All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated rhino3dm to be based on the Rhino 8 version of OpenNURBS
- (js, py) Added ViewportInfo.TargetPoint
- (js, py) Added BrepFace.CreateExtrusion
- (.net) Added two new Hatch creation routines (CreateFromBrep and Create). The Create version takes curve loop inputs to create the hatch.
- Updated opennurbs source to be based on Rhino 7.15 version
- (js, py) Added Circle.Plane and Circle.BoundingBox properties; Circle.IsInPlane and Circle.Transform functions
- (py) Added Curve.ClosedCurveOrientation overload supporting an input plane. Added Curve.DerivativeAt
- (py) Added Vector3d.IsParallelTo and VectorAngle functions
- (py) Added Transform.Multiply as well as access properties to all values in the transform
- (.net) Add Curve.JoinCurves, Ellipse.Center, Ellipse.FocalDistance, ArcArc and CircleCircle intersections, NurbsCurve.Append
- (js, py) Added ModelComponent.DataCRC, ModelComponent.IsSystemComponent, ModelComponent.ClearId
- (py) Apple Silicon builds possible
- Updated opennurbs source to be based on Rhino 7.14 version
- (.net) Added Quaternion.GetRotation
- Updated opennurbs source to be based on Rhino 7.11 version
- (js, py) Circle.ClosestParameter, Light.GetSpotLightRadii, MeshFaceList.GetFaceVertices, MeshFaceList.GetFaceCenter, Sphere.ClosestParameter from @fraguada
- (js) BezierCurve.toNurbsCurve changed ToNurbsCurve to toNurbsCurve to stay consistent with function naming in library
- (js) File3dm.strings table was always reporting a count of 0 @fraguada
- (py) Point3d.Transform was not callable
- (js, py) AnnotationBase.RichText and PlainText properties
- (js, py) Arc.AngleDomain, StartAngle, EndAngle, StartAngleRadians, EndAngleRadians properties
- (js, py) Arc.ClosestParameter function
- (js, py) BezierCurve.ToNurbsCurve and Split function
- (js, py) Surface.SetDomain, GetSpanVector, IsoCurve, GetSurfaceParameterFromNurbsFormParameter, and GetNurbsFormParameterFromSurfaceParameter functions
- (js, py) Curve.TangentAtStart and TangentAtEnd properties
- (js, py) Curve.FrameAt, GetCurveParameterFromNurbsFormParameter, and GetNurbsFormParameterFromCurveParameter functions
- Adjusted version number of library to be based on the underlying Rhino version that source is based on
- Use pybind11 2.6.1 for python compile
- (js) Bumped version to 0.16.1 to fix missing file in npm distribution (javascript only)
- (js, py) EarthAnchorPoint class
- (js, py) Surface.FrameAt function from @fraguada
- (js, py) InstanceDefinition.SourceArchive and InstanceDefinition.UpdateType properties from @s3ththompson
- (js, py) MeshTextureCoordinateList.Add function from @GeertArien
- (.NET) Updated all .NET classes/functions to match what has been added up to Rhino 7.6
- (js, py) Surface.Domain function from @fraguada
- (js, py) File3dmLayerTable.AddLayer function
- (js, py) CommonObject.IsValid property
- (py) docgen generates a better typehint file for python to improve autocomplete in IDEs
- (js) Got web assembly compilation to work on Windows from @kovacsv
- (js) Fixed File3dm.ToByteArray memory corruption from @kovacsv
- (js, py) Get correct vertex colors from Draco compressed mesh from @pearswj
- (.NET) Win32 native dlls included in nuget package
- Based on public opennurbs from Rhino 7.6
- docgen now based on .NET 5 from @pearswj
- Use emscripten 2.0.10 for web assembly compile from @pearswj
- (js/py) ViewInfo constructor
- (js/py) File3dmGroupTable.GroupMembers function
- (js/py) Transform.Translation, Scale and Mirror functions
- (js/py) BrepFace.DuplicateFace and BrepFace.DuplicateSutrface functions
- (js/py) Interval(double, double) constructor from @pearswj
- (js/py) File3dm.Destroy function
- (js/py) Material.CompareAppearance function
- (js) Mesh.toThreejsJSONMerged function
- Based on public opennurbs from Rhino 7.1
- Use pybind11 2.6.1 for python compile
- (py/js) Improve pointer tracking for CommonObject classes
- (js/py) LightStyle enum
- (js/py) Light.LightStyle, Ambient, Diffuse and Specular properties
- (js/py) Mesh.CreateFromSubDControlNet function
- (js/py) Mesh.HasPrincipleCurvatures property
- (js/py) SubD class
- (js) PointCloud.toThreejsJSON function from @fraguada
- (js) Mesh.thThreejsJSON function includes vertex colors when available from @fraguada
- Based on public opennurbs from Rhino 7.0