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Add your sixth homework as a pull request to this folder.

Deadline 2020-05-14 EOD

Task: For a selected data set (you can use data from your project or data from Homework 1) prepare a knitr/jupiter notebook with the following points. Submit your results on GitHub to the directory Homeworks/H6.


  1. For the selected data set, train at least one tree-based ensemble model (random forest, gbm, catboost or any other boosting)
  2. for selected variables from the model (1) calculate Partial Dependence Profiles and Accumulated Local Dependence
  3. train a second model with a different structure (neural nets, linear, other boosting) and find a variable that has different behaviour between models
  4. Comment on the results for points (2) and (3)

Important note:

The submitted homework should be in html format (generated from a knitter/jupiter) and should consist of two parts.

The first part is the key results and comments from points 2-4. In this part PLESE DO NOT SHOW ANY R/PYTHON CODES, RESULTS (IMAGES, COMMENTS) ONLY.

The second part should start with the word Appendix or Załącznik and should include the reproducible R/PYTHON code used to implement points 1-4.

Such division 1. will make these homework more readable, 2. will create good habits related to reporting.