)      * |     3670180  38.000000      19.474590        5.901360      17.393440
16       2R [3670470, 3670927)      * |     3670719 227.000000     305.243350       45.831180     301.974760


Import ChIP-seq reads from bed files and create a track with the normalized signal:

  fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Parsing reads (treatment) ...\n")
  treatment1 := GRanges{}
  treatment2 := GRanges{}
  fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Parsing reads (control)   ...\n")
  control1   := GRanges{}
  control2   := GRanges{}

  genome  := Genome{}
  d       := 200 // d=200 (see *_peaks.xls)
  binsize := 100 // binsize of the track
  pcounts := 1   // pseudocounts
  track := NormalizedTrack("H3K4me3",
    []GRanges{treatment1, treatment2}, []GRanges{control1, control2},
    genome, d, binsize, pcounts, pcounts, false)

Export track to wig or bigWig:

  track.WriteWiggle("track.wig", "track description")
  track.WriteBigWig("",  "track description")

BigWig Files

BigWig files contain data in a binary format optimized for fast random access. In addition to the raw data, bigWig files typically contain several zoom levels for which the data has been summarized. The BigWigReader class allows to query data and it automatically selects an appropriate zoom level for the given binsize:

  reader, err := NewBigWigReader("")
  if err != nil {
  // query details
  seqname := "chr4" // (regular expression)
  from    := 11774000
  to      := 11778000
  binsize := 20

  for record := range reader.Query(seqname, from, to, binsize) {
    if record.Error != nil {
      log.Fatalf("reading bigWig failed: %v", record.Error)