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- NLP as a subset of AI
- NLTK is one of many NLP suites of libraries available
- great because it's open source (not a black box) and source can be easily be browsed (unlike many Java jars)
- Quick Python review
- google has been successful because they have had a huge training set from people clicking on the right 'answer'
- what is required?
- Domain knowledge
- A corpus in the domain
- the NLP pipleline:
- today, we are ignoring the first two columns
- morphology: the study of the forms of things, words in particular:
- orthographic rules: puppy -> puppies
- morphological rules: goose -> geese or fish
- parsing task: stemming (lemmatization) and tokenization
- tokens = symbols of language
- words = tokens with meaning
- stem = what you would look up in the dictionary
- syntax = the study of the rules for formation of sentences
- a sentence diagram:
- hierarchical and ordered
- S = sentence, NP, NP = noun phrase, VP = verb phrase
- a sentence diagram:
- semantics = the study of meaning
- Leveraging NLTK (
- "NLP is perfect for MapReduce" (Hadoop)
- major packages:
- Utilities:
- probability (Frequency and Conditional Distributions)
- text, data, grammar, and corpus
- tree (An impressive tree data structure and subclasses)
- draw (Visualizations in Tkinter)
- Language Processing
- tokenize, stem (Morphological Processing, Segmentation)
- collocations, models (NGram Analysis)
- tag, chunk (Tagging and named entity Recognition)
- parse (Syntactic Parsing)
- sem (Semantic Analyses)
- more: classification, clustering
- Utilities:
- things to look into
- what other projects like exist?
- - ANother Tool for Language Recognition
- NLTK being "Production ready analytics with Numpy or Pandas"
- hadoop streaming w/ NLTK